[PAID][STANDALONE] Fishing (Effects, active and passive modes, pools)

The fishing script is a standalone script which allows players to fish generic fish in any waters and fish up various other fish through the use of random pools around the map. The pools are fully customizable with locations, outputs, rates etc. Script tested extensively at 250+ Players.

Current Features:

  • Customizable & random fishing pools
  • Endpoint configuration and exports, allowing you to tie it your own framework
  • Built-in event & payout security
  • Fully standalone (No framework dependencies)
  • Toggleable HUD
  • Passive / AFK fishing mode (BDO Inspired)
  • Splash effects prompting user to reel the line (WoW Inspired)

The script has endpoints pre-setup for QBCore (giving items and notifications), this is very easily changed to your own framework/server setup.

Future Features :

  • Suggest features @ NativeMods#9886 discord
  • All future features will be available free of charge to existing customers

Escrow and open versions are available
NativeMods | Fishing (Escrow Version) (tebex.io)
NativeMods | Fishing (Open Version) (tebex.io)


Code is accessible Version Dependent
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~500
Requirements Standalone
Support Yes @ Discord NativeMods#9886

Pretty sweet. How do you use it without the inventory?

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Hi in the endpoint file I have included an example of how to start it off without the use of a dependency like the inventory.


You could throw this into a command - an example below for you

RegisterCommand('fish', function(source)
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The video with the inventory is that the version you have setup with standalone where it shows you the fish. Or is that only with QBCore

I just purchased the script yesterday and have installed it and it doesnt seem to be working. the blips on the map work but none of the keybinds work to do anything. I have tried to contact but cant contact on discord because we arent friends and you cant message someone for support on discord unless you are friends with them or share another sever

It has endpoint for any server configuration and integration into your framework. The QB parts in that endpoint are there for example use.

Can you just make this easier for the both of us and send me files already configured for standalone? If it is standalone now and should be working, it is not

No one else has issues with the standalone version, it is quite simple to do just follow the comments in the configuration file.

I no longer have time for support or updating these scripts, so all prices permanently reduced. All scripts are in a working state.

hey it says connection failed what do i do