[ESX] & [QBCORE] Butcher Job Script


[QBCore & ESX] - Butcher job script


  • Realistic Butchering Cycle: Simulates the entire process of animal butchering, starting with catching the chickens. A unique experience system increases the chicken catching rate the more the player successfully catches chickens.
  • Interactive Butchering Process: Requires the player to slaughter the caught chicken using a butcher knife, before moving onto the plucking process using an interactive conveyor mechanism. The plucking process also separates chicken legs which are then stored in a box for collection.
  • Detailed Chicken Processing: After plucking, the player can further process the chicken to obtain various parts like the gizzard, drumstick, breast, thigh, wings, etc. This additional processing adds more depth and realism to the gameplay.
  • Value Addition through Grinding: The player can grind the chicken meat to produce ground chicken meat. This value-added product fetches a higher selling price in the market, creating opportunities for the player to maximize their income.
  • Flexible Selling Options: The script offers two selling options - a quick sell point for efficient but lower-priced selling, and a delivery option which requires more effort but yields higher selling prices.
  • Built-in Job Instructions: The script includes built-in instructions for the butcher job, providing guidance to players and enhancing the role-play experience.
  • Advanced Delivery System: Implements a realistic method of product delivery, adding to the overall job experience.
  • Dynamic Pricing: The selling price of the butchered products changes dynamically based on market conditions, offering a more engaging gameplay experience.
  • Protection Against Exploits: Advanced measures have been implemented to prevent script exploitation, ensuring fair gameplay.
  • Compatibility: Fully compatible with popular context menus and input menus, including Targets: qb-target, ox_target, qtarget, ContextMenus: qb-menu, ox_lib context menu, nh-context, and InputMenus: qb-input, ox_lib input menu, nh-keyboard.
  • Customizable: Every aspect of the script, including the catching rate, processing time, and product prices, can be customized through a config file, allowing for adaptability to various RP scenarios

Full optimized.
0.00 ms

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) : ~2600
Requirements d3MBA-lib - Support most popular context menus (ox_lib, qb-menu, nh-context) - (ox_inputmenu, qb-input, nh-keyboard) (ox_target, qtarget, qb-target)
Support Yes

Other Resources


Config.DebugPolyZone = false -- [true/false] - If you want to see polyzone borders, set it to 'true' (Config.DebugPolyZone = true) 

Config.ClearAreaOfPeds = {
    Use = true, -- [true/false] - If you want to clear area of peds, set it to 'true' (Config.ClearAreaOfPeds.Use = true) 
    Radius = 60.0, -- [float] - Radius of area to clear peds

Config.KickReason = "[d3MBA-ButcherJob] | Protection!" 

-- Config.JobRequired = "JOB_NAME" -- if you want to disable it just set it to 'false' (Config.JobRequired = false) 
Config.JobRequired = false -- Job name e.g. Config.JobRequired = "JOB_NAME"

-- Particles synchronization   
Config.SyncParticlesWithAllPlayers = { -- If is false particles will see only the player who triggered it. 
    LineWater = true,  
    LineBlood = true,
    GrindingMachine = true,

Config.Items = { 
    -- Change item names here for every action.
    Knife = "butcher_knife", 
    Chicken = "butcher_chicken",  
    GroundChicken = "butcher_ground_chicken",
    UnpluckedChicken = "butcher_unplucked_chicken",
    PluckedChicken = "butcher_plucked_chicken", 

    ChickenGizzard = "butcher_chicken_gizzard", 
    ChickenDrumstick = "butcher_chicken_drumstick",
    ChickenBreast = "butcher_chicken_breast",
    ChickenThigh = "butcher_chicken_thigh",
    ChickenWing = "butcher_chicken_wing",
    ChickenBack = "butcher_chicken_back",
    ChickenStockBones = "butcher_chicken_stock_bones",
    ChickenLeg = "butcher_chicken_leg",

    Order = "butcher_order",

Config.ProgressBar = { 
    -- Change progress bar text here for every action.
    PorcessingChicken = "Processing chicken",
    PluckChicken = "Plucking chicken", 
    PuttingChickenOnTheLine = "Putting chicken on the line...",
    GrindingMeat = "Grinding meat...",
    Packaging = "Packaging...", 

