Utility Weapons - An ultra advanced weapon system user experience
Have you ever wondered if you are holding a toy or a weapon?
It’s time to welcome utility_weapons, a script that aims at the best user experience, with an attractive UI inspired by The Division, the UI is almost pixel perfect, besides increasing the experience of firing with a weapon it also increases the visual effects and implements new features to the weapons.
The script will be maintained and community ideas/feedback will be taken into account, we care passionately about customer service.
Laser Sight with environmental light
Safety in the HUD
Jamming System
Enhanced smoke and visual effects
- Default recoil
- Laser Sight
- Enhanced visual effects and particles
- Pattern recoils
- Weapon jamming system
- Possibility to hold the breath and movements from the breath
- Every time you reload you lost the bullet in the clip
- Weapon Experience
- Fire mode Changeable
- Ultra modern and digital 3D HUD (inspired by The Division)
- Exports to check everything related to that script (firemode, recoil step, if is holding breath, ecc…)
- Everything is configurable!
Config = {}
Config.Debug = false
Config.Standalone = true
Config.ShowHud = true
Config.ShowHudOnlyWhileAiming = true -- if false show hud also when not aiming
Config.RemoveAllClipOnReload = false
-- Default Recoil (No pattern)
Config.BasicPitch = 2.4
Config.BasicHeading = 0.5
-- Breath
Config.BasicBreathTime = 5500 -- (ms)
-- Weapon Jam System
Config.ProbabilityWeaponJam = 100 -- (%)
Config.OneBullet = true -- Remove only 1 bullet when you try to unjam the weapon
-- FireMode System
Config.ChangeFireModeKey = "C"
Config.LaserSight = {
AuthorizedJob = false, -- Insert here the name of your job (example: AuthorizedJob = "police")
AuthorizedWeapons = { -- Leave empty for all weapon, to add a weapon you need to use the hash (see the example below)
Key = "G"
Config.GunpowderTraces = {
Duration = 0, -- (s) Set after how many seconds the traces of gunpowder will vanish (Set to 0 to disable it)
CleanUpKey = "E",
CleanUpInWater = true, -- If on true when a player enters the water he will be able to wipe the gunpowder off his hands
CleanUpDuration = 3, -- (s)
Item = {
Name = "stub", -- Set it to nil to disable this functionality
DeleteOnUse = false,
AllowedJobs = {}
Config.WeaponsSparks = {
[`weapon_pistol`] = vector3(1.1, 0.15, 0.0)
Config.Experience = {
Max = 5000, -- Max experience that a weapon can have
Default = 1,
Objects = {
["gr_prop_gr_target_05c"] = 4
Config.Breath = {
StandNoHold = 0.1, -- Breath movement when the player is not holding the breath and is standing (not moving)
WalkNoHold = 0.2, -- Breath movement when the player is not holding the breath and is walking
RunNoHold = 0.5, -- Breath movement when the player is not holding the breath and is running
BreathRunsOut = {
Intensity = 1.0,
Duration = 3000,
BreathCooldown = 2500, -- Is the time that the player need to wait to hold the breath again
Sounds = {
StartHoldBreath = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/814147954750652487/945426837205549086/hold_breath_in.mp3",
StopHoldingBreath = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/814147954750652487/945426837662740560/hold_breath_out.mp3"
KeyMapping = {
Key = "LMENU", -- Left Alt
Description = "Key to hold your breath"
Config.RifleMode = {
--["weapon_pistol"] = true
Config.Translations = {
["nolongerjammed"] = "~g~Weapon is no longer jammed",
["jammed"] = "~r~Your weapon has jammed, reload to unjam it",
["nolongergunpowder"] = "Your hands no longer smell of gunpowder",
["cleangunpowder"] = "Press {E} to clean up gunpowder traces",
["nogunpowderfound"] = "~g~No~w~ traces of gunpowder found",
["gunpowderfound"] = "Traces of gunpowder ~r~found~w~!",
["noclosestplayer"] = "There are no nearby players"
Config.Patterns = {
-- Every "step" (table) is a bullet fired
-- The params can be (left/right/up/down)
[`weapon_pistol`] = {
left = 2.0,
up = 5.0
right = 4.0,
up = 5.0
right = 1.0,
up = 5.0
Tips to increase the engagement
You can use this sounds
This is the version that i have converted for FiveM (sounds.zip, 76.7 MB)
Other Resources
By XenoS (me)
Utility Library
Utility Farming
By MarKz
Mirror Restaurant
Paradise Club
Ammunation Rework
Chevrolet Cardealer
Code accessible | Only server-side |
Subscription based | No |
Lines (approximately) | 1422 |
Requirements | Utility Library |
Support | Yes |
- Gunpowder traces on hands when firing with a weapon
- Shooting range and limitation only to when you hit something for experience
- Command to record patterns