[PAID] [QB | ESX | BOII | CUSTOM] Drug Sales v1.0.0


Resource Preview v1.0.0



:earth_africa: Overview

Introducing BOII Drug Sales!

This resource has been developed to provide a comprehensive and immersive experience for your players.
The system has been created to replace the old drug sales script entirely, offering some new features and improvements.

Players can interact with a system that includes dealer phone interfaces, street-level interactions, bulk dealing locations, and an integrated XP system.
This resource aims to capture the experience of the underground drug market, providing players with multiple pathways to success.


:globe_with_meridians: Features

Dealer Phone: Clean dealer phone UI design to allow players to initiate drug sales or deliveries. Includes options for secret menus through code input.
Street Dealing: Sell items to peds in the city. Includes chances to decline, steal, gang peds to steal at gun point, and police alerts.
Drug Deliveries: Deliver items to peds throughout the city. Includes chance to alert police.
Bulk Dealer: Location to allow players to sell mass amounts of items in bulk. We recommend keeping prices here low to encourage street dealing.

:chart: Dependencies

Target System

Support is provided for this resource if you should need it. However comprehensive readmeโ€™s are included we encourage that people take the time to read these before asking questions. Typically if instructions are followed then support should not be needed.

I will try to respond to any of the questions people may have here, however it will be a faster response to contact through our direct channels :slight_smile:


:free: Our free resources

Developer LUA Utility Library
Target System
Chat Theme
UI Elements
Minigame Collection
Item System
Statuses System

We do have a variety of other free resources however these have not been updated with multi-framework compatibility yet, this is being worked on, appreciate the patience. You can find other free resources on our tebex stores Tebex 1 | Tebex 2 or our GitHub

:moneybag: Our paid resources

Roleplay Tests & Licence System
Battle Pass

We do have a variety of other paid resources however these have not been updated with multi-framework compatibility yet, this is being worked on, appreciate the patience. You can find other paid resources on our tebex store Tebex 1

Code is accessible Client Yes/Server Partial Escrow
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 2000? Give or take
Requirements boii_utils, boii_ui, boii_items, boii_target / ox_target / qb-target, ox_inventory (if esx)
Support Yes