[QB] DEVCORE - Realistic Smoking V2 [JOINT] [CIGAR] [CIGARETT] [VAPE] [BONG]

Get it from Tebex
Depedencies : Qbcore


:white_check_mark:Onesync Infinity
:white_check_mark:You can pass the smoking item to the person around you and she can return it to you
:white_check_mark:Extensive Configuration
:white_check_mark:Synchronized smoke effects
:white_check_mark:Rollings joints
:white_check_mark:Need of having lighter item to light cigar, cigarette or joint
:white_check_mark:After smoking the joint, you can turn the addition of armor on or off
:white_check_mark:Optimized 0.01ms
:white_check_mark:It is possible to walk while smoking
:white_check_mark:In order to smoke a bong, you must fill it with marijuana
:white_check_mark:In order to smoke vape you must have it filled with liquid
:white_check_mark:When smoking a joint, the effect increases with each use
:white_check_mark:If your character gets in the water, a cigarette, cigar or joint will get automatically destroyed

:heart: Other products
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Are we getting an update for this any time soon?


I would just like them to actually answer their discord and let me claim my purchase. DO NOT BUY FROM THESE GUYS!!


Rolling joints doesn’t work.
There is no way to contact support or talk to anyone in their discord.

on my side i pass true another crafting script for rolling joint if you dont want his crafting script.

I’m using it and it works. What problem are you having?

Does anyone made it work with ESX Legacy ox_inventory? No support in discord whatsoever…