ESX - Tailor Job | QBCORE - Tailor Job
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Code is accessible | No, Config ~ 600 lines |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | ~1500 |
Requirements | [QB] (qb-menu, qb-target, qb-input - optional, you can adapt to your own.) |
Requirements | [ESX] (nh-context, qtarget, nh-keyboard / qb-input - optional, you can adapt to your own.) |
Support | Yes |
Asset is encrypted using fivem escrow system but a lot of configurable values are present for you to edit plus couple of files are unencrypted too.
Full optimized.
0.00 ms
Basic and advanced sewing machines
Job vehicle
Sewing, dyeing wool, mixing colors, ordering cotton, ordering wool, packaging, delivery(selling packages)
Experience system
Price of wool depends on experience
Players need to have some experience to start using advanced sewing machines.
Server-side checks to prevent abuse, and cheating.
Our Other Resources
Config.Identifier = 1 -- 0 = steam identifier, 1 = license identifier
Config.DebugPolyZone = false
Config.ClearPedsInArea = true
Config.ProgressBar = { -- qb-progressbar or lj-progressbar
Use = true,
Sewing = "Sewing ",
DyeingWool = "Dyeing Wool",
Packaging = "Packaging ",
MixingColors = "Mixing colors...",
Config.IsPedDeadOrDying = {
DeleteJobVehicle = true,
RemoveJobVehicleKeys = true, -- if is on true player will be lose keys if player die.
Config.Experience = {
Use = TRUE,
ExpirienceRequired = 30, -- Expirience required for use advanced tailor machine.
IncreaseExperience = math.random(1, 3) -- experience I'll be encreased per sewing
Config.MachinesLocations = {
["Advanced"] = {
vector3(715.96, -963.08, 30.4),
vector3(718.69, -963.15, 30.4),
vector3(713.59, -960.64, 30.4),
vector3(716.12, -960.68, 30.4),
vector3(718.67, -960.67, 30.4),
["Basic"] = {
vector3(714.3, -967.73, 29.4),
vector3(714.3, -969.94, 29.4),
vector3(714.27, -972.13, 29.4),
Config.Manager = {
Ped = "ig_djsolmanager", --
Pos = {x = 739.8937, y = -970.136, z = 24.457, h = 277.16},
-- deposit
UseDeposit = true,
DepositAccount = "cash", -- cash, bank
DepositAmount = 500,
-- Blip
UseBlip = true,
Sprite = 73,
Scale = 1.1,
Color = 37,
Label = "[Tailor] Job",
VehSpawnPos = {x = 745.8436, y = -966.369, z = 24.024, h = 271.25}, -- Veh spawn pos
UseSpawnPointCheck = true,
SpawnPointCheckRadius = 3.5,
SetPedIntoVehicle = true,
FullFuel = true -- Read ⬇️
-- Fuel function if you using "FullFuel = true"
function fullFuel()
-- If you using "lj-fuel" just replace "LegacyFuel" with "lj-fuel"! ⬇️
exports["LegacyFuel"]:SetFuel(jobVehicle, 100) -- Legacy Fuel
Config.JobVehicles = {
[1] = "rumpo",
[2] = "speedo",
RegisterNetEvent("d3:tailorJob:GiveCarKeys", function(vehiclePlate)
-- Here you can put event or export to give player vehicle keys
TriggerEvent("vehiclekeys:client:SetOwner", vehiclePlate)
Config.CottonOrder = {
Ped = "a_m_m_eastsa_02", --
Pos = {x = 959.5012, y = 3618.890, z = 32.673, h = 89.905},
Distance = 1.5,
-- Blip
Sprite = 480,
Scale = 1.1,
Color = 5,
RouteColor = 2,
Label = "[Tailor] - Cotton Delivery",
AmountOfCotton = 100, -- amount of cotton I'll player get when take a "cotton order from ped"
Config.WoolOrder = {
Ped = "a_m_m_bevhills_01", --
Vehicle = "speedo",
SpawnLocation = vector4(883.8268, -1020.22, 32.264, 1.11),
