Ic3d_identity | ESX_IDENTITY RE-SKIN | [PAID][ESX]




  • A cool esx_identity re-skin :smiley:


  • Cool animation


  • ESX Legacy

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Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~2000
Requirements ESX-LEGACY
Support Yes

My other scripts

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If I am not wrong, you can´t sell a ESX scripts, because of license. But correct me if am I wrong in this.

Unless he made it from scratch. this should go free

nice work bro love you

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Ofcourse you can sell an ESX script. As long as you made it yourself.
Although it doesn’t really seem like he made this himself, depends on the specific license of the original script he used though.

The license on the script that I re-skined clearly states that I can sell this.
just to clear up all your doubts…

Yeah, I mean it like that

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Well I neither had nor do I have any doubts, I quite literally just explained how it works for the other guy that had doubts :laughing:
Well cool release!

ye :smiley:
thank you!

Okay, sorry mb

no problem at all!