[PAID] [QB | ESX | BOII | CUSTOM] Hobo Life Script v1.0.0


Resource Preview v1.0.0



:earth_africa: Overview

Introducing the BOII Hobo Life Sim!

This resource has been an idea for quite some time but never got round to doing it, until now.
The intention with this was to replace the old dumpster diving resource with something a lot more in-depth.
All bins and dumpsters around the city can be searched for items just like the old resource.
Additional models can be added easily.

In addition to scavenging, the BOII Hobo Life Sim offers a variety of engaging activities such as begging, cooking, and taking care of companions.
Each of these activities comes with its own inbuilt XP system, allowing players to earn experience and level up their skills. As players progress, they unlock new recipes, earn more income, and improve their chances of finding better items.

With detailed systems for managing hunger, thirst, happiness, and stress, the companion feature allows players to own and take care of a hobo-esque pet.
Companions have their own in-built xp system, the higher the level the better rewards they can find.

Overall, the Hobo Life Sim provides players with plenty of entertainment as they navigate the challenges of living life on the streets.

:globe_with_meridians: Features

Begging: Find and create your own begging sign so you can beg for money from npc’s.
Companions: Companion system allows hobo’s to get their own pet to look after and help them scavenge.
Cooking: Pre-setup with 11 recipes to cook on the hobo stoves around the city.
Scavenging: Search through dumpsters or bins to find useful items.

:chart: Dependencies

Target System

Support is provided for this resource if you should need it. However comprehensive readme’s are included we encourage that people take the time to read these before asking questions. Typically if instructions are followed then support should not be needed.

I will try to respond to any of the questions people may have here, however it will be a faster response to contact through our direct channels :slight_smile:


:free: Our free resources

Developer LUA Utility Library
Target System
Chat Theme
UI Elements
Minigame Collection
Item System
Statuses System

We do have a variety of other free resources however these have not been updated with multi-framework compatibility yet, this is being worked on, appreciate the patience. You can find other free resources on our tebex stores Tebex 1 | Tebex 2 or our GitHub

:moneybag: Our paid resources

Roleplay Tests & Licence System
Battle Pass

We do have a variety of other paid resources however these have not been updated with multi-framework compatibility yet, this is being worked on, appreciate the patience. You can find other paid resources on our tebex store Tebex 1

Code is accessible Client Yes / Server Partial
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 2000? 3000?
Requirements boii_utils, boii_ui, boii_items, boii_target / ox_target / qb-target, ox_inventory (if esx)
Support Yes
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