[PAID] Advanced Black Market

Wendigo Black Market


  • You can change the theme colors with your own color codes
  • Animated Design and Responsive Design
  • Detailed and Easily Configuration
  • You can set a profile picture for staff with Discord user id
  • Each market has its own special tasks and items

Purchase Open Source

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Wendigo Subscription

Code is accessible Yes/No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 500+
Requirements None
Support Yes
1 Like

the rightness of the design and script features are very good

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Nice script

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Is there an option to buy with items instead of cash or bank? Like using diamonds or something?

Hi smittyxfriends, You can set it in config but we will bring an update

And is it possible to pay with markedbills with metadata? What about setting up different payment methods for different stores? If you can do that, the store is probably unique :wink:

By editing the shared.lua file you can set the payment system as you like.