Ic3d_bussystemv2 | UI Bus System V2 | [PAID][ESX][QB-CORE]




  • This is an interactive bus system with an smooth and clean UI to choose destiny and many other configurable features


  • Interactive UI to choose destiny
  • Open source
  • Clean and smooth animations
  • 3 Types of maps to choose, zoom and drag
  • 6 Languages
  • Configurable bus color and plate
  • Configurable ped
  • Not encrypted
  • Features an UI size and font that matches my other scripts
  • Any other add-on bus is compatible
  • Each stop has its own price ( Configurable )
  • ESX & QB-CORE compatible
  • Exit the bus anytime you want
  • Random destination button
  • 17 Default stops | easy addition of more ( tutorial on readme.md )
  • Readme.md explaining how to change everything


  • Easy customization with instructions on how to change everything

FiveM Asset Escrow System

  • This script is not using the Asset Escrow system.

Download (19.99€) + VAT

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~2000
Requirements ESX/QB-CORE
Support Yes

My other scripts


Goodday, i have V1 recently purchased, and can i dowload V2 now also?

Hey, I can provide you a discount!
Contact me through discord!

i already bought v1 shouldnt this be in keymaster already?

the ui is beautiful, goodjob!

Thank you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

No, this is supposed to be a different script! But I can provide you a discount!
Contact me.

It can…
Why does it looks strange?

:hammer_and_pick: UPDATE

List of Changes:

[+] Merged ESX+QB-CORE compatibiliy
[/] Fixed Font Awesome imports
[/] Fixed images and initial image max-height

Modified Files:

âť—Please reinstall all files to avoid any problemsâť—

+ added / changed - removed

beautiful :heart_eyes:

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