🪢 Core Skills [QB/ESX] - Skill Tree system with Modern UI (Experiance, Levels, Skill Points, Abilities)



:heart: CORE JOBS

:heart: CORE DRUGS
:heart: CORE MDW (CAD)

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 3000
Requirements N/A
Support Yes

Really cool, I could imagine this being used in many different ways both for skills, abilities and jobs.
Great release with a cool UI! <3

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Core know the wae.

Wonderfully :face_holding_back_tears:

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Which carhud is it what is in the video?

Its holographic speedometer heavily modified

How easy is it to add new skills in?

skill categories like running etc… its pretty hard to add, but adding skills for existing categories is easy

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Hi, I bought the script yesterday but I didn’t receive the script in this email. I wrote on Discord, but they haven’t responded since yesterday.

Our helpers responded that we dont work on weekends :slight_smile: At the top of the ticket is also says how to download when you dont recieve an email

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Indeed, I was careless, but the helper could have written this to me. Especially since I also put the transation ID in the ticket. Thanks in any case for the help. :slight_smile:

Yeah he is pretty new glad its solved :slight_smile:

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  • Now works with every resolution
  • Added client side export
  • Added command for admins to add xp to players

I Have Purchased This Script & At First It Was Confusing Because I Was New To This But Core Support Did a Great Job Guiding Me I Also Bought There priority Support Which Is an Amazing Deal Just An Extra 5$ Totally Worth It They Customized To My Liking Even Creating Special Logo Just For a Certain Skill I Wanted I Would Definitely Recommend Purchasing From Them You Will Not Regret It! 10/10

Good Script!

the best skill system ever

The script allows for a high degree of server customization! Absolutely perfect!

It can be implemented on your own server quickly and easily, and can be adjusted to 100%.

For any questions about the script, fast and high-quality support is available. For this reason, we have also decided on seven more scripts from Core and can wholeheartedly recommend Core.

Recently purchased Skills after using a variety of other resources that offer similar functionality. I’m set on only using refined resources, just because of my past experiences with resources looking good on the front side but bad on the back end, though I’m truly pleased with the quality that’s being offered here.

From watching a few showcase videos, I assumed there were only a few skills that could be added to it, but after trying it for myself, there’s a lot of cool abilities such as the placeable defense walls which is a HUGE game-changer in my opinion and to be completely honest that blew my mind something like that was possible haha.

You can also expand on the system by creating your own abilities and skill tree, it does seem a little difficult to be fair, but I’m sure with practice, and time you’ll easily be able to create an entire custom skill tree with no issue.

They offer pretty great support as well, I also own core vehicle, and back in early 2023 I had a slight issue but I was able to get it fixed quickly, super thankful for that because there are a lot of development studios on here that won’t even take a minute out of their day to help a customer out. Anyways I hope this helps anyone interested in it.

This script is everything you could ask for when it comes to a skill tree based perk system, very configurable, modifiable, and un-obfuscated enough to change anything you might need to.

So cool!!!