Utility Bank
Currently works with:
- GTA5 Vanilla banks
- Blaine County Branches
- FM Fleeca Banks V2
Experience robbing a bank by having to handle hostages, the script contains 2 possible approaches:
- Keys: find a set of keys for the vault antechamber door.
- Kaboom: blow that fucking door!
Script designed to work in co-op/multiplayer, so you can rob together with your best friends!
Read all the functionalities in the Contains section.
The community ideas/feedback will be taken into consideration, we care passionately about customer service.
- Hostage Handling: Take control of the situation by managing hostages. Your actions will determine whether the situation escalates or remains under control. Fail to handle hostages properly, and security shutters will come crashing down, complicating your escape plan.
- Security Shutters: Encourage players to carefully consider to handling hostages, as triggering the shutters can significantly impact their chances of success. (right now there is no method to be able to control them, in a future update there will be an item for the police to control them remotely and a health to give even criminals a chance to escape)
- Vault Hacking Mini-Game: Minigame to hack the vault and get your hands on all that juicy loot
- Robust congruence and validity checks of datas on the server-side to keep your server and script safe. First rule of networking, never trust the client!
- Complete and rich config
- Ability to modify framework-related functions so that custom or non-compatible frameworks can also be integrated
Config = {}
Config.Intimidation = {
Config.Interactions = {
["pushable_buttons"] = {
name = "push",
label = "Push",
icon = "fas fa-hand",
distance = 2.0
["openable_vault"] = {
name = "toggleVault",
label = "Toggle Vault",
icon = "fas fa-lock",
distance = 2.0
["hack_panel_vault"] = {
name = "hackVault",
label = "Hack",
icon = "fas fa-laptop",
distance = 2.0
-- For key pickup interaction
["key_pickup"] = {
name = "keyPickup",
label = "Pickup Key",
icon = "fas fa-key",
distance = 2.0
Config.Translations = {
["key_required"] = "A key is required to open this door",
["open_antechamber_door"] = "Press {E} to unlock the antechamber door",
["on_key_pickup"] = "Key for the ~y~vault antechamber~w~ collected",
["bomb_required"] = "A bomb is required to open this door",
["robbery_started_notify"] = "An alarm went off at a bank!"
Config.ResetTime = 2 -- (minutes) Time for which the bank, when being robbed must remain empty (no players inside it) to be resetted
-- This will require: ESX or QBCore
Config.BombItem = "bomb_big"
-- The blip that will be created when someone robs the bank, as soon as the player approaches it will be automatically deleted;
-- You can customize when and how it is triggered from the config_functions.lua file.
Config.RobberyBlip = {
name = "Bank Robbery",
sprite = 586,
color = 1,
scale = 1.0,
duration = 30000 -- If the player does not approach the blip after this time it will be eliminated, set to -1 to disable
Config.Banks = {
-- Dont change the order
[1] = {
type = "blaine_branche",
config = {
hostages = true, -- This also includes players having to manage hostages to keep the shutters from closing
keys = {
enabled = true,
spawnpoints = {
vec3(1697.2170, 3786.4980, 34.1345),
vec3(1695.7720, 3787.5842, 35.5373),
vec3(1703.3497, 3787.2090, 36.0351),
vec3(1700.2557, 3787.3711, 35.9956),
trollies = {
enabled = true,
amountPerBundle = {100, 300} -- [min, max] amount of money per single bundle
vault_hacking = {
enabled = true
-- This will require: ESX or QBCore
bomb = {
enabled = false
[2] = {
type = "blaine_branche",
config = {
hostages = true, -- This also includes players having to manage hostages to keep the shutters from closing
keys = {
enabled = true,
spawnpoints = {
