[RELEASE] [PAID] utility_weapons

Utility Weapons - An ultra advanced weapon system user experience

Have you ever wondered if you are holding a toy or a weapon?
It’s time to welcome utility_weapons, a script that aims at the best user experience, with an attractive UI inspired by The Division, the UI is almost pixel perfect, besides increasing the experience of firing with a weapon it also increases the visual effects and implements new features to the weapons.
The script will be maintained and community ideas/feedback will be taken into account, we care passionately about customer service.

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Utility Library


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Laser Sight with environmental light

Safety in the HUD

Jamming System

Enhanced smoke and visual effects

  • Default recoil
  • Laser Sight
  • Enhanced visual effects and particles
  • Pattern recoils
  • Weapon jamming system
  • Possibility to hold the breath and movements from the breath
  • Every time you reload you lost the bullet in the clip
  • Weapon Experience
  • Fire mode Changeable
  • Ultra modern and digital 3D HUD (inspired by The Division)
  • Exports to check everything related to that script (firemode, recoil step, if is holding breath, ecc…)
  • Everything is configurable!
Config = {}
Config.Debug = false
Config.Standalone = true

Config.ShowHud = true
Config.ShowHudOnlyWhileAiming = true -- if false show hud also when not aiming

Config.RemoveAllClipOnReload = false

-- Default Recoil (No pattern)
Config.BasicPitch = 2.4
Config.BasicHeading = 0.5

-- Breath
Config.BasicBreathTime = 5500 -- (ms)

-- Weapon Jam System
Config.ProbabilityWeaponJam = 100 -- (%)
Config.OneBullet = true -- Remove only 1 bullet when you try to unjam the weapon

-- FireMode System
Config.ChangeFireModeKey = "C"

Config.LaserSight = { 
    AuthorizedJob = false, -- Insert here the name of your job (example: AuthorizedJob = "police")
    AuthorizedWeapons = { -- Leave empty for all weapon, to add a weapon you need to use the hash (see the example below)

    Key = "G"

Config.GunpowderTraces = {
    Duration = 0, -- (s) Set after how many seconds the traces of gunpowder will vanish (Set to 0 to disable it)

    CleanUpKey = "E",
    CleanUpInWater = true, -- If on true when a player enters the water he will be able to wipe the gunpowder off his hands
    CleanUpDuration = 3, -- (s)

    Item = {
        Name = "stub", -- Set it to nil to disable this functionality
        DeleteOnUse = false,
        AllowedJobs = {}

Config.WeaponsSparks = {
    [`weapon_pistol`] = vector3(1.1, 0.15, 0.0)

Config.Experience = {
    Max = 5000, -- Max experience that a weapon can have

    Default = 1,
    Objects = {
        ["gr_prop_gr_target_05c"] = 4

Config.Breath = {
    StandNoHold = 0.1, -- Breath movement when the player is not holding the breath and is standing (not moving)
    WalkNoHold = 0.2, -- Breath movement when the player is not holding the breath and is walking
    RunNoHold = 0.5, -- Breath movement when the player is not holding the breath and is running

    BreathRunsOut = {
        Intensity = 1.0,
        Duration = 3000,

    BreathCooldown = 2500, -- Is the time that the player need to wait to hold the breath again

    Sounds = {
        StartHoldBreath = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/814147954750652487/945426837205549086/hold_breath_in.mp3",
        StopHoldingBreath = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/814147954750652487/945426837662740560/hold_breath_out.mp3"

    KeyMapping = {
        Key = "LMENU", -- Left Alt
        Description = "Key to hold your breath"

Config.RifleMode = {
    --["weapon_pistol"] = true

Config.Translations = {
    ["nolongerjammed"] = "~g~Weapon is no longer jammed",
    ["jammed"] = "~r~Your weapon has jammed, reload to unjam it",
    ["nolongergunpowder"] = "Your hands no longer smell of gunpowder",
    ["cleangunpowder"] = "Press {E} to clean up gunpowder traces",

    ["nogunpowderfound"] = "~g~No~w~ traces of gunpowder found",
    ["gunpowderfound"] = "Traces of gunpowder ~r~found~w~!",
    ["noclosestplayer"] = "There are no nearby players"

Config.Patterns = {
    -- Every "step" (table) is a bullet fired
    -- The params can be (left/right/up/down)
        [`weapon_pistol`] = {
                left = 2.0,
                up = 5.0
                right = 4.0,
                up = 5.0
                right = 1.0,
                up = 5.0
Tips to increase the engagement

You can use this sounds
This is the version that i have converted for FiveM (sounds.zip, 76.7 MB)

Other Resources

By XenoS (me)
Utility Library
Utility Farming

By MarKz
Mirror Restaurant
Paradise Club
Ammunation Rework
Chevrolet Cardealer

Code accessible Only server-side
Subscription based No
Lines (approximately) 1422
Requirements Utility Library
Support Yes

Next Update
  • Gunpowder traces on hands when firing with a weapon
  • Shooting range and limitation only to when you hit something for experience
  • Command to record patterns
0 voters

Awsome work! perfectly working, thanks

1 Like

for me not works… only the firs player entered on server can view the hud

i wrote you in dm

Not working

1 Like

The Script works great, Just need to make sure to delete the word: ‘-main’ in the name of the folder.
and, make sure to add it to your database, and if your using mysql-async, edit the config, and change ‘oxmysql’ to ‘mysql-async’

I was having issues getting it to start, but it works great! 10/10! :slight_smile:

yeah works fine only thing is client is locked so can’t edit notifs

The notifications are handled by the Utility Library.
Line to edit

NEW UPDATE :rocket:

What has been done?

  • Added the possibility to choose whether to remove only the jammed round or the whole magazine when the weapon jams (Idea: @lunchboxdude)

  • Integrated gunpowder traces and stub system, for criminals there will be an option to go and wash the gunpowder in the water or after a specific time it will “take off” by itself, everything its configurable

  • Added the possibility to change the amount of exp given by default by shooting or from each object/ped (even player!)

  • Added the possibility to edit translations

  • Made the hud responsive (for each view it adapts so it is always visible)

  • Added the possibility to remove debug prints

  • Added HaveGunpowderTraces export client-side and server-side to see if gunpowder traces were found.

Redownload from https://keymaster.fivem.net/asset-grants

does this work with addon guns?

i have not tested but i think yes, of note that it is not based on weapon models but on “groups”

Hey, is this script still available anywhere?

When is your store going to be active again?

How to Buy ?