DriveToLocation = vector3(707.6166, -988.500, 24.101),
Price = 1, -- defualt price per wool, this price will be multiple by "experience multiplier" ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Account = 'bank', -- cash, bank
RegisterNetEvent("d3:client:tailorOrderWoolInputPriceMultiplier", function()
QBCore.Functions.TriggerCallback('d3:tailorGetExperience', function(exp) -- exp = experience
if exp <= 25 then -- less than 25 experience
TriggerEvent("d3:client:tailorOrderWoolInput", Config.WoolOrder.Price * 0.40) -- 0.40 - multiplier
elseif exp >= 25 and exp < 50 then
TriggerEvent("d3:client:tailorOrderWoolInput", Config.WoolOrder.Price * 0.30) -- 0.30 - multiplier
elseif exp >= 50 and exp < 120 then
TriggerEvent("d3:client:tailorOrderWoolInput", Config.WoolOrder.Price * 0.20)
elseif exp >= 120 then
TriggerEvent("d3:client:tailorOrderWoolInput", Config.WoolOrder.Price * 0.10)
Config.Colors = {
ClearPedTasksImmediately = true,
WoolItem = "white_wool",
Pos = {x = 715.43, y = -974.84, z = 30.4},
Distance = 1.3,
Duration = 5, -- time for dye wool in sec
-- Items
MaxCount = 2,
Items = {
Green = "green_wool_color",
Red = "red_wool_color",
Blue = "blue_wool_color"
Config.MixingColors = {
ClearPedTasksImmediately = true,
Pos = {
vector3(704.29, -961.06, 30.4),
vector3(705.69, -961.9, 30.4),
Duration = 10, -- Mixing time (in seconds)
["Yellow"] = {
Ingredients = {
["red_wool"] = 2,
["green_wool"] = 1,
ItemName = "yellow_wool" -- item name
["Orange"] = {
Ingredients = {
["red_wool"] = 2,
["green_wool"] = 1,
ItemName = "orange_wool"
["Brown"] = {
Ingredients = {
["red_wool"] = 2,
["green_wool"] = 1,
["blue_wool"] = 1,
ItemName = "brown_wool"
["Pink"] = {
Ingredients = {
["red_wool"] = 1,
["blue_wool"] = 2,
ItemName = "pink_wool"
["Gray"] = {
Ingredients = {
["red_wool"] = 1,
["green_wool"] = 1,
["blue_wool"] = 1,
ItemName = "gray_wool"
--[[ Ingredients List =
Config.Products = {
["Red wool hat"] = {
Ingredients = {
["red_wool"] = 2,
["white_wool"] = 1,
Duration = 8, -- Sewing time
FinishedProduct = "red_wool_hat" -- item name
["Gray wool hat"] = {
Ingredients = {
["gray_wool"] = 2,
["white_wool"] = 1,
Duration = 8,
FinishedProduct = "grey_wool_hat"
["Cotton T-Shirt"] = {
Ingredients = {
["tailor_cotton"] = 13,
Duration = 10,
FinishedProduct = "cotton_t-shirt"
["Wool T-Shirt"] = {
Ingredients = {
["blue_wool"] = 3,
["white_wool"] = 2,
["gray_wool"] = 2,
Duration = 12,
FinishedProduct = "wool_t-shirt"
["Wool Vest"] = {
Ingredients = {
["white_wool"] = 6,
["gray_wool"] = 2,
Duration = 14, -- Sewing time
FinishedProduct = "wool_vest" -- item name
["Gucci T-Shirt"] = {
Ingredients = {
["white_wool"] = 5,
["green_wool"] = 3,
["red_wool"] = 3,
["tailor_cotton"] = 4,
Duration = 17,
FinishedProduct = "gucci_t-shirt"
["Blue Gucci Jumper"] = {
Ingredients = {
["white_wool"] = 2,
["green_wool"] = 1,
["blue_wool"] = 6,
["red_wool"] = 4,
["brown_wool"] = 1,
Duration = 20,
FinishedProduct = "gucci_jumper"
["Pink Gucci Jumper"] = {
Ingredients = {
["white_wool"] = 2,
["gray_wool"] = 4,
["pink_wool"] = 6,
["red_wool"] = 4,
["brown_wool"] = 3,
Duration = 25,
FinishedProduct = "gucci_jumper2"
-- Basic machine products
["Cotton hat"] = {
Ingredients = {
["tailor_cotton"] = 6,
Duration = 7,
FinishedProduct = "cotton_hat"
