[ESX][QB] vms_charcreator | Character Creator


[SHOWCASE] vms_charcreator

Compatibility with ESX and QB-Core
Compatibility with esx_skin / qb-clothing / fivem-appearance / illenium-appearance
Automatic adaptation of the camera to a given body part
Possibility to set the animation that the ped performs during character creation
Interaction sounds can be turned off
Ability to disable/enable individual categories
Ability to set cloth-sets, you can prepare ready clothes sets for players
The ability to change the values ​​on the sliders using the arrows on the keyboard or with mouse.
Admin command /char [ID] to give someone a character creator
Players while in character selection do not see each other
Compatible with other resolutions
Full JS translation.
Full support.

Config = {}
Config.Core = "ESX" -- "ESX" / "QB-Core"
Config.CoreExport = function()
    return exports['es_extended']:getSharedObject() -- ESX
    -- return exports['qb-core']:GetCoreObject() -- QB-CORE

-- @Config.SkinManager for ESX: "esx_skin" / "fivem-appearance" / "illenium-appearance"
-- @Config.SkinManager for QB-Core: "qb-clothing" / "fivem-appearance" / "illenium-appearance"
Config.SkinManager = "esx_skin"

Config.TestCommand = false -- /character -- command to test the character creator **(We do not recommend using this on the main server)**
if Config.TestCommand then
    RegisterCommand('character', function()

Config.AdminCommand = {
    Enabled = true,
    Group = "admin",
    Name = "char",
    Help = "Give the character creator to the player",
    ArgHelp = "Player ID",

Config.Hud = {
    Enable = function()
        -- exports['hud']:DisplayHud(true)
    Disable = function()
        -- exports['hud']:DisplayHud(false)

Config.defaultCamDistance = 0.95 -- camera distance from player location (during character creation)
Config.CameraHeight = {
    ['parents'] = {z_height = 0.65, fov = 30.0}, -- default is camera on the face
    ['face'] = {z_height = 0.65, fov = 30.0}, -- default is camera on the face
    ['hairs'] = {z_height = 0.65, fov = 30.0}, -- default is camera on the face
    ['clothes'] = {z_height = -0.1, fov = 100.0}, -- default is camera on the torso
    ['clothesets'] = {z_height = -0.1, fov = 100.0}, -- default is camera on the torso
    ['makeup'] = {z_height = 0.65, fov = 30.0}, -- default is camera on the face

Config.creatingCharacterCoords = vector4(916.7, 46.18, 110.66, 57.78) -- this is where the player player will stand during character creation
Config.afterCreateCharSpawn = vector4(-255.93, -983.88, 30.22, 250.85) -- this is where the player will spawn after completing character creation

Config.CharacterCreationPedAnimation = {"anim@heists@heist_corona@team_idles@male_a", "idle"} -- animation of the player during character creation

Config.soundsEffects = true -- if you want to sound effects by clicks set true
Config.blurBehindPlayer = true -- to see it you need to have PostFX upper Very High or Ultra

Config.EnableFirstCreationClothes = true -- You can set a default for the character the first outfit the player will be reborn with in the character creator - the default was laid out for both genders in just underwear so the player can see all the details of the character
Config.FirstCreationClothes = {
    ['m'] = {
        tshirt_1 = 15, tshirt_2 = 0, 
        torso_1 = 15, torso_2 = 0,
        arms = 15, arms_2 = 0,
        pants_1 = 14, pants_2 = 1,
        shoes_1 = 34, shoes_2 = 0,
        helmet_1 = -1, helmet_2 = 0, 
        chain_1 = 0, chain_2 = 0, 
    ['f'] = {
        tshirt_1 = 15, tshirt_2 = 0, 
        torso_1 = 15, torso_2 = 0,
        arms = 15, arms_2 = 0,
        pants_1 = 15, pants_2 = 0,
        shoes_1 = 35, shoes_2 = 0,
        helmet_1 = -1, helmet_2 = 0, 
        chain_1 = 0, chain_2 = 0, 
        glasses_1 = 5, glasses_2 = 0,

Config.EnablesCategories = { -- these are the available categories that the player should have when creating a character, if you don't want any, set it to false
    ['parents'] = true,
    ['face'] = true,
    ['hairs'] = true,
    ['clothes'] = true,
    ['clothesets'] = true,
    ['makeup'] = true,

Config.AvailableItems = {
    ['parents'] = {
        sex = true,
        parents = true,
        face_md_weight = true,
        skin_md_weight = true,
    ['face'] = {
        neck_thickness = true,
        age = true,
        eyebrows = true,
        nose = true,
        cheeks = true,
        lip_thickness = true,
        jaw = true,
        chin = true,
        eye_color = true,
        blemishes = true,
        complexion = true,
        sun = true,
        moles = true,
    ['clothes'] = {
        tshirt = true,
        torso = true,
        decals = true,
        arms = true,
        pants = true,
        shoes = true,
        mask = true,
        bproof = true,
        chain = true,
        helmet = true,
        glasses = true,
        watches = true,
        bracelets = true,
        bags = true,
        ears = true,
    ['hairs'] = {
        hair = true,
        beard = true,
        eyebrow = true,
        chesthair = true,
    ['makeup'] = {
        makeup = true,
        lipstick = true,
        blush = true,