Config.Blip = { -- Main blip configuration
    -- https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/blips/
    Pos = vector3(-71.8795, 6266.969, 31.220),
    Use = true, 
    Sprite = 268,
    Scale = 0.9,
    Color = 5,
    Label = "[Butcher job] - Company", 

Config.Instructions = { 
    SetPedInvisable = true, -- [true/false] - If you want to set ped invisable during instructions set it to 'true' (Config.Instructions.SetPedInvisable = true)
    SetRentPedBlockingOtherEvents = true, -- [true/false] - If you want to set rent ped blocking other events, set it to 'true' (Config.Instructions.SetRentPedBlockingOtherEvents = true) 

    -- Link for ped models - https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/ped-models/
    Peds = {
        {Model = "s_m_y_factory_01", Pos = vector4(-69.5339, 6251.109, 30.090, 67.36)},
        {Model = "s_m_y_factory_01", Pos = vector4(-83.3295, 6240.623, 30.090, 219.09)},
        {Model = "s_m_y_factory_01", Pos = vector4(-104.515, 6197.471, 30.025, 349.06)},
        {Model = "s_m_y_factory_01", Pos = vector4(-67.4014, 6269.020, 30.313, 72.58)},


Config.ChangeClothes = {
    Use = true, -- [true/false] - If you want to use change clothes, set it to 'true' (Config.ChangeClothes.Use = true)
    CheckBeforeAnyInteraction = false,  -- [true/false] - If you want to check before any interaction, if player wearing job uniform set it to 'true' (Config.ChangeClothes.CheckBeforeAnyInteraction = true)

    -- This thing you should ajust to your server. Numbers for clothes you should find in your clothing shop!
    Male = { 
        ["tops"] = {item = 22, texture = 0},
        ["legs"] = {item = 36, texture = 0},
        ["arms"] = {item = 85, texture = 0},
        ["t-shirt"] = {item = 23, texture = 0},
        -- ... add more clothing items as needed

    Female = {
        ["tops"] = {item = 22, texture = 0},
        ["legs"] = {item = 36, texture = 0},
        ["arms"] = {item = 85, texture = 0},
        ["t-shirt"] = {item = 23, texture = 0},
        -- ... add more clothing items as needed

Config.CatchingChickens = { 
    Model = "a_m_m_farmer_01", -- https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/ped-models/
    Pos = vector4(2386.534, 5028.433, 46.016 -1, 317.7),
    PedInteractDistance = 1.0,

    TimeCheck = { 
        Use = true, -- [true/false] - If you want to use time check, set it to 'true'  
        CheckTime = 3, -- Every 3 sec script will check in game time. 
        OpeningTime = 6, -- 6:00 AM 
        ClosingTime = 20, -- 8:00 PM 
    -- Experience system - (⚠️chances for catching chicken you can change in client-customize.lua file (client/client-customize.lua))
    IncreaseExperience = {
        Min = 1, -- [Min] - Minimum experience to increase
        Max = 3  -- [Max] - Maximum experience to increase

    ExperienceChance = { 
        -- [Experience] = Chance in % 
        [0] = 20, -- 0 experience = 20% chance to catch chicken
        [10] = 25, -- 10 experience = 25% chance to catch chicken
        [20] = 30, 
        [30] = 35, 
        [40] = 40, 
        [50] = 50, 
        [60] = 60, 
        [70] = 70, 
        [80] = 80, 
        [90] = 90, 
        -- You can add more experience and chances here. e.g. [Experience] = Chance in % 

    -- Blip 
    Blip = {
        -- https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/blips/
        Use = true, 
        Sprite = 273,
        Scale = 0.9,
        Color = 5,
        Label = "[Butcher job] - Catching chicken",

