[ESX] & [QBCORE] Potions


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[ESX] - Potions | [QBCORE] - Potions

Code is accessible No (target, menu, minigame customization and progress bar are accessible)
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~700
Requirements [ESX] oxmysql (nh-context / ox_contextmenu, qtarget, memorygame - optional, you can adapt to your own.)
Requirements [QB] oxmysql (qb-menu, qb-target, memorygame - optional, you can adapt to your own.)
Support Yes

The asset is encrypted using FiveM escrow system but a lot of configurable values are present for you to edit plus a couple of files are unencrypted too.

Full optimized.
0.00 ms


  • Easy customization

  • Ingredients shop - Working time function (opening, closing time)

  • Minigame

  • Chance to start (explosion) - effect while player crafting potion

  • Effect duration time for each potion.

  • Experience system - Required experience for each potion.

  • Crafting time.

  • Potions with instant effects.

  • Your own potion can be easily made.

  • You need to wear a gas mask while making potions or when you’re nearby a crafting table where players are making potions. Damage will be applied to the player if they don’t wear a gas mask.

  • If you fail a minigame, you’ll have a chance to explode. Also, every time you fail a minigame, you’ll have one more box to compete with, making it more challenging. (you can customaze it, or disable it)

  • The effect duration of a potion enables this potion to apply the effect (what you specify), (Effect Applying Time, Effect Time).

  • Activate/deactivate each potion

  • SYNCHRONIZATION WITH OTHER PLAYERS (all animations and effects are synced with other players.)

  • Server-side checks to prevent abuse, and cheating.

Other Resources


Config.DebugPolyZone = false 
Config.Identifier = 1 -- 0 = steam identifier, 1 = license identifier

Config.ClearPedTasksImmediately = true

Config.TablePos = vector3(2435.79, 4964.14, 42.35)

Config.Blip = { -- https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/blips/
    Use = true, 
	Sprite = 499,
	Scale = 0.9,
	Color = 1,
	Label = "Potions craft",

Config.ProgressBar = { 
    Use = true,     
    Crafting = "Crafting ",
    Refill = "Refilling bottle of water.", 
    UsingPotion = "Using "

Config.UsingPotionTime = 2.8 -- seconds

Config.UseMiniGame = true -- You can edit things about minigame in client/cl-customization

Config.ExplosionChance = 1 -- chance to make smoke, (effect) while player crafting potion, if you want to have this effect everytime when player crafting potion, just set to "1" (Config.ExplosionChance = 1)
                           -- 40 = 60% chance, 70 = 30% chance, 50 = 50% chance 

Config.DamageAmount = 1 -- The amount of damage that will be if the player does not wear a gas mask

Config.Explosions = { -- You can add more explosions (particles) if you want, script will pick one from them, here you can find all particles from GTA 5 -- https://www.vespura.com/fivem/particle-list/
    [1] = "exp_grd_bzgas_smoke", 
    [2] = "exp_grd_flare", 
    [3] = "exp_grd_grenade_smoke", 

Config.Shop = { 
    Use = true, 
    Ped = 's_m_y_robber_01', -- https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/ped-models/
    Pos = vector4(-172.750, 6381.339, 30.472, 220.65),
    ShopAccount = "cash", -- "bank", "cash"

    CheckTime = { 
        Use = true, 
        OpeningTime = 8, -- ingame time default: 8 a.m. 
        ClosingTime = 20 -- ingame time default: 20 p.m.

    Blip = {
        Use = true, 
        Sprite = 499,
        Scale = 0.9,
        Color = 3,
        Label = "[Potions] Ingredients shop",

    Items = { 
        {itemName = "potions_mask", amount = 1, price = 35},
        {itemName = "potions_empty_bottle", amount = 1, price = 5},  
        {itemName = "potion_empty_water_bottle", amount = 1, price = 1},  
        {itemName = "potions_benzodiazepine", amount = 1, price = 2},  
        {itemName = "potions_caffeine", amount = 1, price = 35},  
        {itemName = "potions_morphine", amount = 1, price = 45},  
        {itemName = "potions_sodium_chloride", amount = 1, price = 25},  
        {itemName = "potions_taurine", amount = 1, price = 55},  
        {itemName = "potions_codeine", amount = 1, price = 35},  