Config.clotheSets = { -- here are sets of clothes, you can create some suggested clothes for the player
    [0] = {
        ['name'] = "FORMAL",
        ['m'] = {
            tshirt_1 = 4, tshirt_2 = 0, 
            torso_1 = 10, torso_2 = 0,
            arms = 1, arms_2 = 0,
            pants_1 = 10, pants_2 = 0,
            shoes_1 = 10, shoes_2 = 0,
            helmet_1 = -1, helmet_2 = 0, 
            chain_1 = 0, chain_2 = 0, 
        ['f'] = {
            tshirt_1 = 41, tshirt_2 = 2, 
            torso_1 = 6, torso_2 = 4,
            arms = 2, arms_2 = 0,
            pants_1 = 6, pants_2 = 0,
            shoes_1 = 29, shoes_2 = 0,
            helmet_1 = -1, helmet_2 = 0, 
            chain_1 = 0, chain_2 = 0, 
    [1] = {
        ['name'] = "NORMAL 1",
        ['m'] = {
            tshirt_1 = 15, tshirt_2 = 0, 
            torso_1 = 80, torso_2 = 0,
            arms = 11, arms_2 = 0,
            pants_1 = 1, pants_2 = 1,
            shoes_1 = 7, shoes_2 = 0,
            helmet_1 = -1, helmet_2 = 0, 
            chain_1 = 0, chain_2 = 0, 
        ['f'] = {
            tshirt_1 = 14, tshirt_2 = 0, 
            torso_1 = 30, torso_2 = 0,
            arms = 2, arms_2 = 0,
            pants_1 = 0, pants_2 = 1,
            shoes_1 = 27, shoes_2 = 0,
            helmet_1 = -1, helmet_2 = 0, 
            chain_1 = 0, chain_2 = 0, 
    [2] = {
        ['name'] = "NORMAL 2",
        ['m'] = {
            tshirt_1 = 15, tshirt_2 = 0, 
            torso_1 = 193, torso_2 = 14,
            arms = 11, arms_2 = 0,
            pants_1 = 105, pants_2 = 0,
            shoes_1 = 57, shoes_2 = 10,
            helmet_1 = 96, helmet_2 = 0, 
            chain_1 = 51, chain_2 = 0, 
        ['f'] = {
            tshirt_1 = 14, tshirt_2 = 0, 
            torso_1 = 195, torso_2 = 0,
            arms = 15, arms_2 = 0,
            pants_1 = 64, pants_2 = 1,
            shoes_1 = 60, shoes_2 = 10,
            helmet_1 = 0, helmet_2 = 0, 
            chain_1 = 0, chain_2 = 0, 

Resmon while not using:

Resmon while using:


:anger: You can check my others scripts :anger:
vms_multichars + vms_identity

Code is accessible Yes / No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) +1264 lua
Requirements ESX / QB-Core
Support Yes

Amazing but i prefer clicking left and right like in qb-clothing its hard to select clothes with the “sliders”


I think sliders are better because you can either change the value with the arrow keys on the keyboard or faster with the mouse


Damn, looking amazing! Hope for Multichar for esx as well not only for qb! :slight_smile:

1 Like

Thank you very much :hugs:
vms_multichars is only available for ESX for now, but I have already started working on a version for QB-Core.

1 Like

Oh, nvm, all good then!
Still waiting for weapon licenses script! Hehe.

1 Like

:computer: UPDATE 1.0.2

[+] Added all character customization options, possible toggle on and off in Config.AvailableItems config
[/] Fixed max values ​​from the second item value (tshirt_2, torso_2 etc.)
[+] Added to qb-clothes some items minimum value to -1

:computer: UPDATE 1.0.4

[+] Added Config.Hud (Ability to manage the display of the hud when the menu is running)
[+] Added a new arg to the char-creator menu trigger, you can add a gender value to identity (0 = male, 1 = female) and if there is such an arg else it will load the male model by default
[+] Added missing values ​​in blush_3 and makeup_3 color change functions

:computer: UPDATE 1.0.5

[/] Fixed loading gender from trigger args

:computer: UPDATE 1.0.6

[/] Fixed eye, makeup, blush, lipstick colors for qb-clothing

:computer: UPDATE 1.0.7

[+] Added Config.EnableFirstCreationClothes and Config.FirstCreationClothes - You can set a default for the character the first outfit the player will be reborn with in the character creator - the default was laid out for both genders in just underwear so the player can see all the details of the character

[+] Added loading the current character skin if you manually open someone’s character creation menu with /char ID, no longer resets the player’s skin to default just leaves the one they are started with

[/] Renamed from “qb-clothes” to “qb-clothing” for use in Config.SkinManager

[+] Added a slider with camera height management so that you can see every detail from above and below

[+] Added new option to translation.js (translate.height)

[+] Added Config.AdminCommand {Enabled, Group, Name, Help, ArgHelp} to customize admin command for opening a char creator for players /char ID

:computer: UPDATE 1.0.8

[/] Supporting for illenium-appearance

:computer: UPDATE 1.0.9

[+] Added more colors for: hair, beard, eyebrows, chest, eye
[/] Fixed minimum values for qb-clothing
[-] Removed subvalues for Config.SkinManager = “qb-clothing” which are not available in qb-clothing

:computer: UPDATE 1.1.0

[+] Added changing the texture value to 0 (e.g tshirt_2) when changing an main item (e.g tshirt_1)

Can not get the mod to work a little help from anyone would be apperciated.

