Hey guys,
today I want to present myCarthief. This is a script, which allows your players to steal vehicles and get money for them.
The player can decide, whether he would:
Search a vehicle: Than there is a radius given and the player have to find a certain car. If he found it, he have to use a lockpick (can be disabled in Config) and bringt it back to a delivery point.
Steal a vehicle: Than he can select a difficulty. Depending on the difficulty there are NPCs, which are completely configurable in the Config.lua. The player have to fight against this NPCs, to get the vehicle. Afterwards he also have to bring the vehicle back to a delivery point.
Of course other players can also help to finish a mission!
- Fully configurable
- Opportunities for Gangs/Groups - in general makes the crime RP more interessting
- Cop Dispatches
- Difficulty can be choosen
- Easy to use also for Newbies (for Search Missions nothing, regardless the lockpick, is required)
- As always: Available in English and German (Can be translated compeletely in Config.lua)
Simeon Menu
Here you can select your mission type
Radius to search a vehicle in (Search Missions)
When you want to steal a vehicle, you could select a difficulty:
Depending on this difficulty, NPCs weapons, accuracy and armour will changend (Config)
â Can be configured individual for every mission
Config = {}
Translation = {}
Config.Locale = 'en'
--Config.SimeonLocation = {x = 1204.4976806641, y = -3107.2333984375, z = 5.5514688491821, rot = 345.72076416016}
Config.SimeonLocation = {x = 1202.9877929688, y = -3120.9143066406, z = 5.5403232574463, rot = 345.72076416016}
Config.SimeonBlip = {
enabled = true,
icon = 120,
colour = 2,
scale = 0.8,
Config.SimeonPedModel = "s_m_m_cntrybar_01"
Config.RequireLockpickItem = true
Config.LockpickItem = 'lockpick'
Config.CarAlarmTime = 15 -- How long the car alarm should be on
Config.LockpickTime = 5
Config.PoliceJobName = 'police'
Config.CallCopPercentage = 99
Config.useMarker = true
Config.DestinationBlip = 595
Config.SearchMissionTimeout = 2 -- time before anybody else can start a mission
Config.CopsRequiredSearchMission = 0 -- how many cops are required for this mission
Config.ShowSearchedVehiclePermanently = true -- enable/disable the text when you search a vehicle
Config.SearchMissions = {
{vehicleModel = 'furia',
loc = {x = -88.627822875977, y = 93.738975524902, z = 71.65062713623, rot = 154.00202941895},
searchRadius = 100.0,
deliveryPoint = {x = 1204.3325195312, y = -3115.0695800781, z = 5.5403265953064},
reward = 300,
{vehicleModel = 'Banshee2',
loc = {x = 131.90182495117, y = -67.257919311523, z = 66.968215942383, rot = 252.19311523438},
searchRadius = 100.0,
deliveryPoint = {x = 1204.3325195312, y = -3115.0695800781, z = 5.5403265953064},
reward = 300,
{vehicleModel = 'Kuruma',
loc = {x = 85.656898498535, y = -213.70178222656, z = 53.784297943115, rot = 159.27935791016},
searchRadius = 100.0,
deliveryPoint = {x = 1204.3325195312, y = -3115.0695800781, z = 5.5403265953064},
reward = 300,
{vehicleModel = 'Lynx',
loc = {x = 295.48239135742, y = -258.83041381836, z = 53.179935455322, rot = 250.7991027832},
searchRadius = 100.0,
deliveryPoint = {x = 1204.3325195312, y = -3115.0695800781, z = 5.5403265953064},
reward = 300,
{vehicleModel = 'GP1',
loc = {x = 942.31488037109, y = -246.63691711426, z = 67.901077270508, rot = 327.70379638672},
searchRadius = 100.0,
deliveryPoint = {x = 1204.3325195312, y = -3115.0695800781, z = 5.5403265953064},
reward = 300,
{vehicleModel = 'Turismo2',
loc = {x = 740.53332519531, y = 125.99301147461, z = 79.242561340332, rot = 61.601451873779},
searchRadius = 100.0,
deliveryPoint = {x = 1204.3325195312, y = -3115.0695800781, z = 5.5403265953064},
reward = 300,
{vehicleModel = 'Osiris',
