[ESX] [FREE] DEVCORE - Simple Panic Button

Depedencies : ESX
A very simple script, but maybe it will be useful for someone


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is working on onesync legacy?

Please upload the script to GitHub or to the forums directly.

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Is working on OneSync?

getting this when i login

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any one help? still have same error as above

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Seems that you are trying to do “something” with job before player’s data are loaded. Add here wait before the data loads.

Hi bois,

what should I do if I have 2 Jobs or 3 jobs that need to use the Panicbutton too. Like I have FIB, Police and US Army

script broken? works only onetime

[script:devcore_panic] SCRIPT ERROR: @devcore_panicbutton/server/server.lua:4: attempt to index a nil value (global ‘ESX’)
[script:devcore_panic] > handler (@devcore_panicbutton/server/server.lua:4)
[script:devcore_panic] SCRIPT ERROR: @devcore_panicbutton/server/server.lua:16: attempt to index a nil value (global ‘ESX’)


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