[PAID] VMS Notify V2 - Highly customizable notifications and UI parts

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:speech_balloon: Why VMS Notify V2?

Looking for a notification system that stands out and complements your server’s unique style? VMS Notify V2 offers an advanced solution designed for full customization, outstanding performance, and seamless integration.

What makes VMS Notify V2 a great choice?

  • Customization: Easily adjust styles, colors, animations, and icons to match your server’s aesthetic.
  • Efficiency: Lightweight and optimized to maintain smooth performance, even on busy servers.
  • Flexibility: Fully compatible with other scripts, allowing you to create personalized notifications for any scenario.
  • Modern Design: A polished, professional look that enhances the user experience.
  • Ease of Use: Simple configuration with developer-friendly documentation.

Whether you’re sending system alerts, player messages, or enhancing your server’s visuals, VMS Notify V2 delivers a sleek and functional notification experience.

Explore more details in the description below and watch the demonstration video to see it in action.

:movie_camera: Watch the resource presentation here:

Resource is Standalone

Compatible with all resolutions

Notification System: Highly customizable notification system - more informations and preview in section Notifications

Question Menu: Menu in which the player can give an answer by pressing one of the export-defined keys - more informations and preview in section Question Menu

Top Notification: Notification, for example, to announce a server restart or a general server message - preview in section Top Notification

TextUI: Built-in TextUI, which you can also adjust in terms of appearance and position on the screen - more informations and preview in section TextUI

Text Formatting: we also have the integrated text formatting system from GTA 5 and custom formatting - more informations in section Text Formatting & Customization

Customization Menu you can allow your players to freely customize the UI elements of daily use to their own preferences, but you can also disable it if you don’t want players to access this menu.

Customization Menu is already translated in many languages: :uk: English, :de: German, :fr: French, :es: Spanish, :portugal: Portuguese, :poland: Polish, :it: Italian, :czech_republic: Czech, :sweden: Swedish and the ability to make your own translations using the translation.json file

Built-in backward exports from popular notification systems - vms_notify, esx_notify, mythic_notify, okokNotify, brutal_notify, origen_notify, wasabi_notify, cm-notification. This means that in order to use VMS Notify V2, you do not need to make changes to each script if you currently have a server set up for the above notifications.

Detailed feature description:


Experience a robust and customizable notification system with a wide range of features:

  • Position Customization: Change the default position of notifications to suit your layout.
  • Audio Settings:
    • Sound File: Use custom .mp3 files for notification sounds.
    • Sound Volume: Adjustable volume (0–100).
    • Sound Native: Support for frontend sound effects.
  • Presets: Create and use multiple notification styles for different purposes.
  • Customizable Elements:
    • Title & Description: Set text.
    • Time: Adjust the display time.
    • Color: Personalize colors for your notifications.
    • Icon: Include icons from Font Awesome.
    • Image: Add images using a URL.
  • Progress Bar Options:
    • Linear: A progress bar displayed at the bottom of the notification.
    • Rounded-Icon: Circular progress bar surrounding the notification icon.
    • Rounded: Circular progress bar located in the top-right corner.
  • Custom CSS: Modify styles for elements like icon, title, description, background, and background glow directly via config.lua.

Top Notifications

A clean, minimalistic top-screen notification system perfect for concise updates.

Question Menu
  • Title & Description: Add descriptive text.
  • Keys: Assign keys for specific actions.
  • Icon: Include icons from Font Awesome.
  • Image: Add images using a URL.
  • Color: Customize for better distinction.
  • Audio Settings:
    • Use sound files, control volume, or enable native frontend sounds.
  • Custom CSS: Modify styles like background, background glow, icon, title, and description.


A versatile tool for displaying contextual text messages with extensive customization:

  • Message: Define the displayed text.
  • Sound File & Volume: Add custom audio with adjustable volume.
  • Native Sound Support: Use built-in frontend sounds.
  • Presets: Predefined styles for different use cases.
  • Custom CSS: Modify background and message styling directly.

Text Formatting & Customization

Our system also supports rich text formatting and custom enhancements for notifications:

  • Default GTA Formatting:
    • Use built-in GTA text formatting such as ~r~RED~s~, ~g~GREEN~s~, and other colors and styles.
  • Key Formatting:
    Supports all GTA V key inputs for dynamic keybinding representations.

    • ~INPUT_CONTEXT~: Automatically converts to the visual appearance of the “E” key.
  • Custom Formatting:

    • ~pulse~: Pulsing text effect (e.g., ~pulse~PULSING TEXT~s~).
    • ~italic~: Italicized text.
    • ~n~: New line within a message.
    • ~bold~: Bold text.
    • ~extra-bold~: Extra-bold text.

Learn more about formatting

Customization Menu


Full view for each configs in our script documentation:

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to transform your server!

:scroll: Other resources from the VMS* Store

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) lua +600
Requirements none
Support Yes

Awesome release :fire:


:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


Top script best notify system :wink:


:notebook_with_decorative_cover: UPDATE 1.0.1

[+] Added version_check.lua
[/] Fixed ERROR when launching TextUI Customization Menu
[/] Fixed visual bug of currently selected Position in Customization Menu
[-] Removed prints

1 Like

Nice! i like it very much :smiley:


nice release :heart:


Awesome script :heart:

1 Like

nice work


:notebook_with_decorative_cover: UPDATE 1.0.2

[+] Added backward client events from vms_notify, mythic_notify, okokNotify, brutal_notify, wasabi_notify, cm-notification
[/] Fixed a bug that did not load saved notification settings when you changed the scale
[/] Fixed a bug that caused the TextUI position to change when you changed the scale