I have compiled a full list of ALL the DLC vehicles into a handling.meta that can be streamed to the clients after not being able to find a complete one anywhere.
Note: To edit the “Sovereign” you must edit “POLICEB” as they share handlings.
adjust the fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel value to what you want the max speed to be (km/h) and if you want more horsepower, slightly increase the fInitialDriveForce number under POLICE, POLICE2 or POLICE3.
No, handling.metas can affect cars outside it’s resource folder.
This file contains the handling for every stock car car in the game. You would never use the whole file in more than one location and would never use it to modify an addon car.
hmmm, i put the file in my fivem.app>citizen>common>data, modified the file so id have realistic handling for the bati801, sanchez and hakuchou drag, it crashes when loading onto a server? help