
Welcome to SickFines!

A super simple system to allow you to write tickets that will go to the PEFCL Invoice boxes!

I have been recently playing more and more with PEFCL and seeing what you can do with it. I found there is an invoice system but didn’t see a way to issue invoices. Now there is!!!

Example Invoice Recieved

Invoices are sent Directly to the Bank

Using PEFCL (Project Error Financial) you can send the invoice directly to the bank where you will need to pay it or after the time it will attempt to keep paying it till its is settled!

Example Ticket Recieved

Tickets are sent to Officer and to an Inventory created to store these! 

Tickets can be handed over to Player if you choose to do that or kept for records. There is already a Records system built in that will help you keep track of who does what ticket. This helps if you do something like a quota or bonuses for doing more tickets. As long as officer puts their name they will have a good recording.


Example Webhook

Webhooks are set up for admin to monitor who does what with the tickets. Easier to maintain

On Server sided lua there is a part for your WebHook! Server side is also where you can check the invoice to decide if you want pd or the person sending the ticket to get the money. There are notes in there to make sure you understand what is happening there!


Example Police Ticket Storage

This is where the other copy goes AUTOMATICALLY after creation

This will be where the tickets go after an officer creates one. This is for keeping records and just knowing whats going on in your Police Department. You can use this to track how many tickets are made by a certain officer and even an amount that is recorded. This Inventory NEEDS to be cleared out Often to avoid tickets being LOST. After Recording you can either dispose of them in any way fit or find something/somewhere to put them for later reference if needed!


Example Fine Book

Using Ox_libs Input menu you can fill out information

Ox_libs has made making new scripts WAY more functional and just better LOOKING! In the Fine Book there are a few options and ALL are REQUIRED in order to create the tickets!

1. The Offender SERVER ID
2. The fine Amount (1235)
3. The Reason Behind the fine (Speeding)
4. Offenders name (Zues Almighty)
5. The Officers Name (Hades Almighty)
6. The Date (usually does it on its own!)

Script is FREE and OPEN SOURCE for you to change and maybe learn!!!

Download Here:
Download :love_letter:

Other Scripts:

SickDirtyCops – Paid :policeman:
SickTrapHouses – Paid :derelict_house:

SickLockers – Free :left_luggage:
SickWarrants – Free :notebook:

Documentation: – (Docs are Up to Date!)

Links For Dependencies:

Will be making a video soon!!!

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~300
Requirements Ox_target, Ox_Libs, Ox_inventory, ESX, PEFCL
Support Yes

Hello, how good is your script. I think more script like yours is missing integrating ox-lib and ox-inventory… would like to see a script, a new app for npwd like instgram would be great.

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Hey there. Sorry I’m not quite sure I’m following you here

So more scripts need to use ox libs and ox inventory? I agree if so and am trying to make my script compatable with both.

And I’m not best with UI stuff like that as I’m learning it but getting the hang of it I could maybe do it at a later time!

Your first question I don’t feel best for me to answer only cause I am biased towards my scripts and think they are awesome. It’s not me using them tho it’s the community and I strive to bring awesome scripts to the people of FiveM

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Nice release, waiting to use it.


Thank you!!! I really hope you enjoy it and get lots of uses!!!



~ Fixed player job is nil error on load up.
~ Fixed issue with having to restart script to see spots or options

Just some minor stuff that needed looking at!

Update is on Github!!!

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