[NEW UPDATE] Dusa Advanced Hud | 10 Speedometer, 10 Status Hud, 8 Server Info Variations, Playlist, Vehicle Control






  • 10 different status hud variation
  • 10 different and complicated speedometer variation
  • 8 different server info hud variation
  • Use vehicle menu to manage your neons, enable party mode and toggle your doors
  • Use music menu for create your daily playlists, listen to them with your friends in game. Completely synced in game
  • Follow map inside game if you want
  • Everything is customizable at a single settings menu. Colorize your huds, reposition everything you need to meet your needs, combine your status and speedometer huds!
  • Different speedometer variations that depends on vehicle type. For car, for ship, for helicopter or for your bike.
  • Drag & drop to install

Compatibilities & Configuration

  • Script is working for QBCore / ESX, you don’t have to configure framework. It will automatically integrate itself depends on your base. So that means, you can start this script without doing anything extra!

  • You don’t have to use any other script to run this script.

  • All configurations are completely clear and enough for average customer who don’t know how to coding.

  • This script is written with reactjs, completely optimized at backend and using caching method.



Code is accessible Partially
Subscription-based :x:
Lines (approximately) 2000+
Requirements xsound, ox_lib (optional, but suggested)
Support :heavy_check_mark:

Best Hud i have used so far and the Dev is very open to suggestions you have :ok_hand:

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That looks fancyyyy

What’s the resmon for it?
And does it take custom maps?

Thanks Dusa :smiley:

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Very clean looking script

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Highly editable advanced HUD scripts, colorful UI interface, epic bloom.

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Looks amazing, well done!!!

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how do u guys manage to make a every script as a best one congratz lads u are goats

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Excellent work, just as a suggestion the black color looks very invasive, it would be better to put transparency.


If you’re looking for a feature-rich, customizable HUD that caters to different playstyles, Dusa Advanced Hud is a solid choice. Keep up the great work ! :dizzy:

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love it :star_struck:

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It’s the first hud that I’ve seen that’s so clean and beautiful :heart:

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love it

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Very good looking hud!! :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:

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we are thinking about to add a option for it like 3 different style players can choose it.Thank you so much for your kind comment

idle 0.01 in vehicle its depend on your refresh rate if you set it real time it will increase if you use high mode it will only 0.01-0.02
you can use the custom maps we already had a customer they use their own map


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Looking Awesome :sunglasses:

Wow, absolutely looks amazing

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amazing! :+1: