[ESX/QB] Simple Car Hud & Belt System



  • Hud includes: seatbelt, speedometer, turn signals, lights, fuel, gearbox.
  • Seatbelt System.
  • Blackout system when you exceed a certain speed.
  • Increases stress if the player is driving without a belt.
  • Enable/disable hud by command.

Config = {}


Config.vehicle = {
	speedUnit = 'KMH', -- KMH or MPH
	maxSpeed = 350, 

	seatbelt = {
		playBuckleSound 	= true,
		playUnbuckleSound 	= true,
		playUnsafeSound 	= true

	keys = {
		seatbelt 	= 29,
		cruiser		= 137,
		signalLeft	= 174,
		signalRight	= 175,
		signalBoth	= 173,

-- Blackout is applied when it exceeds the maxSpeed ​​set above
Config.BlackoutTime = 2000 -- 2000 = 2 seconds


Config.Notification = function(title, message, time, types, svside, id)
    if svside then 
		TriggerClientEvent("esx:showNotification", source, message) -- ESX.
		--TriggerClientEvent('QBCore:Notify', source, message, type, length) --  QBCore.
    else -- Current script only use notifications by client-side
		TriggerEvent("esx:showNotification", message) -- ESX.
		--TriggerEvent('QBCore:Notify', message, type, length) -- QBCore.

Config.Locales = {
	['warn_seatbelt'] = { title= "Seat Belt", text = "Buckle up! (B key)", type = "info" },

Download Resource

:link: Direct Download
:link: Download

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Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 670
Requirements interact-sound (optional)
Support Yes

Possible to change color?


Link expired
can we get new ?

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new link updated :wink:

very good

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Works great, but having one issue. I change it to MPH in config, but its still doing the math for KMH. I know most scripts use 3.6 or 2.23694 for kmh or mph.
Any way we could implement this? I tried myself but its encrypted.

Edit: Also just noticed cruise control isnt working for me.

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Hey, thanks for the feedback.

I just reviewed and updated the script, download it again.

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Youtube Video Link updated.

Added the direct download to the post. Enjoy it.

how would i change the color?

It is possible via .css file.
If you need help, let me know :wink:

Updated script.

  • Optimized.
  • Config.lua reworked.

Is it possible to change the possition of the hud?

Yes it’s possible by .css file.

How do I use the seatbelt sound?

By default it is prepared for β€œinteract-sound” (script that reproduces sounds) but you can change it to another one in the client.lua, it’s just 1 line of code

I am now having issues with the seatbelt not working. Cruise control still doesnt either, but I added a different resource to cover that.
I tried updating it today as well. Any ideas?

it doesnt work

The sound?