Karambit Knife - FiveM Melee Weapon

:money_with_wings:Buy Here

Step into the shadows with the Anime Purple Karambit Knife, a sleek and deadly addition to your virtual armory. Melding form and function, this butterfly knife is a work of art that not only captivates the eyes but delivers a swift and precise cutting edge in the world of virtual skirmishes.


1. Elegance in Motion: The Anime Purple Karambit Knife is not just a weapon; it’s a dance of steel and sophistication. Its balanced design allows for smooth and mesmerizing flips, making it as stylish as it is lethal.
2. Precision Craftsmanship: Crafted with precision and attention to detail, this knife boasts a razor-sharp blade ready to strike at a moment’s notice. Whether you’re in stealth mode or engaged in close-quarters combat, the Anime Purple Karambit Knife is your silent ally.
3. Anime Purple Aesthetics: Elevate your style with the unique anime purple color palette that adorns the handle and blade. This knife doesn’t just blend into the background; it stands out as a statement piece in your arsenal.

Addon Weapon:

The Karambit Knife is seamlessly integrated as an addon weapon for your FiveM server, providing an immersive and enhanced gameplay experience. Upgrade your arsenal today and let the Karambit Knife be your trusted companion in every virtual firefight!



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reply to tikete on discord, and add a document so we know how to add it to the inventory

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Of course !