loc = {x = 775.52038574219, y = 228.15002441406, z = 85.245994567871, rot = 60.441631317139},
searchRadius = 100.0,
deliveryPoint = {x = 1204.3325195312, y = -3115.0695800781, z = 5.5403265953064},
reward = 300,
{vehicleModel = 'FMJ',
loc = {x = -944.16040039062, y = -1094.7082519531, z = 1.4430465698242, rot = 28.964317321777},
searchRadius = 100.0,
deliveryPoint = {x = 1204.3325195312, y = -3115.0695800781, z = 5.5403265953064},
reward = 300,
{vehicleModel = 'StingerGT',
loc = {x = -1162.3463134766, y = -1160.8493652344, z = 4.9297399520874, rot = 285.44195556641},
searchRadius = 100.0,
deliveryPoint = {x = 1204.3325195312, y = -3115.0695800781, z = 5.5403265953064},
reward = 300,
{vehicleModel = 'emerus',
loc = {x = -1207.3594970703, y = -1025.6468505859, z = 1.4429296255112, rot = 120.93551635742},
searchRadius = 100.0,
deliveryPoint = {x = 1204.3325195312, y = -3115.0695800781, z = 5.5403265953064},
reward = 300,
Config.CombatMissionTimeout = 4 -- time before anybody else can start a mission
Config.CopsRequiredCombatMission = 0
Config.HeadshotEnabled = true
Config.Missions = {
{id = 1,
loc = {x = 14.320735931396, y = 547.71685791016, z = 175.5573425293, rot = 64.88427734375}, -- rot = rotation
vehicleModel = 'windsor',
aggressiveRange = 10.0, -- How near you have to be, before NPCs start to attack you
Enemies = {
{ -- first NPC
Pos = {x = 14.583070755005, y = 552.18310546875, z = 176.64765930176, rot = 61.236862182617},
animDict = 'rcmme_amanda1',
animLib = 'stand_loop_cop',
easy = {
ped = 's_m_y_devinsec_01',
weapon = 'WEAPON_UNARMED',
armour = 20,
accuracy = 40,
normal = {
ped = 's_m_y_devinsec_01',
weapon = 'WEAPON_KNIFE',
armour = 30,
accuracy = 50,
hard = {
ped = 's_m_y_devinsec_01',
weapon = 'WEAPON_SMG',
armour = 40,
accuracy = 60,
{ -- second NPC
Pos = {x = 10.363286972046, y = 544.87213134766, z = 175.75067138672, rot = 65.770492553711},
animDict = 'rcmme_amanda1',
animLib = 'stand_loop_cop',
easy = {
ped = 'csb_prolsec',
weapon = 'WEAPON_UNARMED',
armour = 30,
accuracy = 10,
normal = {
ped = 'csb_prolsec',
weapon = 'WEAPON_STUNGUN',
armour = 30,
accuracy = 30,
hard = {
ped = 'csb_prolsec',
weapon = 'WEAPON_PISTOL',
armour = 40,
accuracy = 50,
deliveryPoint = {x = 1204.3325195312, y = -3115.0695800781, z = 5.5403265953064},
missionReward = {500, 1000, 1500} -- easy, normal, hard
{id = 2,
loc = {x = 3803.7717285156, y = 4463.2534179688, z = 4.7297325134277, rot = 251.8916015625}, -- rot = rotation
vehicleModel = 'mule',
aggressiveRange = 10.0, -- How near you have to be, before NPCs start to attack you
Enemies = {
{ -- first NPC
Pos = {x = 3805.0375976562, y = 4454.7666015625, z = 4.3834028244019, rot = 80.113967895508},
animDict = 'rcmme_amanda1',
animLib = 'stand_loop_cop',
easy = {
ped = 'mp_m_waremech_01',
weapon = 'WEAPON_UNARMED',
armour = 20,
accuracy = 40,
normal = {
ped = 'mp_m_waremech_01',
weapon = 'WEAPON_KNIFE',
armour = 30,
accuracy = 50,
hard = {
ped = 'mp_m_waremech_01',
weapon = 'WEAPON_KNIFE',
armour = 40,
accuracy = 60,
{ -- second NPC
Pos = {x = 3804.9875488281, y = 4470.146484375, z = 4.6825728416443, rot = 97.683319091797},
animDict = 'rcmme_amanda1',
animLib = 'stand_loop_cop',
easy = {
ped = 'mp_m_famdd_01',
weapon = 'WEAPON_UNARMED',
armour = 30,
accuracy = 10,
normal = {
ped = 'mp_m_famdd_01',
weapon = 'WEAPON_BAT',
armour = 30,
accuracy = 30,
hard = {
ped = 'mp_m_famdd_01',
weapon = 'WEAPON_PISTOL',
armour = 40,
accuracy = 50,
Pos = {x = 3775.8181152344, y = 4465.017578125, z = 6.335346698761, rot = 101.1090927124},
animDict = 'rcmme_amanda1',
animLib = 'stand_loop_cop',
easy = {
ped = 'csb_mweather',
weapon = 'WEAPON_KNIFE',
armour = 30,
accuracy = 10,
normal = {
ped = 'csb_mweather',
weapon = 'WEAPON_PISTOL',
armour = 30,
accuracy = 30,
hard = {
ped = 'csb_mweather',
weapon = 'WEAPON_SMG_MK2',
armour = 40,
