[ESX] & [QBCORE] Cocaine Script | Realistic Cocaine Processing


[QBCore & ESX] - Cocaine script


  • Realistic Cocaine Processing Cycle: Simulates the entire process of cocaine manufacturing, from gathering coca leaves to final packaging.

  • Advanced Processing Techniques: Implements realistic methods like gathering coca leaves, mulching, adding cement, setting fire, and waiting for the right moment to extract cocaine.

  • Barrel Processing: Enables players to add stolen kerosene and calcium hydroxide to the cocaine extract they got from cocaine pile for the next stage of processing.

  • Interactive Cocaine Processing: The players need to manage the processing, including cooking cocaine paste in a microwave. They should be careful to avoid overcooking and losing their product.

  • Cocaine Brick Breakdown: Players can break down cocaine bricks into powder, adding another layer of realism.

  • Extend Your Profits: Allows players to mix cocaine powder with other ingredients, increasing the quantity and boosting their potential profits.

  • Final Product Packaging: Cocaine can be packaged into drug bags, ready for distribution.

  • Cocaine Usage Effects: Consuming cocaine gives a temporary speed boost (sprint multiplier) to the player.

  • Area and Material Restrictions: Cocaine processing can only be performed in specific areas with the right materials, adding more depth to the gameplay.

  • Fully Customizable: Every aspect of the script can be customized via a config file, making it adaptable to various RP scenarios and server rules.

  • Integrated Admin Menu: For easy accessibility and management, an admin menu is integrated into the script.

  • Optimized Performance: Fully optimized script ensuring smooth gameplay and performance with no significant hit to server resources.

  • Protection Against Exploits: Advanced measures have been implemented to prevent script exploitation.

Full optimized.
0.00 ms

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) : ~3800
Requirements d3MBA-lib - Support most popular context menus (ox_lib, qb-menu, nh-context) - (ox_target, qtarget, qb-target)
Support Yes

Other Resources


Config.AdminPermissions = { -- Admin permissions for commands.
    Type = "license", -- "steam" / "license" 
    Licenses = {


Config.BlacklistZonesDebug = false -- true/flase | Default: false | If you set this to true, you will see the Blacklist Zones in the game (marker).
Config.BlacklistZones = { -- Blacklist zones where player can't do actions. 
    {coords = vector3(453.1656, -985.860, 30.689), radius = 70.0}, -- MRPD 
    {coords = vector3(332.6394, -582.348, 43.224), radius = 70.0}, -- Pillbox Hospital 
    -- Add more zones as needed

-- Particles synchronization   
Config.SyncParticlesWithAllPlayers = { -- If is false particles will see only the player who triggered it. 
    Mulching = true,  -- Mulching leafs  
    Cement = true, -- Cement smoke  
    Fire = true, -- Fire effect 
    BarrelMixing = true, -- Barrel mixing 

Config.Items = {
    -- Change item names here for every action.

    CementBag = "cement_bag",
    Cement = "cement",
    KeroseneCanister = "kerosene_canister",
    Kerosene = "kerosene",
    CocaineLeaf = "cocaine_leaf",
    SodiumBicarbonate = "sodium_bicarbonate",
    CocaineBrick = "cocaine_brick",
    CocaineDrugBag = "drug_bag",
    CocainePowder = "cocaine_powder",
    CocaineMix = "cocaine_mix",
    CocaineBaggy = "cocaine_baggy",
    Grater = "grater",
    CocaineExtract = "cocaine_extract",
    CalciumHydroxide = "calcium_hydroxide",
    Barrel = "barrel",
    Trimmer = "trimmer",
    Microwave = "microwave",
    CocainePaste = "cocaine_paste",
    OvercoockedCocaineBrick = "overcoocked_cocaine_brick",
    MixInBarrel = "mix_in_barrel",
    GasMask = "gas_mask",
    Filter = "filter",


Config.ProgressBar = {
    -- Change progress bar text here for every action.

