[ESX/QB] VMS_VEHICLESHOP V2 | Advanced Business & Realistic Deliveries

vms_vehicleshopV2 (DISCORD)

:money_with_wings: BUY IT HERE: www.vames-store.com


:movie_camera: Watch it here:

Why VMS Vehicle Shop V2?

The most advanced resource that allows players to own their own dealership.
With this resource you can make the gameplay on your server more realistic when it comes to buying vehicles, you can allow players to run the dealership, order and deliver vehicles in a realistic way with the help of a loaded trailer transport and resale with a agreement.


– Compatible with ESX & QB-Core
– Compatible with target, markers, 3D Text, Text UI
– Prepared translation of the script in many languages thanks to the VMS Translator Team: :uk: English, :portugal: Portuguese, :poland: Polish, :czech_republic: Czech, :netherlands: Dutch and the ability to make your own translations using the config.translation.lua and translation.json files
– Full support

:red_car: Showroom

– Ability to disable price display
– Ability to disable the option to choose a custom license plate
– Ability to disable test drives, set their price, or set them as free and define their duration
– Ability to disable vehicle purchase
– Ability to set required license for purchase
– If the car dealership is set as a business, you can configure it so that only vehicles available in the dealership’s stock are visible

:man_office_worker: Business

– For each showroom, you can set which vehicles can be sold and ordered, enabling the creation of multiple showrooms.

– An employee can sell a vehicle using a contract. On the contract, they can choose a custom license plate for the vehicle (with the option to disable the choice of plate), select vehicle colors - primary, secondary, pearlescent, set the price, and choose the payment method. Then, they provide the customer with a document to sign, and after payment, the vehicle will be transferred to the new owner.

– The boss and manager can reward good employees with bonuses.

– Sales History: Information for the boss and manager to monitor their showroom. Important information is included in this section, such as: sales date, name and surname of the person selling the vehicle, name and surname of the buyer, vehicle model with license plate, and sales price.

:ferry: Order Delivery:

The resource allows three types of vehicle delivery configurations:

  • Realism: Delivery of ordered vehicles requires employees to pick up the ordered vehicles from the importer, who waits for the player with a loaded trailer. Then the player must sign a document confirming the receipt of vehicles with a declaration of delivery to the showroom.

  • Automatic: After placing an order and acceptance, vehicles will automatically be added to the store.

  • Semi-automatic: After placing an order and acceptance, vehicles will be added to the store after a specified time set by you. It’s possible to configure employee compensation for vehicle delivery as a percentage of the order amount.

:camera_flash: Developer Photos Tool

There is a command /photostool available, which allows you to take photos of vehicles on a green screen. This will greatly facilitate adding new vehicles with a correct photo at exactly the same camera angle.

For more information, I encourage you to watch the presentation video and review the documentation where there are full insights into the configuration files.


Full view for each configs in our script documentation:


While outside the dealership zone:

While inside the dealership zone using the Target system:

While inside the dealership zone using markers:

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) +2700
Requirements ESX or QB-Core + PolyZone
Support Yes

Well, this is a damn interesting script… I would like to try this… :heart_eyes:


Looks good <3 A new massive Script from you.

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Really like the features how to deliver transports for shop & greenscreen photo mode.

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Nice script

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very nice script :slight_smile:

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:computer: UPDATE 1.0.1

[+] Added value paymentMethods to the Config.Stores with ability to set payment methods
[/] Improved a vehicle purchase function to prevent bugs and fixed on qb-core with required license
[/] Fixed when buying a vehicle the effect as if the vehicle fell down
[/] Fixed target duplication for some users in ox_target

* I would like to remind you that vehicles in vms_vehicleshopV2 are spawned on the server side during purchase to avoid issues arising from spawning on the client side. For ESX, you need to have the ESX.OneSync.SpawnVehicle function (located in es_extended/server/onesync.lua), and for QB-Core, you need to have the QBCore.Functions.SpawnVehicle function (located in qb-core/server/functions.lua).

