RedM Auto Seller With Supply - [VORP-Core / RSG-Core / QBR-Core / RedEm / RPX-Core]

:money_with_wings:Buy Here

:new:New Update 1.1 On Autoseller With Supply Script

:star2: Welcome to the next level of immersion in with the Autoseller script for RedM. Prepare to delve into a world of enhanced functionality and customization as we unveil the latest updates. From empowering job workers with new actions to customizable Autoseller blips and a refreshed UI, this showcase will take your gameplay experience to unprecedented heights. Let’s dive in! :cowboy_hat_face:

Patch Notes:
- Attempt to index a nil value error fix
- New Framework compatibilities (QBR-Core / RedEm / RPX-Core)
- 4 New actions in the menu for job workers which are for adding / removing items / ingredients that can be sold in each autoseller: 1. Add Item 2. Remove Item 3. Add Ingredient 4. Remove Ingredient
- New Blip System which each auto seller in the config can now have a blip if true
- A new unique ui system for all the actions in the menu
- And more!

Check our other releases:




Code is accessible Yes (Configs Only)
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 2388
Support Yes
Requirements One of these depending on the framework you use:
• vorp-core
• rsg-core
• qb-core
• redem_roleplay
• rpx-core