[SHOWCASE] vms_charcreator
Compatibility with ESX and QB-Core
Compatibility with esx_skin / qb-clothing / fivem-appearance / illenium-appearance
Automatic adaptation of the camera to a given body part
Possibility to set the animation that the ped performs during character creation
Interaction sounds can be turned off
Ability to disable/enable individual categories
Ability to set cloth-sets, you can prepare ready clothes sets for players
The ability to change the values ​​on the sliders using the arrows on the keyboard or with mouse.
Admin command /char [ID] to give someone a character creator
Players while in character selection do not see each other
Compatible with other resolutions
Full JS translation.
Full support.
Config = {}
Config.Core = "ESX" -- "ESX" / "QB-Core"
Config.CoreExport = function()
return exports['es_extended']:getSharedObject() -- ESX
-- return exports['qb-core']:GetCoreObject() -- QB-CORE
-- @Config.SkinManager for ESX: "esx_skin" / "fivem-appearance" / "illenium-appearance"
-- @Config.SkinManager for QB-Core: "qb-clothing" / "fivem-appearance" / "illenium-appearance"
Config.SkinManager = "esx_skin"
Config.TestCommand = false -- /character -- command to test the character creator **(We do not recommend using this on the main server)**
if Config.TestCommand then
RegisterCommand('character', function()
Config.AdminCommand = {
Enabled = true,
Group = "admin",
Name = "char",
Help = "Give the character creator to the player",
ArgHelp = "Player ID",
Config.Hud = {
Enable = function()
-- exports['hud']:DisplayHud(true)
Disable = function()
-- exports['hud']:DisplayHud(false)
Config.defaultCamDistance = 0.95 -- camera distance from player location (during character creation)
Config.CameraHeight = {
['parents'] = {z_height = 0.65, fov = 30.0}, -- default is camera on the face
['face'] = {z_height = 0.65, fov = 30.0}, -- default is camera on the face
['hairs'] = {z_height = 0.65, fov = 30.0}, -- default is camera on the face
['clothes'] = {z_height = -0.1, fov = 100.0}, -- default is camera on the torso
['clothesets'] = {z_height = -0.1, fov = 100.0}, -- default is camera on the torso
['makeup'] = {z_height = 0.65, fov = 30.0}, -- default is camera on the face
Config.creatingCharacterCoords = vector4(916.7, 46.18, 110.66, 57.78) -- this is where the player player will stand during character creation
Config.afterCreateCharSpawn = vector4(-255.93, -983.88, 30.22, 250.85) -- this is where the player will spawn after completing character creation
Config.CharacterCreationPedAnimation = {"anim@heists@heist_corona@team_idles@male_a", "idle"} -- animation of the player during character creation
Config.soundsEffects = true -- if you want to sound effects by clicks set true
Config.blurBehindPlayer = true -- to see it you need to have PostFX upper Very High or Ultra
Config.EnableFirstCreationClothes = true -- You can set a default for the character the first outfit the player will be reborn with in the character creator - the default was laid out for both genders in just underwear so the player can see all the details of the character
Config.FirstCreationClothes = {
['m'] = {
tshirt_1 = 15, tshirt_2 = 0,
torso_1 = 15, torso_2 = 0,
arms = 15, arms_2 = 0,
pants_1 = 14, pants_2 = 1,
shoes_1 = 34, shoes_2 = 0,
helmet_1 = -1, helmet_2 = 0,
chain_1 = 0, chain_2 = 0,
['f'] = {
tshirt_1 = 15, tshirt_2 = 0,
torso_1 = 15, torso_2 = 0,
arms = 15, arms_2 = 0,
pants_1 = 15, pants_2 = 0,
shoes_1 = 35, shoes_2 = 0,
helmet_1 = -1, helmet_2 = 0,
chain_1 = 0, chain_2 = 0,
glasses_1 = 5, glasses_2 = 0,
Config.EnablesCategories = { -- these are the available categories that the player should have when creating a character, if you don't want any, set it to false
['parents'] = true,
['face'] = true,
['hairs'] = true,
['clothes'] = true,
['clothesets'] = true,
['makeup'] = true,
Config.AvailableItems = {
['parents'] = {
sex = true,
parents = true,
face_md_weight = true,
skin_md_weight = true,
['face'] = {
neck_thickness = true,
age = true,
eyebrows = true,
nose = true,
cheeks = true,
lip_thickness = true,
jaw = true,
chin = true,
eye_color = true,
blemishes = true,
complexion = true,
sun = true,
moles = true,
['clothes'] = {
tshirt = true,
torso = true,
decals = true,
arms = true,
pants = true,
shoes = true,
mask = true,
bproof = true,
chain = true,
helmet = true,
glasses = true,
watches = true,
bracelets = true,
bags = true,
ears = true,
['hairs'] = {
hair = true,
beard = true,
eyebrow = true,
chesthair = true,
['makeup'] = {
makeup = true,
lipstick = true,
blush = true,
Config.clotheSets = { -- here are sets of clothes, you can create some suggested clothes for the player
[0] = {
['name'] = "FORMAL",
['m'] = {
tshirt_1 = 4, tshirt_2 = 0,
torso_1 = 10, torso_2 = 0,
arms = 1, arms_2 = 0,
pants_1 = 10, pants_2 = 0,
shoes_1 = 10, shoes_2 = 0,
helmet_1 = -1, helmet_2 = 0,
chain_1 = 0, chain_2 = 0,
['f'] = {
tshirt_1 = 41, tshirt_2 = 2,
torso_1 = 6, torso_2 = 4,
arms = 2, arms_2 = 0,
pants_1 = 6, pants_2 = 0,
shoes_1 = 29, shoes_2 = 0,
helmet_1 = -1, helmet_2 = 0,
chain_1 = 0, chain_2 = 0,
[1] = {
['name'] = "NORMAL 1",
['m'] = {
tshirt_1 = 15, tshirt_2 = 0,
torso_1 = 80, torso_2 = 0,
arms = 11, arms_2 = 0,
pants_1 = 1, pants_2 = 1,
shoes_1 = 7, shoes_2 = 0,
helmet_1 = -1, helmet_2 = 0,
chain_1 = 0, chain_2 = 0,
['f'] = {
tshirt_1 = 14, tshirt_2 = 0,
torso_1 = 30, torso_2 = 0,
arms = 2, arms_2 = 0,
pants_1 = 0, pants_2 = 1,
shoes_1 = 27, shoes_2 = 0,
helmet_1 = -1, helmet_2 = 0,
chain_1 = 0, chain_2 = 0,
[2] = {
['name'] = "NORMAL 2",
['m'] = {
tshirt_1 = 15, tshirt_2 = 0,
torso_1 = 193, torso_2 = 14,
arms = 11, arms_2 = 0,
pants_1 = 105, pants_2 = 0,
shoes_1 = 57, shoes_2 = 10,
helmet_1 = 96, helmet_2 = 0,
chain_1 = 51, chain_2 = 0,
['f'] = {
tshirt_1 = 14, tshirt_2 = 0,
torso_1 = 195, torso_2 = 0,
arms = 15, arms_2 = 0,
pants_1 = 64, pants_2 = 1,
shoes_1 = 60, shoes_2 = 10,
helmet_1 = 0, helmet_2 = 0,
chain_1 = 0, chain_2 = 0,
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vms_multichars + vms_identity
Code is accessible | Yes / No |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | +1264 lua |
Requirements | ESX / QB-Core |
Support | Yes |