Ic3d_vendingmachines | UI Vending Machines | [FREE][ESX]




  • A cool vending UI :smiley:


  • Interactive UI to choose destiny
  • 6 Languages :portugal: :us: :brazil: :fr: :poland: :es:
  • Configurable range, item, price and prop(s)
  • 6 languages available
  • Cool UI


  • ESX

Download (FREE)

Created by

My other scripts


Nice one love you bro :heart_eyes:


Does this work for the cola machine as well?

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Yes, you can change or add the model in the config.
But the UI will stay the same unfortunately

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Oh, perfect thank you would be nice if it could change depending on the vending machine your using i might have a look into that if that’s ok.

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Yeah sure, you just need to change the photo in the html, and if needed ajust the button position

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nice bro


Hey! First of all, nice release!
How can i add more items?

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Thank you!
In the config, if you want to add multiple buttons, you can clone the existing one in the html and css, and ajust the position


Can you Give me a Exempel for adding more items?


You want more item for the same machine or different ones?


yes please the same amount of items that is in the image of the machine would be GREAT! so 9 different buttons for 9 different items

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Yeah this would be nice, can you do this @ic3d ?


certainly can
will post it on github when It’s done

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Fun fact, been working on something like this for the last 2 years ish on and off, just didn’t bother spending too much time on it as it wasn’t a priority plus me not really playing FiveM anymore; was also considering to release it (would’ve been a paid resource as it was quite a bit more “advanced” than yours), but now that you published this I’m debating if there’s any point of me finishing mine, and if I do if I should just release it for free at this point…

Quick sneak peek
(this one also has the chance of having a flickering effect on the brand to simulate a “broken” backlight)

Basically it has UI for every type of Vending machines in the game, expect for the condom ones.


Sharing is caring my friend :100:

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You should!
My original idea was making the 8 buttons, but I was too lazy.

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so will you make the 8 other buttons???

I may release as a v2

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That would be :fire: TBH I like your UI better for the soda machine instead of just buttons popping up

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