[PAID] [STANDALONE] Loading Screens (7 in 1)

BOII Development - Loading Screens v1.0.0

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:earth_africa: Overview

Introducing BOII Loading Screens!

This resource includes 7 distinct loading screen styles, all managed from a central location.
You can select your favorite style or set it to randomize for a fresh experience each time players join.
This package combines redesigned and refactored versions of our existing loading screens with 4 new, unique designs.
Each template is highly optimized and easy to customize, providing a seamless and visually appealing introduction to your server.


:globe_with_meridians: Features

Clean UI Designs: Each loading screen boasts its own individual clean design.
Custom Audio Player: Each template includes a custom audio player for an enhanced loading experience.
Ease of Customization: Easily customize the loading screens colour palettes through the root files.
Ease of Editing: All data is stored in JSON files which make it straightforward to edit and update content.
Randomized Templates: Option to randomize the loading screens for a fresh experience every time players join.

:chart: Dependencies

Resource is entirely standalone.

:memo: Notes

  • Documentation has not yet been completed this will be done in due course.

:envelope_with_arrow: Links

:free: Our other resources

We do have a variety of other free resources however these have not been updated with multi-framework compatibility yet, this is being worked on, appreciate the patience. You can find other free resources on our tebex stores Tebex 1 | Tebex 2 or our GitHub

:moneybag: Our paid multiframework resources

We do have a variety of other paid resources however these have not been updated with multi-framework compatibility yet, this is being worked on, appreciate the patience. You can find other paid resources on our tebex store Tebex 1

We do have a variety of other free resources however these have not been updated with multi-framework compatibility yet, this is being worked on, appreciate the patience. You can find other free resources on our tebex stores Tebex 1 | Tebex 2 or our GitHub

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 700-1000?
Requirements n/a
Support Yes