


:white_check_mark:Extensive configuration
:white_check_mark:Drugs can be sold in a vehicle
:white_check_mark:It is possible to negotiate a price
:white_check_mark:If the buyer dies while calling the police, the notification will not come
:white_check_mark:The notice shows the police what the dealer looks like and, if you sell in a vehicle, the vehicle type
:white_check_mark:The buyer may, refuse, accept or call the police
:white_check_mark:The optimization is 0.1 ms


Now gang members can rob you of the drug you offer them. If you take the weapon in your hand during the assault, the robber will start shooting at you. Newly, if you sell drugs to gang members, you get a little more money than if you sell it to normal civilians. If you press the run away button, it is possible that the robber will let you run or start shooting at you. Newly, It is not possible to turn off the sale of drugs during the sale or robbery. Newly modified a few small details.

Preview Update

You will see more in the video





be dope if the peds could rob you or a chance of being robbed.

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Looks nice. I will check it tomorrow.

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I would like to do something similar in the update


update and ill buy!

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Just watched the preview, looks decent!

Am I right in thinking that this has got capability to add multiple types of drugs to sell to NPCs?

An example = sell packaged cocaine, joints, etc all in the same menu?

Look forward to hearing from you! - Whippet :100:

Yes, it is possible to add or change items for sale in the config

Great job man! Definitely excited to see more stuff added to this!

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looks great , it would be nice if u put it for free ! .

Very expoitable, just have to type /selldrugs few times until you can get a nice amount of money from a single ped, can do business with one ped and abuse for eternity.

A cooldown is now added to start selling

Nice! :slight_smile:

what mythic notify yall using?

would be awesome if you could make the peds come to you rather that going to them individually

Updates for robberies are out!

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I just made the purchase but cannot get it to work. I do /selldrugs and nothing shows up when approaching the civs. Any insights?


whats the config like for setting up the drugs for sale, and cost?

yes it is possible to set everything in the configuration

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I noticed a bug not sure if it has been fixed or not but if a police officer is on and someone is selling drugs and the officer goes off duty the person can continue to sell after no officers are around.

hi, I wanted to purchase your drug script