    -- Chickens spawn coords 
    Loc = { 
        vector4(2371.622, 5054.904, 46.440, 238.02),
        vector4(2380.598, 5060.250, 46.444, 207.76),
        vector4(2384.747, 5055.103, 46.444, 172.27),
        vector4(2384.219, 5048.453, 46.422, 134.64),
        vector4(2379.462, 5049.521, 46.447, 353.94),
        vector4(2374.155, 5051.911, 46.445, 56.18),
        vector4(2375.212, 5056.521, 46.445, 266.63),
        vector4(2385.173, 5056.305, 46.444, 171.05),
        vector4(2379.042, 5053.210, 46.445, 159.61),
        vector4(2378.026, 5043.742, 46.402, 96.45),
        vector4(2369.989, 5049.423, 46.393, 298.47),
        vector4(2384.465, 5048.929, 46.425, 50.41),
        vector4(2385.624, 5058.794, 46.443, 66.32),
        vector4(2376.642, 5059.959, 46.444, 207.6),
        vector4(2381.644, 5045.542, 46.379, 58.02),
        vector4(2387.359, 5050.353, 46.495, 45.44),
        vector4(2385.027, 5060.254, 46.443, 84.41),

Config.JobVehicle = {
    Ped = {
        Model = "s_m_y_factory_01", -- https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/ped-models/
        Pos = vector4(-58.1390, 6270.676, 30.392, 302.45),
    Model = "speedo", 
    ReturnVehilclePos = vector3(-54.05, 6277.41, 31.36), -- return vehicle 

    SpawnPos = vector4(-51.4351, 6279.174, 30.970, 301.52), -- vehicle spawn position

    SetPedIntoVehicle = true, -- if true, ped will be set into vehicle after spawning. 
    FullFuel = true, -- if true, vehicle will be spawned with full fuel. 

    Deposit = {
        Use = true, -- [true/false] - If you want to use deposit system, set it to 'true'
        Account = "cash", -- ("cash", "bank")
        Amount = 100, -- amount of money to deposit

    SpawnPointCheck = { -- It will check spawn point. To prevent spawning vehicle on vehicle. 
        Use = true,
        Radius = 3.5 -- Default radius 3.5

Config.ChickenLine = {
    PuttingTime = 2.5, -- Time to put chicken on the line (in seconds) 
    SlideSpeed = 1.2, -- Speed of the chicken sliding on the line (default 1.2)

Config.ProcessingTable = {    

    IncreaseExperience = { 
        Min = 1, -- [Min] - Minimum experience to increase
        Max = 3 -- [Max] - Maximum experience to increase

    Duration = { -- Processing chicken time (in seconds)
        -- [Player's experience] = time (in seconds)
        [5] = 20,
        [15] = 17, 
        [25] = 15, 
        [35] = 12, 
        [45] = 10, 
        [55] = 8, 
        [65] = 6, 
        [80] = 5, 
        -- You can add more experience and time here. e.g. [Experience] = time (in seconds)

    Items = { 
        -- [ITEM_NAME] = AMOUNT or {MinAmount = MIN, MaxAmount = MAX}
        [Config.Items.ChickenGizzard] = 1,   
        [Config.Items.ChickenBreast] = 1,  
        [Config.Items.ChickenWing] = 2,  
        [Config.Items.ChickenThigh] = 1, 
        [Config.Items.ChickenDrumstick] = 2, 
        [Config.Items.ChickenBack] = 1, 
        [Config.Items.ChickenStockBones] = {MinAmount = 3, MaxAmount = 10}, 

Config.GrindingMeat = {
    GrindingTime = 15, -- Time to grind meat (in seconds) 

    GrinderMenu = {
        ["50"] = { -- 50 = 50 grams of gound meat 
            [Config.Items.ChickenLeg] = 4,
            [Config.Items.ChickenGizzard] = 1,
            [Config.Items.ChickenBreast] = 1,
            [Config.Items.ChickenWing] = 2,
            [Config.Items.ChickenThigh] = 1,
            [Config.Items.ChickenDrumstick] = 2,
            [Config.Items.ChickenStockBones] = 25,
            [Config.Items.ChickenBack] = 1,

        ["150"] = { -- 150 = 150 grams of gound meat
            [Config.Items.ChickenLeg] = 12,
            [Config.Items.ChickenGizzard] = 3,
            [Config.Items.ChickenBreast] = 3,
            [Config.Items.ChickenWing] = 6,
            [Config.Items.ChickenThigh] = 3,
            [Config.Items.ChickenDrumstick] = 6,
            [Config.Items.ChickenStockBones] = 75,
            [Config.Items.ChickenBack] = 3,

        ["500"] = { -- 500 = 500 grams of gound meat
            [Config.Items.ChickenLeg] = 40,
            [Config.Items.ChickenGizzard] = 10,
            [Config.Items.ChickenBreast] = 10,
            [Config.Items.ChickenWing] = 20,
            [Config.Items.ChickenThigh] = 10,
            [Config.Items.ChickenDrumstick] = 20,
            [Config.Items.ChickenStockBones] = 250,
            [Config.Items.ChickenBack] = 10,
        -- You can add more if you want. 

Config.InstantSell = { 
    Use = true, -- [true/false] - If you want to use instant sell system, set it to 'true' 

    Ped = {
        Model = "s_m_m_migrant_01", -- https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/ped-models/
        Pos = vector4(-155.499, 6139.765, 31.335, 319.86),

    Blip = { -- https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/blips/
        Use = true, -- [true/false] - If you want to use blip, set it to 'true'
        Sprite = 514,
        Color = 5,
        Scale = 0.9,
        Label = "[Butcher job] - Sell point",

    DynamicPrices = {
        Use = true, -- [true/false] - If you want to use dynamic prices, set it to 'true'
        PriceMinMultiplier = 0.7, -- Min price multiplier, 70% of original price
        PriceMaxMultiplier = 1.5, -- Max price multiplier, 150% of original price

    Account = "cash", -- ("cash", "bank")

    SellMenu = {
        {ItemName = Config.Items.GroundChicken, Price = 15},
        {ItemName = Config.Items.ChickenLeg, Price = 7},
        {ItemName = Config.Items.ChickenGizzard, Price = 30},
        {ItemName = Config.Items.ChickenBreast, Price = 20},
        {ItemName = Config.Items.ChickenWing, Price = 17},
        {ItemName = Config.Items.ChickenThigh, Price = 13},
        {ItemName = Config.Items.ChickenDrumstick, Price = 20},
        {ItemName = Config.Items.ChickenStockBones, Price = 3},
        {ItemName = Config.Items.ChickenBack, Price = 75},
        -- You can add more items here.

Config.Delivery = { 
    PedModels = {
        "s_m_m_migrant_01", -- https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/ped-models/

    Account = "cash", -- ("cash", "bank")

    WaitingTime = { -- Time to find order (in seconds)  
        Min = 30, -- [Min] - Minimum time to find order (delivery point) (in seconds)
        Max = 60, -- [Max] - Maximum time to find order (delivery point) (in seconds)

    Blip = {
        Use = true, -- [true/false] - If you want to use blip, set it to 'true'
        Sprite = 514,
        Color = 47,
        Scale = 1.0,
        Label = "[Butcher job] - Delivery point",

    DeliveryPoints = { -- Delivery points
        vector4(1734.031, 6409.151, 35.000, 132.51),
        vector4(1655.135, 4874.198, 42.069, 275.72),
        vector4(1963.889, 3739.070, 32.351, 238.64),
        vector4(916.3735, 3576.821, 33.561, 264.65),
        vector4(-1177.91, -892.363, 13.754, 318.38), -- BurgerShoot
        vector4(78.53101, 274.6932, 110.21, 160.22), -- Up-n-Atom
        vector4(412.7020, -1905.91, 25.504, 43.76),
        vector4(195.5339, -1764.04, 29.361, 86.36),
        vector4(6.011523, -1602.32, 29.294, 46.91),
        vector4(23.65342, -1349.79, 29.326, 222.24),
        vector4(45.90279, -999.194, 29.347, 333.86),
        vector4(-708.427, -917.119, 19.214, 174.23),
        vector4(-1654.28, -1037.47, 13.152, 51.19),
        vector4(-1529.19, -908.699, 10.169, 153.18),
        -- You can add more delivery points here.

    NumberOfItems = { -- Number of items per order 
        Min = 3, -- [Min] - Minimum number of items per order
        Max = 6, -- [Max] - Maximum number of items per order

    DynamicPrices = {
        Use = true, -- [true/false] - If you want to use dynamic prices, set it to 'true'
        PriceMinMultiplier = 0.8, -- Min price multiplier, 70% of original price
        PriceMaxMultiplier = 1.9, -- Max price multiplier, 150% of original price

    DistanceMultiplier = {
        Use = true, -- [true/false] - If you want to use distance multiplier, set it to 'true'
        PriceMultiplier = 0.1, -- Adittional earn for each meter - (distance between company and delivery point) default 0.1$ per meter

    PackagingTime = 10, -- Time to pack items (in seconds) 

    DeliveryItems = { -- Items that can be delivered
        {ItemName = Config.Items.GroundChicken, Price = 15, Amount = {Min = 5, Max = 20}},
        {ItemName = Config.Items.ChickenLeg, Price = 7, Amount = {Min = 4, Max = 22}},
        {ItemName = Config.Items.ChickenGizzard, Price = 30, Amount = {Min = 5, Max = 10}},
        {ItemName = Config.Items.ChickenBreast, Price = 20, Amount = {Min = 2, Max = 6}},
        {ItemName = Config.Items.ChickenWing, Price = 17, Amount = {Min = 5, Max = 12}},
        {ItemName = Config.Items.ChickenThigh, Price = 13, Amount = {Min = 2, Max = 8}},
        {ItemName = Config.Items.ChickenDrumstick, Price = 20, Amount = {Min = 2, Max = 10}},
        {ItemName = Config.Items.ChickenStockBones, Price = 3, Amount = {Min = 10, Max = 35}},
        {ItemName = Config.Items.ChickenBack, Price = 75, Amount = {Min = 3, Max = 7}},

Config.Notifications = {
    ["spawnpoint_check"] = "The vehicle spawnpoint is currently blocked!",
    ["paid_deposit"] = "You've paid " ..Config.JobVehicle.Deposit.Amount.. "$ as a vehicle deposit!",
    ["deposit_back"] = "You've received your deposit back: " ..Config.JobVehicle.Deposit.Amount.. "$",
    ["no_enough_money_deposit"] = "You don't have sufficient funds to pay the vehicle deposit of " ..Config.JobVehicle.Deposit.Amount.. "$",
    ["no_enough_money"] = "You don't have enough money - ",
    ["return_vehicle"] = "[E] Return the job vehicle",
    ["chicken_escaped"] = "The chicken has escaped from your grasp!",
    ["no_meat_in_box"] = "There are no plucked chickens in the box!",
    ["no_legs_in_box"] = "There are no chicken legs in the box!",
    ["catch_chicken"] = "You've successfully caught a chicken.",
    ["took_legs_box"] = "You've collected %s x chicken legs from the box", -- %s = amount
    ["took_meat_box"] = "You've collected %s x unplucked chickens from the box", -- %s = amount
    ["park_vehicle_add_chickens"] = "Added %s chickens to your cage.",
    ["veh_cage_full"] = "The cage is full.",
    ["increase_experience"] = "Experience increased by + ",
    ["you_dont_have_unplucked_chicken"] = "You don't have any unplucked chickens!",
    ["you_dont_have_butcher_knife"] = "You don't have a butcher knife!",
    ["you_dont_have_chicken"] = "You don't have any chickens!",
    ["you_dont_have_plucked_chicken"] = "You don't have any plucked chickens!",
    ["missing_following_items"] = "You're missing the following items: %s", -- %s = List of missing items
    ["script_restert_restore_clothes"] = "Your clothes have been restored due to the script restart.",
    ["go_catch_chickens"] = "Proceed to catch chickens.",
    ["you_must_wear_job_uniform"] = "You must wear job unioform!",
    ["you_already_have_butcher_knife"] = "You already have a butcher knife!",
    ["invalid_amount"] = "Invalid amount!",  
    ["sell_you_dont_have_item"] = "You don't have %sx %s for sell!",
    ["new_order"] = "You have a new order!",
    ["searching_for_order"] = "Searching for an order...",
    ["you_dont_have_order"] = "You don't have an order!",
    ["packed_order"] = "You've packed the order.",
    ["delivery_completed"] = "You've completed the delivery.",
    ["no_order_to_sell"] = "You don't have an order to sell!",
    ["sold_chicken_order"] = "You successfully sold chicken order for %s $.",
    ["sold_item"] = "You sold %sx %s for %s$",