I have already helped you on the ticket.

:computer: UPDATE 1.1.1

[+] Added Config.TeleportPlayerByCommand - when the player is given the character creation menu by the admin whether to be teleported to Config.creatingCharacterCoords
[+] When the player receives the menu by the administrator and Config.TeleportPlayerByCommand = true then after saving/canceling the character creation the player is teleported to his previous coordinates
[+] Added Config.EnableCancelButtonUI - this can only be displayed when in the character creation menu via /char ID - so that the player does not cancel the creation of the first character after it is registered
[+] Added Config.HandsUpKey, Config.HandsUpAnimation - key to raise hands up and customizable animations (key always works in charcreator, also can be Config.EnableHandsUpButtonUI = false)
[+] Added Config.EnableHandsUpButtonUI - If you don’t want the hands up icon to be visible when using charcreator you can disable it with this
[+] Added Config.BlockedClothes - You can exclude a specific id of a skin value:

  • hair_1, beard_1, eyebrows_1, chest_1, makeup_1, blush_1, lipstick_1, helmet_1, mask_1, tshirt_1, torso_1, arms, decals_1, bproof_1, pants_1, shoes_1, chain_1, glasses_1, watches_1, bracelets_1, ears_1, bags_1

:computer: UPDATE 1.1.2

[/] Fixed bug with black text displayed on ui under one of the clothing items
[/] Improved illenium-appearance compatibility (NEW FILE - components_illenium-appearance.lua)
[+] Added Config.UseQSInventory & Config.QSInventoryName to compatibility with qs-inventory clothing system

:computer: UPDATE 1.1.3

[/] Fixed Config.BlockedClothes for illenium-appearance and fivem-appearance
[/] Fixed reloading of blocked clothing values when changing gender in character creator
[+] Added MakeUp color 2 & Hair color 2

:computer: UPDATE 1.1.4

[/] Fixed problem for illenium-appearance with saving skin color when player do not change RESEMBLANCE and SKIN TONE

:computer: UPDATE 1.1.5

[/] Changed the operation of the camera, now you can do it by holding the right mouse button and moving around the screen and the distance with the mouse scroll
[+] Added Config.CameraSettings with camera settings such as maximum/minimum height and maximum/minimum fov
[+] Changed the animation in Config.CharacterCreationPedAnimation to one that the character doesn’t move as much
[+] Changed from Config.blurBehindPlayer => Config.BlurBehindPlayer
[+] Added Plastic Surgery with many options in Config.PlasticSurgery
[+] Added Config.Notification for Plastic Surgery
[+] Added config.translation.lua with translations for Plastic Surgery in EN, DE, CZ, FR, PL thanks to help from VMS Translators Team
[+] Added support for other peds than mp male and mp female for qb-clothing, fivem-appearance and illenium-appearance - Config.PedsList
[+] Added Config.UseRoutingBuckets - If you had any problems with player visibility during character creation, now you can use this option to connect players to individual virtual worlds
[-] Removed from ui slide bars for camera management

:computer: UPDATE 1.1.6

[/] Fixed loading of available texture values for clothes from qb-clothing.
[/] Fixed chest hair for illenium-appearance.
[-] Removed chest hair option from qb-clothing because in qb-clothing this does not exist.
[+] Added Config.CreatingIsNotInInterior - if you use character creator in the interior and have problems with the camera, you can set it to false to have the camera render the interior
[+] Added translations in ES, PT thanks to help from VMS Translators Team.

:computer: UPDATE 1.1.7

[+] Added ability to also use arrows to change values (config.js)
[+] Added Config.AddMoneyToHospital function to config.server.lua file - you can add money for e.g. a hospital when someone gets plastic surgery
[+] Added Config.AfterCreatedFirstCharacter function to config.client.lua file - this function is triggered only when character creation is completed after registration and you can enter here, for example, an export from vms_spawnselector
[+] Added EnablesCategories and AvailableItems option for Config.PlasticSurgery, you can disable clothes etc. for plastic surgery
[/] Corrected blush color value for fivem-appearance and illenium-appearance
[/] The problem with the face values for the story models from GTA 5 - Franklin, Michael, Trevor - has been fixed. They are no longer taken into account when creating a post with this model and it will not spoil the character.

:computer: UPDATE 1.1.8

[+] Added inputs so you can enter custom values to select clothing parts (after entering a value, you must accept it with the ENTER key to prevent any blacklist bugs)
[/] Fixed ERROR callback notififcation on plastic surgery
[/] Fixed Moles option for qb-clothing
[-] Removed Blemishes, Complexion, Sun options with qb-clothing, because qb-clothing does not support these options