[FREE][ESX/QB] emfan - hostage

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This package include both the ESX and the QBCore version. Just choose what framework you want to use in the config.lua file

emfan-hostage adds a fun twist to your RP server, when taking a hostage you can put a bag over their head which makes the unable to move and blind, you can move them anywhere you like.


  • Very easy to use and install.

  • Code is open without any escrow locks. Feel free to adapt it to fit your server.

This resource is free to use and reupload any way you want, just make sure I’m in the credits.


  • ESX / QB-Core Framework


Check out my other scripts


lol thats not for free… you have to enter an amount that you want to pay on tebex…


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put 0.0

Free resources must also contain a direct download

Just put in 0 and then you don’t have to pay my friend :slight_smile:

Hey, just uploaded it to git. Thank you for telling me. Is it possible to have the thread visible again? :slight_smile:

is it possible to change the screen and can you somehow install that what the bag should get over the head has to agree to the whole thing, such as the shared animations with dp emotes?

yeah that’s pretty easy to change. The code is open for anyone to change to their needs :slight_smile:

hi nice script bro is there any way you can put also kill when you take some as hostage ??

Thank you, yes it is! :slight_smile:

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GG my friend, greatttt onee!!!

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Thank you brother! I hope you’ll like it :slight_smile:

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Nice work perfect for RP

Thank you

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small spell mistake in server lua line 11 ‘RegisterUsableItem’

RegisterUseableItem is wrong(not required “e”)

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oops, that’s My bad. Will fix this when I come! Thank you for feedback :relaxed::+1:

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Nice Script

Thank you brother! :slight_smile:

I am sorry to say, but this script can not be used. Many spell mistakes, there is also one at client side at notifications. But the main problem is if ex. more player like 3-4 players around me and I use the item then everyone around me get the bag at their head.