[FREE] [STANDALONE] Grid & Slot Based Inventory **ALPHA**

BOII | Development - Grid & Slot Inventory ALPHA

Please be aware this resource is currently not release ready, it is more proof of concept than entirely usable. It is exploitable and does contain some bugs. This will be overhauled prior to the actual release, for now the purpose is to replace a context menu inventory within boii dev update videos, so these issues are not a problem for me right now.

:video_camera: Preview

Alpha v0.0.1

:earth_africa: Overview

Introducing BOII Inventory!

This resource was created to be the main inventory within the BOII Framework, with the flexibility to support both role-play (RP) servers and survival servers.The inventory system offers a combined slot and grid-based inventory, allowing server administrators to switch between the two with a config toggle.

The resource is designed to be virtually standalone through the use of boii_utils, and should be easy to integrate into any existing framework.

Please be aware this resource is currently a basic alpha release, a lot of work will be done, some bugs are to be expected. Do not expect this to drag and drop into any other framework it simply will not, some setup will be required.This should be relatively simple to do however information on how to do this is currently limited, this will be updated in due course.

Appreciate any feedback that comes for this and will make sure to get it fully finished and out as soon as possible!

For now its just another free inventory for people to mess around with :heart:


:globe_with_meridians: Features

  • Slot Based Inventory: A regular slot based inventory with customisable max slots on a player by player basis.
  • Grid Based Inventory: A grid based inventory with customisable grid sizes per player.
  • Other Inventory Support: Supports other inventories, currently only covers gloveboxes and trunks however additional “others” can be added easily.
  • Stack Splitting: Both inventories support splitting stacks of items.
  • Use & Drop Items: Both inventories support using and dropping items through boii_items.

:star: Getting Started

To start using boii_inventory, clone or download the latest version of the library and integrate into your projects.

:hammer_and_wrench: Dependencies

This resource relies heavily on our utility library for smooth functionality with multiple frameworks.

For picking up dropped items you can use one of the following target systems:

:handshake: Contribution & Support

The BOII Roleplay Framework is an open-source project.
We encourage developers to contribute, suggest improvements, or raise issues.

If you’d like to contribute to the development of the framework, or any individual framework related resource created by BOII Development, please fork the repository and submit a pull request or contact us directly.

I will try to respond to any of the questions people may have here, however it might be a faster response to hop in one of our direct channels :slight_smile:

:memo: Notes

  • This resource is built to be flexible and should integrate well with other frameworks with some adjustments, however you are expected to do this yourself right now.
  • Always ensure you are using the latest version of boii_utils to avoid compatibility issues.
  • Please remember this inventory is still in alpha stages, this is not a complete resource, some bugs are too be expected.
  • Again, alpha release, its free, please do not harass me about it, it will be finished and fully release ready as soon as possible, patience here is appreciated.
  • Documentation is coming for now this does not exist.

:envelope_with_arrow: Links

:free: Our other resources

We do have a variety of other free resources however these have not been updated with multi-framework compatibility yet, this is being worked on, appreciate the patience. You can find other free resources on our tebex stores Tebex 1 | Tebex 2 or our GitHub

:moneybag: Our paid multiframework resources

We do have a variety of other paid resources however these have not been updated with multi-framework compatibility yet, this is being worked on, appreciate the patience. You can find other paid resources on our tebex store Tebex 1

We do have a variety of other free resources however these have not been updated with multi-framework compatibility yet, this is being worked on, appreciate the patience. You can find other free resources on our tebex stores Tebex 1 | Tebex 2 or our GitHub


Looks like a great scripts, but where is the boii_items resource

Both are still in alpha, just at a usable state essentially.
Will both be completed and a lot of additional work done as soon I have more time got some paid stuff to update <3

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Thank you, and how do i make an item take more slots?

Well spotted.

Items needs a quick update to change the item lists to ones with included grid section, I forgot to do that will do it now.

Would be here though the “grid” section.

Give me 5mins will update items with the version i’m currently using in my dev.

Updated :slight_smile:

Thank You, And Again Great Script

Ahhh its not great yet but it will be :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I just wanted it at a good enough stage to use as the inventory in my preview videos and its pretty much there, I only really needed a player inventory for now.

Soon as I got a couple things ticked off my job list ill come back to this and massively improve on it.

Any feedback and suggestions are always appreciated :slight_smile:

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Hey, can you add ‘give’ in the menu?

I was discussing the give aspect not long before releasing it as is, personally to me it feels a little pointless since you can drop the individual item and someone can pick it up probably quicker than you could give an item anyway, and then its just an additional place to add validation for no real reason.

If its something that people want though for sure I can do it :slight_smile:
Hoping to build plenty of feedback with it being released early and then I can prioritize the highest demand things.