    StealingCement = "Stealing cement...",
    StealingKerosene = "Stealing kerosene...",
    PickingUpCocaineLeaf = "Gathering cocaine leaves...",
    BreakingCocaineBrick = "Breaking down the cocaine brick...",
    MixingProcess = "Mixing the cocaine...",
    PackingCocaine = "Packing the cocaine...",
    MakingPile = "Creating a pile...",
    MulchingPile = "Mulching the pile...",
    AddingCement = "Adding cement to the pile...",
    DestroyingPile = "Setting the pile on fire...",
    PlacingMicrowave = "Setting up the microwave...",
    PutingPasteInMicrowave = "Puting paste in microwave...",
    TurningOnMicrowave = "Turning on microwave...",
    PickingUpCocaineBrick = "Picking up cocaine brick...",
    PickingUpMicrowave = "Picking up the microwave...",
    PlacingBarrel = "Placing the barrel...",
    AddingCocaineExtract = "Adding cocaine extract...",
    AddingCalciumHydroxide = "Adding calcium hydroxide...",
    AddingKerosene = "Adding kerosene...",
    PickingUpBarrel = "Picking up the barrel...",
    MixingBarrelIngredients = "Mixing the barrel ingredients...",
    PlacingFilter = "Placing filter...",
    FilteringTheMix = "Filtering the mix...",
    PickingUpFilter = "Picking up the filter...",
    PickingUpCocainePaste = "Picking up cocaine paste...",
    PickingUpBarrelMix = "Picking up barrel mix...",
    PickingUpCocaineExtract = "Picking up cocaine extract...",
    UsingCocaine = "Using cocaine...",

Config.ShopPed = {
    Use = true, 

    Account = "cash", -- (bank / cash) | Default: cash | If you set this to bank, you will pay from bank account.

    Model = "s_m_y_dealer_01", -- https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/ped-models/ - Ped model that will be spawned.
    Pos = vector4(-277.376, 2209.140, 128.84, 70.13), -- Pos = position of shop ped.

    TimeCheck = {
        Use = true, -- (true/false) | Default: true | If you set this to false, shop will be open 24/7. 
        CheckTime = 3, -- Every 3 sec scitpt will check in game time. 
        OpeningTime = 8, -- Shop opening time = 8:00 AM.
        ClosingTime = 22, -- Shop close time = 10:00 PM.

    Blip = {
        -- https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/blips/
        Use = true, -- (true/false) | Default: true | If you set this to false, you will not see the blip on the map.
        Sprite = 84, -- Blip sprite.
        Scale = 0.8, -- Blip scale.
        Color = 40, -- Blip color.
        Label = "[Cocaine] Shop Dealer",

    Items = {
        -- ItemName = name of item, Amount = amount of item yut will get with every purchase, Price = price of item/ items, Icon = icon of item in shop menu.
        {ItemName = "barrel", Amount = 1, Price = 500, Icon = "fas fa-circle"},  
        {ItemName = "filter", Amount = 1, Price = 300, Icon = "fas fa-filter"},  
        {ItemName = "trimmer", Amount = 1, Price = 700, Icon = "fas fa-cut"},  
        {ItemName = "cement_bag", Amount = 1, Price = 200, Icon = "fas fa-bag-shopping"},  
        {ItemName = "calcium_hydroxide", Amount = 1, Price = 250, Icon = "fas fa-pills"},  
        {ItemName = "microwave", Amount = 1, Price = 250, Icon = "fas fa-microchip"},  
        {ItemName = "lighter", Amount = 1, Price = 50, Icon = "fas fa-fire-flame-curved"},  
        {ItemName = "kerosene_canister", Amount = 1, Price = 350, Icon = "fas fa-bottle-droplet"},  
        {ItemName = "sodium_bicarbonate", Amount = 1, Price = 650, Icon = "fas fa-pills"},  
        {ItemName = "grater", Amount = 1, Price = 950, Icon = "fas fa-circle"},  
        {ItemName = "gas_mask", Amount = 1, Price = 100, Icon = "fas fa-mask"},  
        {ItemName = "drug_bag", Amount = 1, Price = 10, Icon = "fas fa-circle"},  

Config.CocaineLeaf = {
    Prop = "prop_plant_01a", -- Prop = set prop that will be spawned. 

    MoveObject = true, -- true/false if is true, the cocaine prop will move slowly down to the ground.

    UseMiniGame = false, -- true/false if is true, you will need to play minigame to pick up the leaf. 

    MinSpawn = 50, -- MinSpawn = min amount of prop that will be spawned.
    MaxSpawn = 70, -- MaxSpawn = max amount of prop that will be spawned.
    PickingUpTime = 4, --PickingUpTime = time to pick up prop in sec.
    CocaineLeafAmount = 1, -- CocaineLeafAmount = amount of cocaine leaf you will get with every pick up.

