TBM Dynamic Dealer for QB-Core


  1. Dealer can configured with every item or weapon
  2. every Item or weapon has a storage, if the storage is full no one can sell items
  3. items in storage can configured to reduce or fill periodically
  4. you can configure a max and a min price
  5. prices that player will get, will calculated dependent on current count of storage and min and max price
  6. players can buy and sell items
  7. it is possible to set whether an item can be sold or bought at a position.
  8. difference for sell and buy prices are configurable in percent
  9. You can configure Peds or Zones
  10. dealer can be configured only for job and job grades
  11. dealer can use money from ped or bank account
  12. you can sell items with a specific job. The money will transfer to the company / society account
  13. configure require cops for trader position
  14. Players can get provision when item for a job trader will sell.



Example Config

(The Video shows the old Layout. New layout you see in Picture on Top.)

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Version 1.10


  • QBCore Export Event can be renamed

Version 1.11


  • ESX event names can be renamed in config

Version 1.12.0


  • (only ESX) Update for Jobs : now you can sell items with a specific job. The money will transfer to the company / society account