Config.TargetLabels = {
    ["shop"] = "Ingredients shop", 
    ["craft_potion"] = "Craft potion"

Config.TargetIcons = {
    ["shop"] = "fas fa-arrow-pointer", 
    ["craft_potion"] = "fas fa-vial"

Config.Notifications = {
    ["inc_experience"] = "Experience + ", 
    ["no_required_exp"] = "You dont have required experience to craft this potion!", 
    ["you_dont_have_everything"] = "You don't have everything you need!",
    ["already_have_effect"] = "You already have, effect!",
    ["no_enough_money"] = "You don't have enough money!",
    ["bought"] = "Bought ",
    ["already_using_potion"] = 'You already using potion!',
    ["effect_over"] = "Effect is over",
    ["potion_crafted"] = "Crafted ",
    ["not_near_water"] = "You are not near water!",
    ["you_dont_have_empty_bottle"] = "You don't have empty bottle!",
    ["already_reffiling"] = "You are already reffiling bottle!"

--[[ Ingredients List = { 

-- Default effects table 
-- ["Helth"] = 0, 
-- ["Armour"] = 0, 
-- ["Swim"] = 1.00, -- Swim multiplier -- ⚠️⚠️⚠️ Multiplier goes up to 1.49 ⚠️⚠️⚠️ 
-- ["Speed"] = 1.00, -- Sprint multiplier  -- ⚠️⚠️⚠️ Multiplier goes up to 1.49 ⚠️⚠️⚠️  
-- ["Stress"] = 0,  
-- ["NightVision"] = false, 
-- ["SeeThrough"] = false,  

Config.Potions = {
    ["Potion of health 25%"] = { -- Menu (title)
        PotionItem = "potion_of_health_25%", -- Item name 

        Ingredients = {  --["ITEM_NAME"] = AMOUNT 
            ["potions_empty_bottle"] = 1,
            ["potions_morphine"] = 3, 
            ["water_bottle"] = 2,

        Description = "This potion will give you instatnt + 25% of health.", -- Description of potion in crafting menu 

        MenuEmoji = "💚", -- Emoji of potion in crafting menu -- https://getemoji.com/

        RequiredExperience = 12, -- Experience required to craft this potion.
        IncreaseExperience = 1, -- Experiences player I'll get, for crafting this potion.

        CraftTime = 20, -- Time need to craft this potion in seconds. 

        Effects = { -- Instant effects 
            ["Helth"] = 25, 
            ["Armour"] = 0, 
            ["Swim"] = 1.00, -- Swim multiplier 
            ["Speed"] = 1.00, -- Sprint multiplier  
            ["Stress"] = 0,  
            ["NightVision"] = false, 
            ["SeeThrough"] = false,  

        EffectTime = 1, -- seconds 

        EffectDuration =  { 
            Use = false, -- 
            EffectApplyTime = 2, -- Effect applying time e.g. every 2 seconds 

        Effects = {
                ["Health"] = 0,
                ["Armour"] = 0,
                ["Stress"] = 0

    ["Potion of health 50%"] = { -- Menu (title)
        PotionItem = "potion_of_health_50%", -- Item name 

        Ingredients = {  --["ITEM_NAME"] = AMOUNT 
            ["potions_empty_bottle"] = 1,
            ["potions_morphine"] = 5, 
            ["water_bottle"] = 2,

        Description = "This potion will give you instant + 50% of health.", -- Description of potion in crafting menu 

        MenuEmoji = "💚", -- Emoji of potion in crafting menu -- https://getemoji.com/

        RequiredExperience = 20, -- Experience required to craft this potion.
        IncreaseExperience = 3, -- Experiences player I'll get, for crafting this potion.

        CraftTime = 25, -- Time need to craft this potion in seconds. 