vec3(1694.5414, 4857.8970, 42.9374),
vec3(1692.4832, 4857.3105, 42.4911),
vec3(1692.1604, 4853.9512, 43.6367),
vec3(1690.6746, 4851.2715, 43.4203),
trollies = {
enabled = true,
amountPerBundle = {100, 300} -- [min, max] amount of money per single bundle
vault_hacking = {
enabled = true
-- This will require: ESX or QBCore
bomb = {
enabled = false
[3] = {
type = "blaine_branche",
config = {
hostages = true, -- This also includes players having to manage hostages to keep the shutters from closing
keys = {
enabled = true,
spawnpoints = {
vec3(581.1383, 2668.2275, 42.5814),
vec3(580.5016, 2670.0251, 42.1442),
vec3(574.4494, 2671.8772, 43.0783),
vec3(577.1849, 2670.5120, 43.4273),
trollies = {
enabled = true,
amountPerBundle = {100, 300} -- [min, max] amount of money per single bundle
vault_hacking = {
enabled = true
-- This will require: ESX or QBCore
bomb = {
enabled = false
[4] = {
type = "blaine_branche",
config = {
hostages = true, -- This also includes players having to manage hostages to keep the shutters from closing
keys = {
enabled = true,
spawnpoints = {
vec3(2548.0977, 404.4348, 109.3146),
vec3(2549.7883, 404.8145, 108.8830),
vec3(2552.5266, 410.5005, 109.8189),
vec3(2550.7751, 408.0982, 110.0416),
trollies = {
enabled = true,
amountPerBundle = {100, 300} -- [min, max] amount of money per single bundle
vault_hacking = {
enabled = true
-- This will require: ESX or QBCore
bomb = {
enabled = false
[5] = {
type = "blaine_branche",
config = {
hostages = true, -- This also includes players having to manage hostages to keep the shutters from closing
keys = {
enabled = true,
spawnpoints = {
vec3(-3155.2610, 1133.5093, 21.4413),
vec3(-3153.3896, 1133.0834, 21.0276),
vec3(-3148.6270, 1137.2262, 22.0948),
vec3(-3151.2827, 1135.6768, 22.3722),
trollies = {
enabled = true,
amountPerBundle = {100, 300} -- [min, max] amount of money per single bundle
vault_hacking = {
enabled = true
-- This will require: ESX or QBCore
bomb = {
enabled = false
Config (functions)
Config.Functions = {
StartFramework = function()
if GetResourceState("es_extended") ~= "missing" then
ESX = exports["es_extended"]:getSharedObject()
elseif GetResourceState("qb-core") ~= "missing" then
QBCore = exports["qb-core"]:GetCoreObject()
RegisterBombItem = function(item)
-- OnBombItemUse: (source, item) => void
-- source<number> Its the player id that uses the item
-- item<string> The name of the item that is being used
if GetResourceState("es_extended") ~= "missing" then
ESX.RegisterUsableItem(item, OnBombItemUse)
elseif GetResourceState("qb-core") ~= "missing" then
QBCore.Functions.CreateUseableItem(item, OnBombItemUse)
GiveTrollyMoney = function(source, amount)
-- https://utility-library.github.io/documentation/server/esx_integration/xplayer/AddMoney/
AddMoney(source, "cash", amount)
RemoveItem = function(source, item, amount)
-- https://utility-library.github.io/documentation/server/esx_integration/xplayer/RemoveItem/
RemoveItem(source, item, amount)
StartAlarm = function(bankId)
if ESX then
local xPlayers = ESX.GetExtendedPlayers('job', 'police')
for _, xPlayer in pairs(xPlayers) do
TriggerClientAction("SetBlipToBank", xPlayer.source, bankId)
elseif QBCore then
local players = QBCore.Functions.GetQBPlayers()
for _, v in pairs(players) do
if v and v.PlayerData.job.type == "leo" and v.PlayerData.job.onduty then
TriggerClientAction('QBCore:Notify', v.PlayerData.source, Config.Translations["robbery_started_notify"], "primary")
TriggerClientAction("SetBlipToBank", v.PlayerData.source, bankId)
Other Resources
By XenoS (me)
Utility Library
React Wrapper
Crosshair Built In
– Paid
Utility Weapons
Utility Pause Menu
By MarKz
Blaine County Branches
Code is accessible | No |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | ~2500 |
Requirements | utility_lib |
Support | Yes |