[ESX] Create Character | esx_identity

  • Can be translated.
  • Associate your Discord profile image with your player.
  • Commands to force character creation and to completely delete a character (CK).
  • Discord log (webhook).
  • Changeable logo.
  • Configurable
    • Minimum/maximum age;
    • Minimum/maximum height;
    • Maximum length for names;
    • Notifications;
    • Date format.
Discord Log

Discord Log

Config Preview

Config Preview

Config                  = {}

---------------- | GERAL | ---------------------------------
Config.Locale = GetConvar('esx:locale', 'en')

Config.CharCreator = 'vms_charcreator' -- 'esx_skin' OR 'vms_charcreator'

---------------- | IMAGES | ---------------------------------
Config.BotToken = 'ODg3NDY2Njk0OTI1MjMwMTYw.GmnbQ1.3s2-N5CzYlWwOq34EUwUgIIy8w7nMU7rXSaGGE'  -- Tutotal to create -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-m-Z7Wav-fM
Config.EnableDiscordImages = true 
-- if  Config.EnableDiscordImage = false, put Default Image
Config.MaleDefaultImage = 'https://i.imgur.com/FnYSDHq.png'
Config.FemaleDefaultImage = 'https://i.imgur.com/1DMGtLP.png'

---------------- | TRANSLATIONS | ---------------------------------
Config.Translation = {
    NotifWelcome = 'Welcome, Enjoy Your 2nd Life',

    --Interface NUI
    ["WELCOME"] = 'Welcome to Server Name',
    ["INFO"] = 'Please fill in the blank spaces to register your character',
    ["PREVIEW"] = 'Identification Card Preview',
    ["FIRSTNAME"] = 'First Name',
    ["ENTER_NAME"] = 'Enter your name',
    ["LASTNAME"] = 'Last Name',
    ["ENTER_LASTNAME"] = 'Enter your last name',
    ["SUBMIT"] = 'Submit',
    ["REGISTRATION"] = 'Character Registration',
    ["LOS_SANTOS"] = 'City of Los Santos',
    ["CITIZENSHIP_CARD"] = 'Citizenship Card',
    ["CLASS"] = 'Class',
    ["RANK"] = 'Rank',
    ["MALE"] = 'Male',
    ["FEMALE"] = 'Female',
    ["HEIGHT"] = 'Height',
    ["GENDER"] = 'Gender',
    ["BIRTHDAY"] = 'Birthday',
    ["NAME"] = 'Name',

Config.Command = {
    Char = 'char',
    CharDel = 'chardel'

---------------- | CHAR SETTINGS | ---------------------------------
Config.EnableCommands   = true -- Enables Commands -> /char and /chardel
Config.FullCharDelete   = false -- Delete all reference to character.

Config.DateFormat       = 'DD/MM/YYYY' -- Choices: DD/MM/YYYY | MM/DD/YYYY | YYYY/MM/DD

Config.MaxNameLength    = 12 -- Max Name Length.
Config.MinHeight        = 120 -- 120 cm lowest height
Config.MaxHeight        = 220 -- 220 cm max height.
Config.LowestYear       = 1900 -- 112 years old is the oldest you can be.
Config.HighestYear      = 2003 -- 18 years old is the youngest you can be.

Download Resource

:link: Direct Download
:link: Download via Tebex

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[ESX] Identity

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 930
Requirements ESX Framework
Support Yes

Very nice!

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why cost this script 1,94$ although here stands free?

Post updated, thank you.

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here you go :wink:

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Is there an illenium appearance version of this script?

You can import that system into this script easily. If you need help, let me know.

it worked, thanks for your comment!

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I need help please i have this error
[ script:esx_identity] SCRIPT ERROR: @esx_identity/server.lua:3: attempt to index a nil value (global β€˜ESX’)

Fixed! Version 1.3 is stable.


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Hello ! How did you do ?

Here! (client-side).