        Effects = { -- Instant effects 
            ["Helth"] = 50, 
            ["Armour"] = 0, 
            ["Swim"] = 1.00, -- Swim multiplier 
            ["Speed"] = 1.00, -- Sprint multiplier  
            ["Stress"] = 0,  
            ["NightVision"] = false, 
            ["SeeThrough"] = false,  

        EffectTime = 1, -- seconds 

        EffectDuration =  { 
            Use = false, 
            EffectApplyTime = 2, -- Effect applying time e.g. every 2 seconds 

        Effects = {
                ["Health"] = 0,
                ["Armour"] = 0,
                ["Stress"] = 0

    ["Potion of health 60s"] = { -- Menu (title)
        PotionItem = "potion_of_health_60s", -- Item name 

        Ingredients = {  --["ITEM_NAME"] = AMOUNT 
            ["potions_empty_bottle"] = 1,
            ["potions_morphine"] = 7, 
            ["water_bottle"] = 4,

        Description = "The potion restores 10 health every 5 seconds for 60 seconds.", -- Description of potion in crafting menu 

        MenuEmoji = "💚", -- Emoji of potion in crafting menu -- https://getemoji.com/

        RequiredExperience = 30, -- Experience required to craft this potion.
        IncreaseExperience = 4, -- Experiences player I'll get, for crafting this potion.

        CraftTime = 35, -- Time need to craft this potion in seconds. 

        Effects = { -- Instant effects 
            ["Helth"] = 0, 
            ["Armour"] = 0, 
            ["Swim"] = 1.00, -- Swim multiplier 
            ["Speed"] = 1.00, -- Sprint multiplier  
            ["Stress"] = 0,  
            ["NightVision"] = false, 
            ["SeeThrough"] = false,  

        EffectTime = 60, -- seconds 

        EffectDuration =  { 
            Use = true, 
            EffectApplyTime = 5, -- Effect applying time e.g. every 2 seconds 

        Effects = {
                ["Health"] = 10,
                ["Armour"] = 0,
                ["Stress"] = 0

    ["Potion of health 120s"] = { -- Menu (title)
        PotionItem = "potion_of_health_120s", -- Item name 

        Ingredients = {  --["ITEM_NAME"] = AMOUNT 
            ["potions_empty_bottle"] = 1,
            ["potions_morphine"] = 11, 
            ["water_bottle"] = 6,

        Description = "The potion restores 10 health every 5 seconds for 120 seconds.", -- Description of potion in crafting menu 

        MenuEmoji = "💚", -- Emoji of potion in crafting menu -- https://getemoji.com/

        RequiredExperience = 50, -- Experience required to craft this potion.
        IncreaseExperience = 7, -- Experiences player I'll get, for crafting this potion.

        CraftTime = 35, -- Time need to craft this potion in seconds. 

        Effects = { -- Instant effects 
            ["Helth"] = 0, 
            ["Armour"] = 0, 
            ["Swim"] = 1.00, -- Swim multiplier 
            ["Speed"] = 1.00, -- Sprint multiplier  
            ["Stress"] = 0,  
            ["NightVision"] = false, 
            ["SeeThrough"] = false,  

        EffectTime = 120, -- seconds 

        EffectDuration =  { 
            Use = true, 
            EffectApplyTime = 5, -- Effect applying time e.g. every 5 seconds 

        Effects = {
                ["Health"] = 10,
                ["Armour"] = 0,
                ["Stress"] = 0

    ["Potion of armour 25%"] = { -- Menu (title)
        PotionItem = "potion_of_armour_25%", -- Item name 

        Ingredients = {  --["ITEM_NAME"] = AMOUNT 
            ["potions_empty_bottle"] = 1,
            ["potions_codeine"] = 3, 
            ["water_bottle"] = 3,

        Description = "This potion will give you instatnt + 25% of armour.", -- Description of potion in crafting menu 

        MenuEmoji = "🛡️", -- Emoji of potion in crafting menu -- https://getemoji.com/

        RequiredExperience = 35, -- Experience required to craft this potion.
        IncreaseExperience = 4, -- Experiences player I'll get, for crafting this potion.

        CraftTime = 30, -- Time need to craft this potion in seconds. 