    ClearTaskImmediately = true, -- Clear task immediately after prop is picked up (true/false) | Default: true | If you set this to false, you will need to wait until the prop is picked up.

Config.CocaineLeafZones = { 
    -- Coords = center of zone, blip = true/false, name = name of zone, color = color of blip, sprite = sprite of blip, radius = radius of zone
    {Coords = vector3(-2356.98, 2699.516, 2.9319), Blip = true, Name = "Cocaine Leaf Field", Color = 1, Sprite = 1, Radius = 100.0}, 
    {Coords = vector3(-184.377, 2526.117, 70.401), Blip = false, Name = "Cocaine Leaf Field", Color = 1, Sprite = 1, Radius = 100.0},

Config.CocaineLeafsProcessing = {
    Amount = 25, -- Amount = amount of cocaine leafs you need to spawn pile of cocaine leafs.
    CocainePileProp = "prop_bush_neat_04", -- CocainePileProp = set prop that will be spawned. 
    CocainePileTime = 6, -- CocainePileTime = time to spawn pile of cocaine leafs in sec.

    MuclhTime = 10, -- MuclhTime = time to mulch pile of cocaine leafs in sec.

    CementBagProp = "prop_money_bag_01",
    AddingCementTime = 10, -- Time to add cement in sec.
    AddingCementAmount = 1, -- Amount of cement that will be added to pile of cocaine leafs.

    FireProp = { 
        Use = true, -- Use = true/false | Default: true | If you set this to false, players will not be able to set pile of cocaine leafs on fire.

        ItemRequired = { 
            Use = true, -- Use = true/false | Default: true | If you set this to false, players will not need item to set pile of cocaine leafs on fire.
            ItemName = "lighter", -- ItemRequired = name of item that is required to set pile of cocaine leafs on fire.

        Time = 10, -- Time = time to set pile of cocaine leafs on fire in sec.

    PickingUpCocaineExtractTime = 10, -- PickingUpCocaineExtractTime = time to pick up cocaine extract in sec.
    CocaineExtractAmount = 1, -- CocaineExtractAmount = amount of cocaine extract that will player get for picking up pile.

    ProcessingTime = 2, -- Time in hours 

    AutoDeleteDays = 5, -- AutoDeleteDays = time to auto delete pile of cocaine leafs in days.

    CheckTime = 20, -- CheckTime = time to check if pile of cocaine leafs is ready to be processed in minutes.

    UseMiniGame = true, -- true/false if is true, you will need to play minigame to set pile of cocaine leafs on FIRE.

    DebugMaterialsHashes = false, -- DebugMaterialsHashes = true/false | Default: false | If you set this to true, you will see materials hashes in console. 
    PrintEvery = 1.5, -- Script will print every 1.5 seconds debug for materials 
    MaterialHashes = { -- You can add more materials here (hash)

Config.Cement = {
    -- Prop = set prop that will be spawned, StealingTime = time to steal prop in sec, ResetTime = time to reset prop in minutes.

    Prop = "prop_cons_cements01", 
    StealingTime = 5, -- 5 sec 
    ResetTime = 10, -- 10 minutes

    UseMiniGame = true, -- true/false if is true, you will need to play minigame to pick up the cement.

Config.Kerosene = {
    -- Prop = set props from which you can steal kerosene
    Prop = {

    StealingTime = 5, -- StealingTime = time to steal prop in sec
    ResetTime = 10, -- ResetTime = time to reset prop in minutes

    UseMiniGame = true, -- true/false if is true, you will need to play minigame to pick up the kerosene.

Config.Barrel = {
    Prop = "prop_bin_beach_01d", -- Prop = set prop that will be spawned.

    GiveBackItems = true, -- GiveBackItems = true/false | Default: true | If you set this to true, player will get back all items that he put in barrel. Target: [Pick up the barrel]
    PlacingTime = 2, -- BarrelPlacingTime = time to place barrel in sec.
    PickingUpTime = 2, -- BarrelPickingUpTime = time to pick up barrel in sec.
    AddingCocaineExtractTime = 2, -- AddingCocaineExtractTime = time to add cocaine extract in sec.
    AddingCocaineExtractAmount = 1, -- AddingCocaineExtractAmount = amount of cocaine extract that will be added to barrel.

    AddingCalciumHydroxideTime = 2, -- AddingCalciumHydroxideTime = time to add calcium hydroxide in sec.
    AddingCalciumHydroxideAmount = 1, -- AddingCalciumHydroxideAmount = amount of calcium hydroxide that will be added to barrel.

