Ic3d_bussystem V1 (UPDATED) | UI Bus System | [PAID][ESX+QB-CORE]




  • This is an interactive bus system with an UI to choose destiny and many other configurable features (UPDATED VERSION, V1 NOW HAS ESX AND QB-CORE ON THE SAME RESOURCE)
  • Who bought the v1 before, has access to this version for FREE. (already on your keymaster)
  • Update details on discord
  • V2 will be updated soon to have the same compatibility and not be separated resources.


  • Interactive UI to choose destiny
  • 6 Languages :portugal: :us: :brazil: :fr: :poland: :es:
  • Configurable bus color and plate
  • Configurable ped
  • Any other add-on bus is compatible
  • Each stop has its own price ( Configurable )
  • ESX & QB-CORE compatibility
  • Exit the bus anytime you want
  • 15 Default stops | easy addition of more ( tutorial on readme.md )
  • Readme.md explaining how to change everything


  • Easy customization with instructions on how to change everything


Code is accessible Yes/No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~900
Requirements ESX/QB-CORE
Support Yes

My other scripts

would it be possible if the bus simply travelled a route at interval X instead of spawning every time?

regular npc operation, so to speak.

Hello, that would be in a different script, like a โ€œtransit systemโ€.
The ideia for this script is exactly whats presented.

Thanks for you suggestion tho :slight_smile:
Maybe in the future I make a script like that.