        Effects = { -- Instant effects 
            ["Helth"] = 0, 
            ["Armour"] = 25, 
            ["Swim"] = 1.00, -- Swim multiplier 
            ["Speed"] = 1.00, -- Sprint multiplier  
            ["Stress"] = 0,  
            ["NightVision"] = false, 
            ["SeeThrough"] = false,  

        EffectTime = 1, -- seconds 

        EffectDuration =  { 
            Use = false, 
            EffectApplyTime = 5, -- Effect applying time e.g. every 2 seconds 

        Effects = {
                ["Health"] = 0,
                ["Armour"] = 0,
                ["Stress"] = 0

    ["Potion of armour 50%"] = { -- Menu (title)
        PotionItem = "potion_of_armour_50%", -- Item name 

        Ingredients = {  --["ITEM_NAME"] = AMOUNT 
            ["potions_empty_bottle"] = 1,
            ["potions_codeine"] = 7, 
            ["water_bottle"] = 5,

        Description = "This potion will give you instant + 50% of armour.", -- Description of potion in crafting menu 

        MenuEmoji = "🛡️", -- Emoji of potion in crafting menu -- https://getemoji.com/

        RequiredExperience = 45, -- Experience required to craft this potion.
        IncreaseExperience = 6, -- Experiences player I'll get, for crafting this potion.

        CraftTime = 35, -- Time need to craft this potion in seconds. 

        Effects = { -- Instant effects 
            ["Helth"] = 0, 
            ["Armour"] = 50, 
            ["Swim"] = 1.00, -- Swim multiplier 
            ["Speed"] = 1.00, -- Sprint multiplier  
            ["Stress"] = 0,  
            ["NightVision"] = false, 
            ["SeeThrough"] = false,  

        EffectTime = 1, -- seconds 

        EffectDuration =  { 
            Use = false, 
            EffectApplyTime = 5, -- Effect applying time e.g. every 2 seconds 

        Effects = {
                ["Health"] = 0,
                ["Armour"] = 0,
                ["Stress"] = 0

    ["Potion of armour 60s"] = { -- Menu (title)
        PotionItem = "potion_of_armour_60s", -- Item name 

        Ingredients = {  --["ITEM_NAME"] = AMOUNT 
            ["potions_empty_bottle"] = 1,
            ["potions_codeine"] = 9, 
            ["water_bottle"] = 5,

        Description = "The potion restores 10 armour every 5 seconds for 60 seconds.", -- Description of potion in crafting menu 

        MenuEmoji = "🛡️", -- Emoji of potion in crafting menu -- https://getemoji.com/

        RequiredExperience = 55, -- Experience required to craft this potion.
        IncreaseExperience = 7, -- Experiences player I'll get, for crafting this potion.

        CraftTime = 40, -- Time need to craft this potion in seconds. 

        Effects = { -- Instant effects 
            ["Helth"] = 0, 
            ["Armour"] = 0, 
            ["Swim"] = 1.00, -- Swim multiplier 
            ["Speed"] = 1.00, -- Sprint multiplier  
            ["Stress"] = 0,  
            ["NightVision"] = false, 
            ["SeeThrough"] = false,  

        EffectTime = 60, -- seconds 

        EffectDuration =  { 
            Use = true, 
            EffectApplyTime = 5, -- Effect applying time e.g. every 2 seconds 

        Effects = {
                ["Health"] = 0,
                ["Armour"] = 10,
                ["Stress"] = 0

    ["Potion of armour 120s"] = { -- Menu (title)
        PotionItem = "potion_of_armour_120s", -- Item name 

        Ingredients = {  --["ITEM_NAME"] = AMOUNT 
            ["potions_empty_bottle"] = 1,
            ["potions_codeine"] = 12, 
            ["water_bottle"] = 6,

        Description = "The potion restores 10 armour every 5 seconds for 120 seconds.", -- Description of potion in crafting menu 

        MenuEmoji = "🛡️", -- Emoji of potion in crafting menu -- https://getemoji.com/

        RequiredExperience = 70, -- Experience required to craft this potion.
        IncreaseExperience = 8, -- Experiences player I'll get, for crafting this potion.

        CraftTime = 40, -- Time need to craft this potion in seconds. 

        Effects = { -- Instant effects 
            ["Helth"] = 0, 
            ["Armour"] = 0, 
            ["Swim"] = 1.00, -- Swim multiplier 
            ["Speed"] = 1.00, -- Sprint multiplier  
            ["Stress"] = 0,  
            ["NightVision"] = false, 
            ["SeeThrough"] = false,  

        EffectTime = 120, -- seconds 

        EffectDuration =  { 
            Use = true, 
            EffectApplyTime = 5, -- Effect applying time e.g. every 2 seconds 

        Effects = {
                ["Health"] = 0,
                ["Armour"] = 10,
                ["Stress"] = 0

    ["Potion of swim 30s"] = { -- Menu (title)
        PotionItem = "potion_of_swim_30s", -- Item name 

        Ingredients = {  --["ITEM_NAME"] = AMOUNT 
            ["potions_empty_bottle"] = 1,
            ["potions_taurine"] = 2, 
            ["potions_caffeine"] = 4, 
            ["water_bottle"] = 4,

        Description = "It provides 30 seconds of increased swimming ability.", -- Description of potion in crafting menu 

        MenuEmoji = "🏊‍♂️", -- Emoji of potion in crafting menu -- https://getemoji.com/

        RequiredExperience = 0, -- Experience required to craft this potion.
        IncreaseExperience = 3, -- Experiences player I'll get, for crafting this potion.

        CraftTime = 30, -- Time need to craft this potion in seconds. 

        Effects = { -- Instant effects 
            ["Helth"] = 0, 
            ["Armour"] = 0, 
            ["Swim"] = 1.40, -- Swim multiplier 
            ["Speed"] = 1.00, -- Sprint multiplier  
            ["Stress"] = 0,  
            ["NightVision"] = false, 
            ["SeeThrough"] = false,  

        EffectTime = 30, -- seconds 

        EffectDuration =  { 
            Use = false, 
            EffectApplyTime = 5, -- Effect applying time e.g. every 2 seconds 

        Effects = {
                ["Health"] = 0,
                ["Armour"] = 0,
                ["Stress"] = 0

    ["Potion of swim 60s"] = { -- Menu (title)
        PotionItem = "potion_of_swim_60s", -- Item name 

        Ingredients = {  --["ITEM_NAME"] = AMOUNT 
            ["potions_empty_bottle"] = 1,
            ["potions_taurine"] = 4, 
            ["potions_caffeine"] = 6, 
            ["water_bottle"] = 5,

        Description = "It provides 60 seconds of increased swimming ability.", -- Description of potion in crafting menu 

        MenuEmoji = "🏊‍♂️", -- Emoji of potion in crafting menu -- https://getemoji.com/

        RequiredExperience = 10, -- Experience required to craft this potion.
        IncreaseExperience = 3, -- Experiences player I'll get, for crafting this potion.

        CraftTime = 40, -- Time need to craft this potion in seconds. 

        Effects = { -- Instant effects 
            ["Helth"] = 0, 
            ["Armour"] = 0, 
            ["Swim"] = 1.45, -- Swim multiplier 
            ["Speed"] = 1.00, -- Sprint multiplier  
            ["Stress"] = 0,  
            ["NightVision"] = false, 
            ["SeeThrough"] = false,  

        EffectTime = 60, -- seconds 

        EffectDuration =  { 
            Use = false, 
            EffectApplyTime = 5, -- Effect applying time e.g. every 2 seconds 

        Effects = {
                ["Health"] = 0,
                ["Armour"] = 0,
                ["Stress"] = 0

    ["Potion of speed 10s"] = { -- Menu (title)
        PotionItem = "potion_of_speed_10s", -- Item name 

        Ingredients = {  --["ITEM_NAME"] = AMOUNT 
            ["potions_empty_bottle"] = 1,
            ["potions_taurine"] = 2, 
            ["potions_caffeine"] = 3, 
            ["water_bottle"] = 2,

        Description = "It provides 10 seconds of increased sprint ability.", -- Description of potion in crafting menu 

        MenuEmoji = "💨", -- Emoji of potion in crafting menu -- https://getemoji.com/

        RequiredExperience = 5, -- Experience required to craft this potion.
        IncreaseExperience = 2, -- Experiences player I'll get, for crafting this potion.

        CraftTime = 30, -- Time need to craft this potion in seconds. 

        Effects = { -- Instant effects 
            ["Helth"] = 0, 
            ["Armour"] = 0, 
            ["Swim"] = 1.00, -- Swim multiplier 
            ["Speed"] = 1.45, -- Sprint multiplier  
            ["Stress"] = 0,  
            ["NightVision"] = false, 
            ["SeeThrough"] = false,  

        EffectTime = 10, -- seconds 

        EffectDuration =  { 
            Use = false, 
            EffectApplyTime = 5, -- Effect applying time e.g. every 2 seconds 

        Effects = {
                ["Health"] = 0,
                ["Armour"] = 0,
                ["Stress"] = 0

    ["Potion of speed 30s"] = { -- Menu (title)
        PotionItem = "potion_of_speed_30s", -- Item name 

        Ingredients = {  --["ITEM_NAME"] = AMOUNT 
            ["potions_empty_bottle"] = 1,
            ["potions_taurine"] = 3, 
            ["potions_caffeine"] = 5, 
            ["water_bottle"] = 3,

        Description = "It provides 30 seconds of increased sprint ability", -- Description of potion in crafting menu 

        MenuEmoji = "💨", -- Emoji of potion in crafting menu -- https://getemoji.com/

        RequiredExperience = 15, -- Experience required to craft this potion.
        IncreaseExperience = 4, -- Experiences player I'll get, for crafting this potion.

        CraftTime = 40, -- Time need to craft this potion in seconds. 

        Effects = { -- Instant effects 
            ["Helth"] = 0, 
            ["Armour"] = 0, 
            ["Swim"] = 1.00, -- Swim multiplier 
            ["Speed"] = 1.45, -- Sprint multiplier  
            ["Stress"] = 0,  
            ["NightVision"] = false, 
            ["SeeThrough"] = false,  

        EffectTime = 30, -- seconds 

        EffectDuration =  { 
            Use = false, 
            EffectApplyTime = 5, -- Effect applying time e.g. every 2 seconds 

        Effects = {
                ["Health"] = 0,
                ["Armour"] = 0,
                ["Stress"] = 0

    ["Potion of speed 45s"] = { -- Menu (title)
        PotionItem = "potion_of_speed_45s", -- Item name 

        Ingredients = {  --["ITEM_NAME"] = AMOUNT 
            ["potions_empty_bottle"] = 1,
            ["potions_taurine"] = 4, 
            ["potions_caffeine"] = 8, 
            ["water_bottle"] = 4,

        Description = "It provides 45 seconds of increased sprint ability", -- Description of potion in crafting menu 

        MenuEmoji = "💨", -- Emoji of potion in crafting menu -- https://getemoji.com/

        RequiredExperience = 30, -- Experience required to craft this potion.
        IncreaseExperience = 4, -- Experiences player I'll get, for crafting this potion.

        CraftTime = 60, -- Time need to craft this potion in seconds. 

        Effects = { -- Instant effects 
            ["Helth"] = 0, 
            ["Armour"] = 0, 
            ["Swim"] = 1.00, -- Swim multiplier 
            ["Speed"] = 1.45, -- Sprint multiplier  
            ["Stress"] = 0,  
            ["NightVision"] = false, 
            ["SeeThrough"] = false,  

        EffectTime = 10, -- seconds 

        EffectDuration =  { 
            Use = false, 
            EffectApplyTime = 5, -- Effect applying time e.g. every 2 seconds 

        Effects = {
                ["Health"] = 0,
                ["Armour"] = 0,
                ["Stress"] = 0

    ["Potion of night vision 10s"] = { -- Menu (title)
        PotionItem = "potion_of_nightvision_10s", -- Item name 

        Ingredients = {  --["ITEM_NAME"] = AMOUNT 
            ["potions_empty_bottle"] = 1,
            ["potions_sodium_chloride"] = 4, 
            ["water_bottle"] = 2,

        Description = "Night vision 10 seconds.", -- Description of potion in crafting menu 

        MenuEmoji = "✨", -- Emoji of potion in crafting menu -- https://getemoji.com/

        RequiredExperience = 10, -- Experience required to craft this potion.
        IncreaseExperience = 2, -- Experiences player I'll get, for crafting this potion.

        CraftTime = 15, -- Time need to craft this potion in seconds. 

        Effects = { -- Instant effects 
            ["Helth"] = 0, 
            ["Armour"] = 0, 
            ["Swim"] = 1.00, -- Swim multiplier 
            ["Speed"] = 1.00, -- Sprint multiplier  
            ["Stress"] = 0,  
            ["NightVision"] = true, 
            ["SeeThrough"] = false,  

        EffectTime = 10, -- seconds 

        EffectDuration =  { 
            Use = false, 
            EffectApplyTime = 5, -- Effect applying time e.g. every 2 seconds 

        Effects = {
                ["Health"] = 0,
                ["Armour"] = 0,
                ["Stress"] = 0

    ["Potion of night vision 30s"] = { -- Menu (title)
        PotionItem = "potion_of_nightvision_30s", -- Item name 

        Ingredients = {  --["ITEM_NAME"] = AMOUNT 
            ["potions_empty_bottle"] = 1,
            ["potions_sodium_chloride"] = 8, 
            ["water_bottle"] = 3,

        Description = "Night vision 30 seconds.", -- Description of potion in crafting menu 

        MenuEmoji = "✨", -- Emoji of potion in crafting menu -- https://getemoji.com/

        RequiredExperience = 25, -- Experience required to craft this potion.
        IncreaseExperience = 4, -- Experiences player I'll get, for crafting this potion.

        CraftTime = 40, -- Time need to craft this potion in seconds. 

        Effects = { -- Instant effects 
            ["Helth"] = 0, 
            ["Armour"] = 0, 
            ["Swim"] = 1.00, -- Swim multiplier 
            ["Speed"] = 1.00, -- Sprint multiplier  
            ["Stress"] = 0,  
            ["NightVision"] = true, 
            ["SeeThrough"] = false,  

        EffectTime = 30, -- seconds 

        EffectDuration =  { 
            Use = false, 
            EffectApplyTime = 5, -- Effect applying time e.g. every 2 seconds 

        Effects = {
                ["Health"] = 0,
                ["Armour"] = 0,
                ["Stress"] = 0

    ["Potion of relax"] = { -- Menu (title)
        PotionItem = "potion_of_stress", -- Item name 

        Ingredients = {  --["ITEM_NAME"] = AMOUNT 
            ["potions_empty_bottle"] = 1,
            ["potions_benzodiazepine"] = 2, 
            ["water_bottle"] = 1,

        Description = "The potion will reduce your stress.", -- Description of potion in crafting menu 

        MenuEmoji = "🧠", -- Emoji of potion in crafting menu -- https://getemoji.com/

        RequiredExperience = 5, -- Experience required to craft this potion.
        IncreaseExperience = 1, -- Experiences player I'll get, for crafting this potion.

        CraftTime = 10, -- Time need to craft this potion in seconds. 

        Effects = { -- Instant effects 
            ["Helth"] = 0, 
            ["Armour"] = 0, 
            ["Swim"] = 1.00, -- Swim multiplier 
            ["Speed"] = 1.00, -- Sprint multiplier  
            ["Stress"] = 2,  
            ["NightVision"] = false, 
            ["SeeThrough"] = false,  

        EffectTime = 1, -- seconds 

        EffectDuration =  { 
            Use = false, 
            EffectApplyTime = 2, -- Effect applying time e.g. every 2 seconds 

        Effects = {
                ["Health"] = 0,
                ["Armour"] = 0,
                ["Stress"] = 0
