LoveDiscord - discord integration for fivem

Hello to everyone, today im here to release my new creation, an integration for discord with fivem.

LoveDiscord Server installation
  1. Download NodeJS and LoveDiscord.
  1. Configure the server.

Extract the LoveDiscord_Server folder.

Run the install.bat file in the LoveDiscord_Server folder

After the installation navigate to the “file” subdirectory in the LoveDiscord_Server folder and open the CONFIG.json file

How to create and get the token of a discord bot

Follow this guide


How to get the channel ID of a channel

Open discord and go to
Settings > Advanced > Check developer mode
Right click on the channel where you want the bot will works >Copy ID

What is the RCON password?

What is Rcon?
Rcon is a protocol for executing commands on the server without having direct access to the console.

How to set up the rcon password
Open your server.cfg
And add this line rcon_password “test” (CHANGE TEST WITH A PASSWORD)

*You need a discord bot token, a channel id and need to set the rcon_password to use LoveDiscord.

  1. Launch the server!

If you have done everything, you can start LoveDiscord_Server opening the start.bat

note: you need to keep the cmd opened if you want that LoveDiscord works!

LoveDiscord Script installation
  1. Download LoveDiscord
  1. Drop the folder LoveDiscord in your resources folder (NOT THE LoveDiscord_Server)
  1. Open the server.lua and change the webhook with the webhook of your channel (first line)
  1. Add start LoveDiscord to your server.cfg
  1. Enjoy!


  • I love it! :heart:
0 voters

It would be better to also include a description/photos of what “LoveDiscord” actually does.


What is this script actually doing? :smiley:

Yeah I’m interested in knowing what this does

Best as ever!!!

what is this lol

EDIT: this appears to be a logging system

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For those who doesn’t know what LoveDiscord is like, RCON to connect to the server trough bot, and you can use the bot to see who is in the server and to check what’s his identifiers.

And also Xenos, can you please show us how to make this cool templates and pictures like on this release, I really like it!

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read the @KrexonBg message to really understand what it is

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great ressource but it’s to have thise command will be nice like kick,setjob,giveitem,giveweapon

you can create it easily

I believe RCON bots were considered vulnerable or possibly vulnerable since you need to expose RCON in order to use it, am I wrong?

Where can i find my rcon password?