    AddingKeroseneTime = 10, -- AddingKeroseneTime = time to add kerosene in sec.
    AddingKeroseneAmount = 1, -- AddingKeroseneAmount = amount of kerosene that will be added to barrel.

    MixingTime = 10, -- AddingKeroseneTime = time to add kerosene in sec.
    PickingUpBarrelMixTime = 2, -- PickingUpBarrelMixTime = time to pick up barrel mix in sec.

    MixInBarrelAmount = 1, -- MixInBarrelAmount = amount of mix in barrel that you will get after picking up barrel.

    DamageAmount = 5, -- The amount of damage that will be if the player does not wear a gas mask

    UseMiniGame = true, -- true/false if is true, you will need to play minigame to start mixing progress.

Config.Filter = {

    Prop = "prop_tea_urn", -- Prop = set prop that will be spawned.

    PlacingTime = 5, -- PlacingTime = time to place filter in sec.
    PickingUpTime = 5, -- PickingUpTime = time to pick up filter in sec.

    FilteringTime = 10, -- FilteringTime = time to filter cocaine paste in sec.
    PickingUpCocainePasteTime = 2, -- PickingUpCocainePasteTime = time to pick up cocaine paste in sec.

    CocainePasteAmount = 3, -- CocainePasteAmount = amount of cocaine paste that you will get after filtering mix form barrel.

Config.Microwave = {
    MicrowaveProp = "prop_microwave_1", -- MicrowaveProp = set prop that will be spawned.
    PlacingTime = 5, -- PlacingTime = time to place microwave in sec.
    PutingPasteInMicrowaveTime = 2, -- PlacingPasteInMicrowaveTime = time to place paste in microwave in sec.
    TurningOnTime = 2, -- TurningOnTime = time to turn on microwave in sec.
    TakingOutTime = 2, -- TakingOutTime = time to take out paste from microwave in sec.
    PickingUpTime = 2, -- PickingUpTime = time to pick up microwave in sec.

    CookingTime = { -- CookingTime = time to cook paste in microwave in sec. Random number between min and max!
        Min = 10, -- In seconds 
        Max = 25, -- In seconds 

    Explosion = { -- Explosion if player failed minigame (true/false) | Default: true | If you set this to false, microwave will not explode.
        Use = true, -- Use = true/false | Default: true | If you set this to false, microwave will not explode. 
        Chance = 60, -- Chance = chance to explode in 60 = 40%.

    Overcook = { -- Overcook if player leaves paste in microwave for too long (true/false) | Default: true | If you set this to false, player will got cocaine brick.
        Use = true, -- Use = true/false | Default: true | If you set this to false, player will got cocaine brick, true = player will got overcooked cocaine brick.
        Time = { -- Time will be multiplied by -1 (so if you set 10, it will be -10) 
            Min = 10, -- In seconds 
            Max = 25, -- In seconds 

Config.CocaineTables = {
    Prop = "bkr_prop_coke_table01a", -- Prop = set prop that will be spawned.
    SpawnLocations = {
        vector4(155.94943, 3130.51123, 42.58913, 287.50),
        vector4(558.27101, 2667.22534, 45.99168, 81.399),
        vector4(1538.85583, 3595.36670, 37.77152, 31.00),

    CocaineBrick = {
        -- Prop = set prop that will be spawned, StealingTime = time to steal prop in sec, ResetTime = time to reset prop in minutes.
        Prop = "v_ind_cs_hammer", 
        BreakingTime = 7, -- 6 sec
        MixingTime = 7, -- 7 sec 
        PackingTime = 5, -- 5 sec

    CocainePowderAmount = 100, -- CocainePowderAmount = amount of cocaine powder that you will get after breaking cocaine brick.

    AddingCocainePowderAmount = 20, -- AddingCocainePowderAmount = amount of cocaine powder that will be added to cocaine mix.
    AddingCocaineSodiumBicarbonateAmount = 2, -- AddingCocaineSodiumBicarbonateAmount = amount of sodium bicarbonate that will be added to cocaine mix.

    CocaineMixAmount = 10, -- CocaineMixAmount = amount of cocaine mix that you will get after mixing cocaine powder and sodium bicarbonate.
    UsingCocaineMix = 1, -- UsingCocaineMix = amount of cocaine mix that you will use to pack in drug bag.