["Cotton shorts"] = {
Ingredients = {
["tailor_cotton"] = 12,
Duration = 7,
FinishedProduct = "cotton_shorts"
["Brown wool gloves"] = {
Ingredients = {
["white_wool"] = 1,
["brown_wool"] = 2,
Duration = 7,
FinishedProduct = "brown_wool_gloves"
["Green wool gloves"] = {
Ingredients = {
["white_wool"] = 1,
["green_wool"] = 2,
Duration = 7,
FinishedProduct = "green_wool_gloves"
["Orange wool gloves"] = {
Ingredients = {
["white_wool"] = 1,
["orange_wool"] = 2,
Duration = 7,
FinishedProduct = "orange_wool_gloves"
["Cotton socks"] = {
Ingredients = {
["tailor_cotton"] = 7,
Duration = 12,
FinishedProduct = "cotton_socks"
["Green wool socks"] = {
Ingredients = {
["white_wool"] = 1,
["green_wool"] = 3,
Duration = 13,
FinishedProduct = "green_wool_socks"
["Red wool socks"] = {
Ingredients = {
["white_wool"] = 1,
["red_wool"] = 3,
Duration = 13,
FinishedProduct = "red_wool_socks"
["Yellow wool socks"] = {
Ingredients = {
["white_wool"] = 1,
["yellow_wool"] = 3,
Duration = 13,
FinishedProduct = "yellow_wool_socks"
["Pink wool socks"] = {
Ingredients = {
["white_wool"] = 1,
["pink_wool"] = 3,
Duration = 13,
FinishedProduct = "pink_wool_socks"
Config.Packaging = {
ClearPedTasksImmediately = true,
Account = 'cash', -- cash or bank
["Cheap package"] = {
Products = {
["cotton_hat"] = 1,
["cotton_shorts"] = 2,
["cotton_socks"] = 2,
["green_wool_gloves"] = 1,
["pink_wool_socks"] = 1,
Duration = 3, -- Sewing time
Package = "tailor_cheap_package", -- item name
Price = 450
["Medium package"] = {
Products = {
["cotton_hat"] = 3,
["orange_wool_gloves"] = 2,
["cotton_socks"] = 4,
["green_wool_gloves"] = 1,
["pink_wool_socks"] = 1,
["red_wool_socks"] = 2,
["yellow_wool_socks"] = 1,
['cotton_shorts'] = 2,
Duration = 3,
Package = "tailor_medium_package",
Price = math.random(700, 850)
["Expensive package"] = {
Products = {
["red_wool_hat"] = 1,
["cotton_socks"] = 4,
["wool_vest"] = 2,
["brown_wool_gloves"] = 2,
["red_wool_socks"] = 2,
["green_wool_socks"] = 2,
['pink_wool_socks'] = 1,
['wool_t-shirt'] = 2,
['cotton_t-shirt'] = 3,
["gucci_t-shirt"] = 1,
["grey_wool_hat"] = 1,
Duration = 30,
Package = "tailor_expensive_package",
Price = math.random(900, 1200)
["Super package"] = {
Products = {
["cotton_hat"] = 2,
["gucci_t-shirt"] = 2,
["cotton_socks"] = 3,
["wool_vest"] = 2,
["gucci_jumper"] = 2,
["gucci_jumper2"] = 1,
["green_wool_socks"] = 2,
['wool_t-shirt'] = 2,
['cotton_t-shirt'] = 3,
["grey_wool_hat"] = 1,
["cotton_hat"] = 2,
Duration = 3,
Package = "tailor_super_package",
Price = math.random(1500, 1800)
Config.Delivery = {
Ped = "cs_jewelass", --
Time = 10, --minutes, player have to sell packages
Blip = {
Colour = 3,
Sprite = 543,
Scale = 1.0,
Label = "[Tailor] Delivery location",
RouteColor = 3,
Locations = {
vector4(465.9919, -735.658, 26.364, 90.46),
vector4(421.4597, -811.422, 28.491, 1.39),
vector4(-1188.64, -771.299, 16.328, 97.51),
vector4(-1612.70, -1076.38, 13.018, 51.78),
vector4(-1534.47, -905.405, 9.161, 139.76),
vector4(-1340.40, -1266.19, 4.8951, 99.5),
vector4(-1099.49, 2712.072, 19.107, 214.61),
vector4(1695.462, 4820.243, 42.069, 81.27),
Config.Notifications = {
["paid_deposit"] = "You paid " ..Config.Manager.DepositAmount.. "$ for the vehicle deposit!",