accuracy = 50,
Pos = {x = 3789.2219238281, y = 4464.421875, z = 5.9282832145691, rot = 78.12684631347},
animDict = 'rcmme_amanda1',
animLib = 'stand_loop_cop',
easy = {
ped = 'csb_mweather',
weapon = 'WEAPON_PISTOL',
armour = 30,
accuracy = 10,
normal = {
ped = 'csb_mweather',
weapon = 'WEAPON_SMG',
armour = 30,
accuracy = 30,
hard = {
ped = 'csb_mweather',
weapon = 'WEAPON_SMG',
armour = 40,
accuracy = 50,
deliveryPoint = {x = 1204.3325195312, y = -3115.0695800781, z = 5.5403265953064},
missionReward = {1500, 2000, 4500} -- easy, normal, hard
Translation = {
['en'] = {
['talk_to_simeon'] = 'Press ~INPUT_PICKUP~ to talk to Simeon',
['simeon'] = '~b~Simeon',
['simeon_desc'] = 'Select a mission!',
['start_mission'] = 'Steal a vehicle',
['start_searchmission_desc'] = 'Search the vehicle in a certain radius',
['start_mission_desc'] = 'Steal a vehicle, which is protected by some guards',
['wait_a_moment'] = 'This mission is not available at the moment',
['lockpick_vehicle'] = 'Press ~INPUT_PICKUP~ to lockpick the vehicle',
['no_lockpick'] = '~r~You do not have a lockpick.',
['blip_destination'] = 'Destination',
['blip_car'] = 'Car',
['mission_not_available'] = '~r~There is no mission available at the moment!',
['search_mission'] = 'Search a vehicle',
['search_mission_desc'] = 'Search a certain vehicle in a certain zone.',
['already_in_mission'] = '~r~You are already in a mission!',
['abort_mission'] = '~r~Abort mission',
['mission_aborted'] = '~g~Mission was aborted!',
['mission_success_title'] = 'Mission Success',
['mission_success'] = '~g~Mission finished! \n~s~Body Health is: ~b~',
['mission_success_2'] = '% ~s~so you receive ~g~$',
['not_enough_cops'] = '~r~No enough cops in town!',
['911'] = '911 Emergency Call',
['dispatch_in'] = '~r~Dispatch!\n~s~A ~y~carthief ~s~was reported in ~y~ ',
['wrong_car'] = '~r~This is not the right car!',
['search_car'] = 'The car you have to search is a ~y~',
['lookout_for'] = 'You have to find a ~y~ ',
['easy'] = 'Easy',
['normal'] = 'Normal',
['hard'] = 'Hard',
['start_combat_mission'] = 'You got the ~y~GPS ~s~of those motherfuckers! Get the ~y~car ~s~out of there.',
['de'] = {
['talk_to_simeon'] = 'DrĂźcke ~INPUT_PICKUP~, um mit Simeon zu sprechen',
['simeon'] = '~b~Simeon',
['simeon_desc'] = 'Wähle einen Auftrag!',
['start_mission'] = 'Klaue ein Fahrzeug',
['start_searchmission_desc'] = 'Suche ein Fahrzeug in einem bestimmten Radius',
['start_mission_desc'] = 'Nimm einer Gruppe von Bewachern das Fahrzeug weg',
['wait_a_moment'] = 'Mission zur Zeit nicht verfĂźgbar!',
['lockpick_vehicle'] = 'DrĂźcke ~INPUT_PICKUP~, um die TĂźr aufzubrechen',
['no_lockpick'] = '~r~Du hast keinen Dietrich.',
['blip_destination'] = 'Ziel',
['blip_car'] = 'Auto',
['mission_not_available'] = '~r~Zur Zeit ist keine Mission verfĂźgbar!',
['search_mission'] = 'Suche ein Fahrzeug',
['already_in_mission'] = '~r~Du hast bereits eine Mission gestartet!',
['abort_mission'] = '~r~Mission abbrechen',
['mission_aborted'] = '~g~Mission wurde abgebrochen',
['mission_success_title'] = 'Mission erfolgreich',
['mission_success'] = '~g~Mission abgeschlossen! \n~s~Karosserieschaden: ~b~',
['mission_success_2'] = '%~s~. Du erhältst ~g~$',
['not_enough_cops'] = '~r~Nicht genĂźgend Cops online!',
['911'] = '911 Emergency Call',
['dispatch_in'] = '~r~Notruf!\n~s~Ein ~y~Autodieb ~s~wurde gemeldet in ~y~ ',
['wrong_car'] = '~r~Das ist nicht das richtige Fahrzeug!',
['search_car'] = 'Halte Ausschau nach einem ~y~',
['lookout_for'] = 'Finde einen ~y~ ',
['easy'] = 'Einfach',
['normal'] = 'Normal',
['hard'] = 'Schwer',
['start_combat_mission'] = 'Du hast die ~y~GPS ~s~Koordinaten von diesen motherf**** bekommen! Hol das ~y~Auto ~s~da raus.',
- NativeUI
Price: 5⏠/ 6$ (tax included)
Download at https://luis-scripts.tebex.io/package/4229559