Config.InstructionsText = {
    ["office"] = "The office houses a computer for tracking your experience level.",
    ["job_vehicle"] = "On this location you can take a job vehicle. You must pay a deposit of " ..Config.JobVehicle.Deposit.Amount.. "$.",
    ["catching_chickens"] = "Catching chickens is your second step. Approach them and press [E] to do so.",
    ["butcher_knife"] = "Find a butcher knife on the shelf, a crucial tool for your work.",
    ["kill_chickens"] = "With your butcher knife, your third task is to slaughter the captured chickens.",
    ["putting_chicken_on_the_line"] = "For the fourth task, place the slaughtered chickens on the conveyor, ready for plucking.",
    ["line_chicken_leg_box"] = "On the conveyor, there's a box storing chicken legs. Collect them during the fifth task.",
    ["line_meat_box"] = "At the end of the conveyor, the sixth task is to gather the plucked chickens from the meat box.",
    ["line_controls"] = "You can keep track of the plucked chickens, chicken legs, and the number of chickens on the conveyor.",
    ["table_processing"] = "Task seven is processing the plucked chickens at a specified table.",
    ["meat_grinder"] = "Finally, task eight involves using the meat grinder to process all parts of the chicken.",
    ["change_clothes"] = "Before beginning your tasks, remember to change into your job uniform to maintain hygiene.",
    ["instant_sell"] = "Sell chicken products here quickly",
    ["delivery_sell"] = "Delivery is another, more lucrative but time-consuming, way to sell your chicken products.", 
    ["sell_tips"] = "You can find more tips about selling products on the office laptop.",

Config.TargetLabels = { 
    ["change_clothes"] = "Change clothes",
    ["spawn_job_vehicle"] = "Take a vehicle keys",
    ["return_job_vehicle"] = "Back a vehicle keys", 
    ["catching_ped"] = "Start catching chickens", 
    ["stop_catching"] = "Stop catching chickens",
    ["office"] = "Laptop", 
    ["collect_butcher_knife"] = "Collect a butcher knife",
    ["open_line_controls"] = "Open line controls menu", 
    ["chicken_processing"] = "Chicken processing", 
    ["kill_chicken"] = "Kill chicken", 
    ["take_chicken"] = "Collect chicken", 
    ["pluck_chicken"] = "Pluck the chicken", 
    ["put_chicken_on_line"] = "Put chicken on line", 
    ["grind_the_meat"] = "Grind the meat",  
    ["meat_box"] = "Take out plucked chickens",
    ["legs_container"] = "Take out chicken legs",
    ["instructions_ped"] = "Click to open job instrictions",
    ["instant_sell"] = "Open sell menu", 
    ["packaging"] = "Packaging",
    ["delivery_ped"] = "Sell chicken order", 

Config.TargetIcons = {
    ["change_clothes"] = "fas fa-tshirt",
    ["job_vehicle"] = "fas fa-car",
    ["catching_ped"] = "fas fa-child",
    ["stop_catching"] = "fas fa-circle-xmark",
    ["cage"] = "fas fa-hand-pointer",
    ["office"] = "fas fa-computer",
    ["take"] = "fas fa-hand",
    ["circle"] = "fas fa-circle",
    ["butcher_machine"] = "fas fa-cogs",
    ["line"] = "fas fa-arrows-alt-h",
    ["meat_box"] = "fas fa-box-open",
    ["open_line_controls"] = "fas fa-cog",
    ["legs_container"] = "fas fa-drumstick-bite",
    ["instructions_ped"] = "fas fa-book-open",
    ["instant_sell"] = "fas fa-dollar-sign",
    ["packaging"] = "fas fa-box",
    ["delivery_ped"] = "fas fa-dollar-sign",

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