Config.UsingCocaine = {
    -- Effect can be edited in the client/use_cocaine_item.lua file!
    EffectTime = 60, -- EffectTime = time to effect in sec.
    UsingTime = 3, -- UsingTime = time to use cocaine in sec.

Config.Rotation = { 
    -- https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/controls/
    ["rotation_instructions"] = "Press ~o~ARROW LEFT ~s~/~o~ ARROW RIGHT~s~ to rotate the object, ~g~E~s~ to spawn, ~r~G~s~ to cancel",

    RotationCounterClockwise = 189, -- 189 = "ARROW LEFT" key
    RotationClockwise = 190, -- 190 = "ARROW RIGHT" key

    Submit = 38, -- 38 = "E" key
    Cancel = 47, -- 47 = "G" key
    Text3D = { -- Position of 3D text that will be displayed when you rotate the object. 
        x = 0.365, -- x = 0.365 | 0.365 = center of the screen | 0.0 = left side of the screen | 1.0 = right side of the screen  
        y = 0.95 -- y = 0.95 | 0.95 = bottom of the screen | 0.0 = top of the screen | 1.0 = bottom of the screen 


Config.Notifications = {
    -- ["name" - don't change this] = set text that will be displayed in notification.

    ["bought_item"] = "You purchased 1x %s for $%s.",
    ["you_dont_have_enough_money"] = "You do not have sufficient funds.",
    ["this_cement_was_stolen_alredy"] = "This cement has already been stolen!",
    ["you_dont_have_bag"] = "You do not have a bag for cement.",
    ["you_dont_have_canister"] = "You do not have a canister.",
    ["this_kerosene_tank_is_empty"] = "This kerosene tank is empty.",
    ["you_dont_have_enought_leafs"] = "You do not have enough leaves - You need " ..Config.CocaineLeafsProcessing.Amount.. "!",
    ["you_dont_have_sodium_bicarbonate"] = "You do not have sodium bicarbonate.",
    ["you_dont_have_cocaine_brick"] = "You do not have a cocaine brick.",
    ["you_dont_have_cocaine_drug_bag"] = "You do not have a cocaine drug bag.",
    ["you_dont_have_cocaine_powder"] = "You do not have cocaine powder.",
    ["you_dont_have_ingredients"] = "You lack the necessary ingredients.",
    ["you_dont_have_cocaine_mix"] = "You do not have cocaine mix.",
    ["you_dont_have_grater"] = "You do not have a grater.",
    ["you_dont_have_cocaine_extract"] = "You do not have cocaine extract.",
    ["you_dont_have_cocaine_hydroxide"] = "You do not have calcium hydroxide.",
    ["you_dont_have_kerosene"] = "You do not have kerosene.",
    ["you_dont_have_trimmer"] = "You do not have a trimmer.",
    ["you_dont_have_cement"] = "You do not have cement.",
    ["you_dont_have_lighter"] = "You do not have a lighter.",
    ["alerady_malched"] = "This pile has already been mulched!",
    ["not_cocaine_pile"] = "This is not a cocaine pile!",
    ["malching_required"] = "You must mulch the pile!",
    ["already_malched_and_sprinkeled_cement"] = "This pile has already been mulched and sprinkled with cement.",
    ["cocaine_pile_nearby"] = "There is already a cocaine pile nearby!",
    ["cannot_make_cocaine_pile_here"] = "You cannot make a cocaine pile here!",
    ["cannot_make_cocaine_pile_from_vehicle"] = "You cannot make a cocaine pile from a vehicle!",
    ["processing_not_done"] = "Processing is not yet complete!",
    ["extracting_not_done"] = "Extraction not done - %s days, %s hours, %s minutes remaining.",
    ["black_list_zone"] = "You cannot do that here!",
    ["admin_no_piles_nearby"] = "There are no nearby cocaine piles!",
    ["admin_no_permissions"] = "You do not have administrative privileges!",
    ["microwave_already_placed"] = "You can only place one microwave at a time!",
    ["you_failed_minigame"] = "You failed!",
    ["you_passed_minigame"] = "You passed!",
    ["barrel_already_placed"] = "You can only place one barrel at a time!",
    ["you_dont_have_cocaine_paste"] = "You don't have cocaine paste!",
    ["you_got_overcooked_cocaine_brick"] = "You received an overcooked cocaine brick.",
    ["cooking_started"] = "Cooking process started", 
    ["cooking_finished"] = "Cooking process finished. Hurry and pick up the cocaine brick from the microwave!", 
    ["using_gas_mask"] = "You cannot wear/remove your gas mask while you are doing something else!", 
    ["wear_gas_mask"] = "For your safety, put on a gas mask while mixing ingredients in the barrel!", 
    ["filter_already_placed"] = "You can only place one filter at a time!", 
    ["you_dont_have_mix_in_barrel"] = "You don' have mix in barrel!", 
    ["you_took_some_coke"] = "You took some coke!", 
    ["effect_active"] = "Effect is already active!", 
    ["player_nearby"] = "There is a player nearby. Please move!", 
    ["script_restart"] = "You got your ingredients back, because the script was restarted!", 
    ["no_piles_found"] = "No piles found in database!", 