:computer: UPDATE 1.0.2

[+] Compatible esx_society has been created for the ability to use esx_society as a built-in company balance and new features have been added to config.server.lua for the ability to plug in the previously mentioned esx_society or another system SV.getSocietyMoney, SV.addSocietyMoney, SV.removeSocietyMoney — If you are using a company account as a company balance, you can plug it in config.server.lua in the above mentioned functions but it will not show up in the company menu, then you should set Config.RemoveBalanceFromMenu = true and deposit money in the bank
[+] Added a new option spawnVehicleOnPurchase to Config.Stores - this allows you to disable vehicle spawning after purchase, then it will go straight to the garage
[+] Added Config.VehiclesCustomMaxSpeed to config.showroom.lua, you can set custom vehicle speeds on UI
[+] Added SV.Database to config.server.lua, you can customize the table names vehicles and vehicle_categories
[/] Fixed bug with loading vehicles as undefined
[/] Fixed bug with loading add-on vehicles, more specifically waiting for the model to load before being able to change the vehicle

:notebook_with_decorative_cover: UPDATE 1.0.3

[+] Added function SV.createVIN to generate VIN number in config.server.lua (This will be useful in future resources)
[+] Created built-in vehicle spawn function to avoid using external ESX framework functions and QB-Core, which can cause an error when upgrading. Also related to this, compatibility with older ESX.
[+] Added new function SV.formatVehicleProperties for formatting, saving and loading correct vehicle properties, also added to read dashboardColor, interiorColor, wheelColor and modLivery
[+] Adjusted SV.addPlayerVehicles function by default for vms_garagesV2, qs-advancedgarages
[+] Added support for m-Insurance
[/] Changed parameters for SV.addPlayerVehicles function
[/] Modified the content of the SV.checkLicense function

:notebook_with_decorative_cover: UPDATE 1.0.4

[+] Added auto-detect for framework and framework events
[+] Improved the function SV.createVIN to check whether the VIN is already registered, and added compatibility for VIN generation if you are using vms_cityhall
[+] Compatibility with vehicle ownership history when using vms_cityhall
[+] Introduced compatibility with the tax system and job resumes from vms_cityhall
[+] Compatibility has been introduced with qs-advancedgarages Persistent Vehicles by default in SV.onVehicleSpawned
[+] Added commas to prices for better readability of vehicle prices
[+] Added filtering by vehicle category in the showroom menu
[+] Added the ability to place vehicles on display in the management menu or, if you have configured a dealership as non-business, you can set default vehicles to always be on display in config.lua Config.Stores - vehiclesOnDisplay
[+] Added the option for customers to buy vehicles themselves without employee intervention when the dealership is configured as a business. It will then check if the vehicle is available in stock, add money to the company account, and log the sale history. To enable vehicles to be fetched from the showroom stock, you need to set showOnlyAvailable = true
[+] Introduced the option allowBuyIfEmployeesOffline in Config.Stores, which allows vehicle purchases via the showroom when it’s configured as a business, but only when no employees are online
[+] Added Config.VehiclesCustomInfos to config.showroom.lua - this allows you to add unlimited custom vehicle information, such as the current fields for “Seats” and “Max Speed.” For example, this version introduces “trunk,” and you can add many more using this method
[+] Added export openShowroom and client event vms_vehicleshopv2:openShowroom to enable launching the showroom menu using an external resource, e.g., npctalk
[+] Translation in German, French and Italian
[/] Slightly modified compatibility with esx_society and other external balance managers - added societyName to Config.Stores and modified the functions SV.getSocietyMoney, SV.addSocietyMoney, and SV.removeSocietyMoney in config.server.lua

:notebook_with_decorative_cover: UPDATE 1.0.5

[/] Fixed bug causing management menu not to display when not using vms_cityhall
[/] Fixed query for qb-core in config.server.lua
[/] Fixed the display of prices with $NaN
[/] Fixed a bug that caused a problem when using a different balance than the built-in one

i have a question? Can those vehicles in stock storage be placed on the floor using management menu? i wanna purchase this.

Hello, do you mean to put vehicles on display?
Yes, you can put vehicles on display using the Management Menu.

like this right?


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