Just to clarify as messaged in another reply currently its just at a stage where im personally happy enough with it to use it within my new update videos for resources, theres still plenty of work to be done on it :heart:

should probably not let the nui pass the data thats saved for the inventory. easily exploitable


First time ive ever seen a free grid based inventory. Honestly sweet start cant wait to see what improvements you bring to this as time goes!

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Is going to be reworked and changed around for now, as mentioned a couple times its just at a stage where I can use it in my update videos.

It brings down the video quality since my framework had a context menu inventory, now at least in new clips you will be able to see item boxes, see items in the inventory etc, this is the main purpose as it sits right now.

Soon as i got some jobs done im coming back to improve it

Yeah pretty slim pickings when it comes to grids.

I want to build a survival framework eventually so wanted to figure out how a grid inventory works etc.
I got 3 things I need to get finished as soon as possible, then I’m going to work on vehicle stuff for boii_core, and then circle back to the inventory make some changes and updates, add some stuff for persistent vehicle storages for owned etc etc

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Impressive inventory! It really could use some major UI improvements, anyways, sick job!

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UI Improvements like?

More than open to constructive criticism on this one, everything can be changed, everything can be improved :+1:

The slot side still needs ALOT of work , most time was spent on grid side.

As mentioned in other replies, right now its just about good enough so I can replace the inventory in boii_core with it so I dont have to keep using a context menu inventory in the update videos i’ve been doing, the context menu invent brings the videos down a peg or two :sweat_smile:

If this works with ESX - I will try this on a test server first - if this works smoothly with your good looking framework and scripts, this will be my go-to one :smiley: BUT IF you keep going with free scripts for your framework, i probably will use it! :smiley:


Does inventory work with Shops and others? Are you planning making a, somelike OX_inventory/shop system? :slight_smile: And will it be easy to add items to shops/weapon shops ect?

If this works with ESX

It would with some core edits yeh, right now it was just built to replace the context menu im using in boii_core with something a little more visually appealing for update videos. Essentially its just going through and changing core player functions for getting inventory and items to use the inventories exports, I will put full instructions on this for qb / esx soon as i have a little more time and have tested myself :slight_smile:

BUT IF you keep going with free scripts for your framework, i probably will use it!

Plan is to make a boii community server, so since I want to use boii framework to do that, there will be basically everything a basic server would need coming for free also, just the framework is a side project so may be a little while till its at a good working standard.

Does inventory work with Shops and others?

Right now no, it only covers a basic player inventory with support for other, you could however use the create_other_inventory() function to create stores through it if you wanted. Would also need to do some code edits to accommodate pricing though

 Are you planning making a, somelike OX_inventory/shop system?

Kind of 50/50 on what to include with it, if its worth including stores as a built in inventory aspect, or if i just build a ui based store system boii_stores or something for free and use that within the framework.

Haven’t really thought that far ahead past me thinking “this context menu inventory is annoying to use and ugly… i should build an inventory” :sweat_smile:

And will it be easy to add items to shops/weapon shops ect?

Yeah, depending on which route I take for stores but either will be straight forward, its pretty straight forward already in boii_core just its another context menu system thats basic, its more just so you can actually buy a burger and not die :joy:

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Quick list of the things i know need doing as soon as possible, anything else people come across let know and can keep track of everything so as soon as I have more available time everything can be sorted :+1:

## Known issues: 

- Context menu errors sometimes when transfering items in grid inventory: 

`Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'items') (@boii_inventory/ui/scripts/grid_based.js:466)`

- Grid reverting some times snaps back to original position instead of smooth animation.

- An item larger than 1x1 cannot be moved into a location previously covered by one of its own cells, it can however move into a completely open space.
--> This would be super irritating with a full inventory.

- Currently zero validation on inventory updates this needs doing a.s.a.p realistically. **major security issue for live servers**
--> Doesn't really matter for update videos though so?.. `

- Dragging slots should be indexed above the main inventory so can see when dragging from one to another.

- Context menu on slot side other inventory is behind the inventory index needs adjusting so its above.

- Header buttons are currently placeholder they have no function.

## Things to add:

- Give item?
--> 50/50 on this personally its just another area to potentially be exploited when dropping an item is just as quick? Will see..

- Slot inventory items should be able to be placed ontop of another item to either a) stack or b) swap location.
--> Same for grid on stacking.

- Statuses display pop out using the human body from hud, with buttons to remove clothing? maybe heal etc.
--> Already mocked up this idea have a pretty good plan of how to do it.

- Customisation settings for players so they can make the inventory a little more personal to them.

- Some sort of info display to briefly explain how the inventory works. 
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Suggestion if this arent on there already:

When using weed/drug/alcohol ect - give the effect to items like drink and high effect. :+1: