July 13, 2023, 12:09pm
pretty cool, wheres this at?
This is a classic script! Thank you for releasing it for free,
Av blessing with the free script, thank you AV!
the door is already open, and when the hacker finishes, the interior disappears
what about your cayo heist i bought that nearly 2 years ago and when they introduced cfx lock you refused me the new version
Definitely downloaded it and going to give a shot man thank you for releasing it for free!
1 Like
Hey man, is this compatible with ps-dispatch? great release and thanks
Edit : nvm, noticed on the GIT it says about dispatch.
Verify in your server files if u have this one duplicated: v_int_63.ytyp
Nice works well just had to change the items needed for the job to what I had in my city
Everything works fine, only that it doesn’t remove items like the hack_vault and the thermite. I use qs-inventory, could you help me?
Nice work
Replace the removeItem function in server/framework/functions.lua with this:
-- Remove Item from Player
function removeItem(src, item, amount)
local amount = amount or 1
exports['qs-inventory']:RemoveItem(src, item, amount)
August 2, 2023, 10:46pm
Hello! Excellent script, but I have a problem. I am using ox_inventory but also when I have the items in the inventory, when hacking the vault, it tells me that I do not have the necessary items. (I use the default items that were in the script)
function removeItem(src, item, amount)
local amount = amount or 1
exports[Config.Inventory]:RemoveItem(src, item, amount)
does not remove any items.
Is just your inventory problem because in the video the same function works perfectly fine
im using qb-inventroy and it doesnt work. when i change it to qb-inventory it wont let me hack it keeps saying i dont have the item, if i keep it to ox it works. i dont quite understand.
When are u gonna change the C4 Bomb and make the real heist with the big machine drill?