Config = {
OnlyZones = false, -- Allow drug growth only in defined zones
GlobalGrowthRate = 10, -- In how many seconds it takes to update the plant (At 100% rate plant will grow 1% every update)
DefaultRate = 10, -- Plants planted outside zone default growth rate percentage
WeightSystem = true, -- Using ESX Weight System
Zones = {
Coords = vector3(1854.1574707031,4907.66015625,44.745887756348),
Radius = 100.0,
GrowthRate = 30.0,
Display = true,
DisplayBlip = 469, -- Select blip from (https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/blips/)
DisplayColor = 2, -- Select blip color from (https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/blips/)
DisplayText = 'Weed Zone',
Exclusive = {'weed_lemonhaze_seed'} -- Types of drugs that will be affected in this are.
PlantWater = {
['water'] = 10 -- Item and percent it adds to overall plant water
PlantFood = {
['fertilizer'] = 15 -- Item and percent it adds to overall plant food
Plants = { -- Create seeds for drugs
['weed_lemonhaze_seed'] = {
Label = 'Lemon Haze', --
Type = 'weed', -- Type of drug
Image = 'weed.png', -- Image of plant
PlantType = 'plant1', -- Choose plant types from (plant1, plant2, small_plant) also you can change plants yourself in main/client.lua line: 2
Color = '122, 232, 19', -- Main color of the plant rgb
Produce = 'weed_lemonhaze', -- Item the plant is going to produce when harvested
Amount = 3, -- The max amount you can harvest from the plant
SeedChance = 50, -- Percent of getting back the seed
Time = 3000 -- Time it takes to harvest in miliseconds
['coca_seed'] = {
Label = 'Coca Plant', --
Type = 'cocaine', -- Type of drug
Image = 'coca.png', -- Image of plant
PlantType = 'plant2', -- Choose plant types from (plant1, plant2, small_plant) also you can change plants yourself in main/client.lua line: 2
Color = '255, 255, 255', -- Main color of the plant rgb
Produce = 'coca', -- Item the plant is going to produce when harvested
Amount = 3, -- The max amount you can harvest from the plant
SeedChance = 50, -- Percent of getting back the seed
Time = 3000 -- Time it takes to harvest in miliseconds
ProcessingTables = { -- Create processing table
['cocaine_processing_table'] = {
Label = 'Cocaine',
Model = 'bkr_prop_coke_table01a', -- Exanples: bkr_prop_weed_table_01a, bkr_prop_meth_table01a, bkr_prop_coke_table01a
Color = '255, 255, 255', -- Color in RGB
Item = 'cocaine', -- Processed item
Time = 10, -- Time in seconds to process 1 item
Ingrediants = {
['coca'] = 3,
['fuel'] = 1
Drugs = { -- Create you own drugs
['weed_lemonhaze'] = {
Label = 'Lemon Haze',
Animation = 'blunt', -- Animations: blunt, sniff, pill
Time = 30, -- Time is added on top of 30 seconds
Effects = { -- Effects: runningSpeedIncrease, infinateStamina, moreStrength, healthRegen, foodRegen, drunkWalk, psycoWalk, outOfBody, cameraShake, fogEffect, confusionEffect, whiteoutEffect, intenseEffect, focusEffect
['cocaine'] = {
Label = 'Cocaine',
Animation = 'sniff', -- Animations: blunt, sniff, pill
Time = 60, -- Time is added on top of 30 seconds
Effects = { -- Effects: runningSpeedIncrease, infinateStamina, moreStrength, healthRegen, foodRegen, drunkWalk, psycoWalk, outOfBody, cameraShake, fogEffect, confusionEffect, whiteoutEffect, intenseEffect, focusEffect
Dealers = {
Ped = 'g_m_importexport_01',
Coords = vector3(167.51689147949,6631.5473632813,30.527015686035),
Heading = 200.0,
Prices = {
['weed_lemonhaze'] = 10 -- Item name and price for 1
Text = {
['planted'] = 'Seed was planted!',
['feed'] = 'Plant was fed!',
['water'] = 'Plant was watered!',
['destroy'] = 'Plant was destroyed!',
['harvest'] = 'You harvested the plant!',
['cant_plant'] = 'You cant plant here!',
['processing_table_holo'] = '~r~E~w~ Processing Table',
['cant_hold'] = 'You dont have space for this item!',
['missing_ingrediants'] = 'You dont have these ingrediants',
['dealer_holo'] = '~g~E~w~ Sell drugs',
['sold_dealer'] = 'You sold drugs to dealer! +$',
['no_drugs'] = 'You dont have enough drugs'
-- Only change if you know what are you doing!
function SendTextMessage(msg)
exports['mythic_notify']:DoHudText('error', msg)