RedM Decoration System - [VORP-Core, RSG-Core, QB-Core, RedEm & RPX-Core]

:money_with_wings:Buy Here

We are thrilled to introduce our latest script release, a revolutionary decoration system for RedM. Our innovative script allows you to transform every configed place you have setted in config into personalized spaces, adding a unique touch to your gameplay experience.

- Standalone (VORP-Core, RSG-Core, QBR-Core, RedEm & RPX-Core)
- Buying Furniture
- Furnishing your job place
- Editing Furniture (Deleting, Changing Coords & Rotation)
- Works with any job just add the job name in config
- Easy for use script / UI
- Player can move while UI is open
- Script is escrowed but with config files open (Anyway only config files are needed)
- Configed distance for each job to despawn props for optimize reasons
- Max props that can be added in each place configurable
- Props can be placed only within the radius of each place configurable
- You can as many props as you want to be available to buy in the furniture shop from config
- And more!

Check our other releases:




Code is accessible Yes (Configs Only)
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 2172
Support Yes
Requirements One of these depending on the framework you use:
• vorp-core
• rsg-core
• qb-core
• redem_roleplay
• rpx-core