[ESX] [QBCORE] Delivery job for different jobs

Video showcase:

Price: €24.99 (excl. taxes)
Tebex for ESX version: https://r3ps4j-fivem.tebex.io/package/4800797
Tebex for QBCore version: https://r3ps4j-fivem.tebex.io/package/4800812


This plugin adds locations in-game for each configured location in the config, at these locations players can start delivering items. When they start the job they will receive a random pick-up location which needs to be delivered at a random drop-off location. All of these locations can be configured for each job individually.
The location will be marked on the map and a route towards it will be highlighted, the colour of these blips and route will use the same colour that is used by the start location.
When collecting the items there is a random chance that players receive more than 1 item. This chance can also be configured for each job individually.

When the players have delivered the items they will receive a reward. This reward can be configured, and the reward type can be configured individually for each company. You can set it so that the company also receives a percentage of the reward in their add-on account.

The jobs can be cancelled at any time by signing out.


  • There is an option in the config which makes the script compatible with older versions of ESX. (item limit based)
  • There is also a separate SQL file with item limits instead of weights.
  • Delivery items come in your inventory.
  • All chances are configurable through the config file.
  • Reward for the jobs can be changed in the config file.
  • Locations can easily be added or changed in the config. You can add multiple start locations, an item, the society account and the needed job to it with ease.
  • SQL files have been provided to work with the default configuration.
  • All blip names, colours, sprites and scales can be changed in the config.
  • The start, pick-up and drop-off locations for each job can easily be changed in the config file.
  • Notification type can be changed in the config.

Differences for QBCore version:

  • Configured by default with items already available in QBCore.
  • Uses QBCore notification function instead of the configurable notification type.


For ESX version:

For QBCore version:

This script does not use Asset Escrow and, just like all my other scripts, is not encrypted in any way. You will be able to access the entire source code when you buy this script and edit it to your liking or server needs.

Update 06-12-2021:

  • Updated GetObject loop/event to export.
  • Added config option to switch back to GetObject event for older versions of QBCore.

Only on QBCore version

Update 13-01-2022:

  • Fixed an issue regarding player payment.
  • Fixed a config option that might prevent companies from getting paid.

Only on QBCore version

My other resources
If you like this resource, you might like some of my other work as well:

[ESX] [QBCORE] Prospecting with treasure map
[ESX] [QBCORE] Food Delivery like Uber Eats
[ESX] [QBCORE] Location Items
[ESX] [QBCORE] Evidence Storage
[ESX] Coffee delivery job


Nice Job!


Its okey!

Nice Job bro !

Thanks a lot, glad you guys like it!

Update 06-12-2021:

  • Updated GetObject loop/event to export.
  • Added config option to switch back to GetObject event for older versions of QBCore.

Only on QBCore version

Update 13-01-2022:

  • Fixed an issue regarding player payment.
  • Fixed a config option that might prevent companies from getting paid.

Only on QBCore version

If you have purchased this resource please contact me to get the latest version.

i want to know one thing before i buy this it is easy to change and add new job ?

I find it pretty easy to change and add jobs myself, but if you buy the resource and need help adding jobs I’m always available for support.

Is this open source?

The code is fully accessible if that’s what you mean! It doesn’t use the escrow system as stated in the post.