["no_enough_money"] = "You don't have enough money to pay the vehicle deposit " ..Config.Manager.DepositAmount.. "$",
["deposit_back"] = "You got your deposit back " ..Config.Manager.DepositAmount.. "$",
["spawnpoint_check"] = "Vehicle spawnpoint has been blocked!",
["check_experience_laptop"] = "Experience: ",
["no_enough_money_wool_order"] = "You don't have enough money to pay the wool order ",
["invalid_amount"] = "Invalid amount!",
["you_dont_have_everything"] = "You don't have everything you need!",
["you_dont_have_anything_wool_order"] = "You have nothing to take!",
["advanced_machine_error"] = "You do not have the necessary experience to use an advanced sewing machine!",
["nothing_to_sell"] = "You have nothing to sell!",
["package_sold"] = "You sold ",
["you_already_have_wool"] = "You already have wool on the shelf!",
Config.TargetLabels = {
["take_keys"] = "Take a vehicle keys from manager.",
["back_keys"] = "Back the vehicle keys to manager.",
["check_experience"] = "Check Experience",
["order_cotton"] = "Order cotton",
["order_cotton_stop"] = "Stop cotton order",
["order_wool"] = "Order wool",
["start_delivery"] = "Start delivery",
["stop_delivery"] = "Stop delivery",
["expensive_package"] = "Expensive Package",
["super_package"] = "Super Package",
["medium_package"] = "Medium Package",
["cheap_package"] = "Cheap Package",
["green_wool_color"] = "Green wool color",
["red_wool_color"] = "Red wool color",
["blue_wool_color"] = "Blue wool color",
["dye_wool"] = "Dye wool",
["take_wool"] = "Take wool",
["take_cotton"] = "Take cotton",
["red_wool_hat"] = "Red wool hat",
["gray_wool_hat"] = "Gray wool hat",
["cotton_t-shirt"] = "Cotton T-Shirt",
["wool_t-shirt"] = "Wool T-Shirt",
["wool_vest"] = "Wool vest",
["gucci_t-shirt"] = "Gucci T-Shirt",
["blue_gucci_jumper"] = "Blue Gucci Jumper",
["pink_gucci_jumper"] = "Pink Gucci Jumper",
["cotton_hat"] = "Cotton hat",
["cotton_shorts"] = "Cotton shorts",
["brown_wool_gloves"] = "Brown wool gloves",
["green_wool_gloves"] = "Green wool gloves",
["orange_wool_gloves"] = "Orange wool gloves",
["cotton_socks"] = "Cotton socks",
["green_wool_socks"] = "Green wool socks",
["red_wool_socks"] = "Red wool socks",
["yellow_wool_socks"] = "Yellow wool socks",
["pink_wool_socks"] = "Pink wool socks",
["yellow"] = "Yellow",
["orange"] = "Orange",
["brown"] = "Brown",
["pink"] = "Pink",
["gray"] = "Gray",
["sell_cheap_package"] = "Sell Cheap package",
["sell_medium_package"] = "Sell Medium package",
["sell_expensive_package"] = "Sell Expensive package",
["sell_super_package"] = "Sell Super package",
["return_vehicle"] = "[E] Return job vehicle",
Config.TargetIcon = {
["manager_keys"] = "fas fa-key",
["socks"] = "fas fa-socks",
["hat"] = "fas fa-hat-cowboy",
["t-shirt"] = "fas fa-tshirt",
["gloves"] = "fas fa-mitten",
["vest"] = "fas fa-vest",
["shorts"] = "fas fa-hand-pointer",
["order_wool"] = "fas fa-arrow-right-to-bracket",
["order_cotton"] = "fas fa-leaf",
["check_ecperience"] = "fas fa-brain",
["mixing_colors"] = "fas fa-palette",
["start_delivery"] = "fas fa-truck",
["stop_delivery"] = "fas fa-circle-xmark",
["stop_cotton_order"] = "fas fa-circle-xmark",
["packaging"] = "fas fa-box-open",
["take_wool_color"] = "fas fa-sign-in-alt",
["dye_wool"] = "fas fa-fill",
["sell_package"] = "fas fa-sack-dollar",