The explosives script is a resource which allows players to place explosives around the map. These explosives do not use the traditional CreateExplosion native nor tie into their OneSync events so it shouldn’t interfere with your “anticheat”. This script was just a bit of fun, any suggestions are welcome.

The explosions are designed for roleplay purposes and uses a fully sync’d timer and code system. The script has built in event security so you should be good to use on public servers.

Current Features:

  • No anticheat interference
  • Basic UI
  • Time is state sync’d so no network event spam
  • Built in event security
  • Fully synced for all players
  • Full cleanup and optimization built
  • Fully standalone (No framework dependencies)

Future Features :

  • Suggest @ Discord

Escrow and open versions are available
NativeMods | Explosives (Escrow Version) (tebex.io)
NativeMods | Explosives (Open Version) (tebex.io)


Code is accessible Version Dependent
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~636
Requirements Standalone
Support No

Other Scripts Available:
[PAID][STANDALONE] (Extras) Lighting (ELS Alternative)
[PAID][STANDALONE] Fishing (Effects, active and passive modes, pools)
[PAID][STANDALONE] Dance X2 Revolution
[PAID][STANDALONE] Object Camera


Nice work

nice but how to defuse it the first time and not blow all up XD

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hi so yes you can either defuse the explosive by typing in the code which was used to arm it. Allowing for negotiation roleplay or fun scenarios OR you can take your luck at cutting the wires.

If no code is entered, a 4 digit code is randomly generated and assigned. This is by default not viewable, however you can turn on code displays in the config.

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xD ok so no option to cut the good wires like if bomb a = wire 1 or like that

ps its a very good script i love it

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This is something I can integrate in a future update for sure! If you have specific ideas or suggestions feel free to suggest other ideas :slight_smile:

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oh yes u can add like 3 or for type of bomb u can select when planting
u can defuse bomb 1 cuting wire red blue and green

bomb 2 with another pathern

and u keep the code thing it will be perfect

it dont work any more its normal ? the explosives is on the ground but i cant interact with it

Resolved @un_loup_uwu

I no longer have time for support or updating these scripts, so all prices permanently reduced. All scripts are in a working state.