Config.TargetLabels = {
    -- ["name" - don't change this] = set text that will be displayed in target menu.

    ["shop"] = "Open Shop Menu",
    ["cement_steal"] = "Steal Cement",
    ["kerosene_steal"] = "Steal Kerosene",
    ["cocaine_leaf"] = "Gather Cocaine Leaves",
    ["break_cocaine"] = "Break Down Cocaine Brick",
    ["mix_cocaine"] = "Mix Cocaine Ingredients",
    ["pack_cocaine"] = "Pack Cocaine",
    ["pile_of_cocaine_leaves"] = "Collect Pile of Cocaine Leaves",
    ["add_cocaine_extract"] = "Add Cocaine Extract",
    ["add_kerosene"] = "Add Kerosene",
    ["add_calcium_hydroxide"] = "Add Calcium Hydroxide",
    ["mulch_cocaine_pile"] = "Mulch Cocaine Pile",
    ["cement_pile"] = "Sprinkle Cement",
    ["destroy_pile"] = "Set Cocaine Pile on Fire",
    ["pick_up_pile"] = "Collect Cocaine Extract",
    ["put_paste_in_microwave"] = "Place the cocaine paste in the microwave",
    ["turn_on_microwave"] = "Turn on the microwave",
    ["pick_up_cocaine_brick"] = "Pick up the cocaine brick",
    ["pick_up_microwave"] = "Pick up the microwave",
    ["pick_up_barrel"] = "Pick up the barrel",
    ["mix_barrel_ingredients"] = "Mix the barrel ingredients",
    ["pick_up_mix_barrel"] = "Pick up mix the barrel",
    ["filter_the_mix"] = "Filter the mix from barrel",
    ["pick_up_filter"] = "Pick up the filter",
    ["pick_up_cocaine_paste"] = "Pick up cocaine paste",

Config.TargetIcons = {
    -- ["name" - don't change this] = set icon that will be displayed target menu.

    ["shop"] = "fas fa-shopping-cart",
    ["cement_steal"] = "fas fa-circle",
    ["kerosene_steal"] = "fas fa-gas-pump",
    ["cocaine_leaf"] = "fas fa-leaf",
    ["break_cocaine"] = "fas fa-hammer",
    ["mix_cocaine"] = "fas fa-mortar-pestle",
    ["pack_cocaine"] = "fas fa-box-open",
    ["pile_of_cocaine_leaves"] = "fas fa-leaf",
    ["add_cocaine_extract"] = "fas fa-leaf",
    ["add_kerosene"] = "fas fa-gas-pump",
    ["add_calcium_hydroxide"] = "fas fa-circle",
    ["mulch_cocaine_pile"] = "fas fa-scissors",
    ["cement_pile"] = "fas fa-circle",
    ["destroy_pile"] = "fas fa-fire",
    ["pick_up_pile"] = "fas fa-hand",
    ["put_paste_in_microwave"] = "fas fa-circle",
    ["turn_on_microwave"] = "fas fa-power-off",
    ["pick_up_cocaine_brick"] = "fas fa-hand",
    ["pick_up_microwave"] = "fas fa-hand",
    ["pick_up_barrel"] = "fas fa-hand",
    ["mix_barrel_ingredients"] = "fas fa-mortar-pestle",
    ["pick_up_mix_barrel"] = "fas fa-hand",
    ["filter_the_mix"] = "fas fa-hand",
    ["pick_up_cocaine_paste"] = "fas fa-hand",
    ["pick_up_filter"] = "fas fa-hand",


:hushed: +repp

1 Like

Stolen content

from who and proof?

Open my profile

see my profile

Can you please tell me the Cords of where to steal the Cement from, and the Kerosene ?

nevermind I found these.

Are the plants player synced?