Ic3d_bussystem | UI Bus System | [PAID][ESX][QB-CORE]




  • This is an interactive bus system with an UI to choose destiny and many other configurable features


  • Interactive UI to choose destiny
  • 6 Languages :portugal: :us: :brazil: :fr: :poland: :es:
  • Configurable bus color and plate
  • Configurable ped
  • Any other add-on bus is compatible
  • Each stop has its own price ( Configurable )
  • ESX & QB-CORE compatible
  • Exit the bus anytime you want
  • 15 Default stops | easy addition of more ( tutorial on readme.md )
  • Readme.md explaining how to change everything


  • Easy customization with instructions on how to change everything

FiveM Asset Escrow System

  • This script is not using the Asset Escrow system.

Download (9.99€) + VAT

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~600
Requirements ESX/QB-CORE
Support Yes

My other scripts


Price decreased: (9.99€) + VAT

First, it said dependency esextended not found… So I commented that out of the fx… Because I bought qbcore version… which it says in the readme ‘QBCore version’…
Now I get this error

Thanks and have a great day

Hi, I just uploaded the fix for that, please re-download the script at your keymaster.
If you have any more problems, contact me through discord!

thank you for buying :slight_smile:

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Great job! Looks fun :beers:

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thank you :heart:

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10€ the bus ticket, it’s expensive dang! :melting_face:

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indeed :flushed:


good job :blush:

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nice job miss u bro

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Nice script! But i was hoping for a script where NPC drive around the city, stops at busstop for a specific time (Waiting) and the player could go inside the bus, if no player enter bus, it contiune to next stop and it has a start and and zone where it start lets say every 10-15 minutes? Multi routes. :slight_smile:

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Thank you!
Your idea is good, but if I did something like that it would be in another script, because it completely change the idea of ​​this one.

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hi i bought this script but it said : you lack the entitlement

Hey, are you using a key from the same cfx account that you bought the script?

oh thanks i know wats wrong

No worries, thanks for buying the script! :grinning:

sry but how can i exit the bus anytime press what?(my english bad)

Just press “F”, or whatever your leave vehicle key is! :smile:

hhh sry i use seatbalt so i can’t exit