[ESX/QB] VMS_HUD | Highly Customizable Hud

:money_with_wings: BUY IT HERE: www.vames-store.com

Watch it here:

  • Compatible with ESX & QB-Core

  • Script supports pma-voice, for esx: esx_status and for qb-core default food and drink system on trigger which is used in default qb-hud

  • Customization Hud Menu per key and per command - it is possible to disable the access key to be available only on command or you can completely disable access to this menu

  • When changing the position of any element on the HUD, a grid is displayed to allow the player to adjust the icons more precisely.

  • Seatbelts - If you don’t have a script for seatbelts on your server, you can use the ones available in the script, in the config you can set the minimum speed at which the player must hit something for there to be a possibility of falling through the windshield, and you can set the percentage chance of automatic death

  • Hud Info - You can change the hud in the upper right corner in config to use icons or names from the translation.js file, you can change the icon to your server’s logo in png or gif format and change the name underneath or remove it completely. In the info hud, you can also use the config to remove the cash balance and bank if you don’t want it displayed.

  • Fuel - if you use a fuel system you can use the fuel display on the speedometer but if you don’t have a fuel system you can disable it with config and it will disappear completely from the player’s hud

  • Two speed units - KMH & MPH

  • Two types of speedometer - Linear & Circle in the customization menu of the hud the player can choose the type he likes and change the color, scale and position.

  • Two types of minimaps - Square & Circle, both maps scale their position depending on the user’s game resolution. You can choose the first one which the player will start when he/she joins the server for the first time (the map type is saved in the client’s cache, so when the player joins the server again the previous preset type of the map he/she chose will be loaded).

  • Changing the position of HUD icons - You can freely adjust the position of icons according to the type you choose, horizontal/vertical. This is how they will be displayed. You can also completely disable them using the HUD customization menu. Importantly, you can disable the ability to position icons in the center of the screen in the config, so that the player cannot set, for example, the health status in the center, using it as a crosshair to shooting.

  • Pulsating food and hydration icons when the player’s status is below 20% to inform them.

  • All available options in the Hud Customization Menu are saved locally with the user in the game cache, this means that rejoining will load the user’s previous hud settings and he won’t have to configure it every time he connects to the server.

  • Full support

Full view for configs on our script documentation:

Not in vehicle:


In vehicle:


Code is accessible Yes & No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) Lua ~380, JS ~1000
Requirements ESX / QB-Core
Support Yes

nice work bro

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thank you :smiley:

really cool, will you add vehicle damage icon and stress?

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Thank you, yes, the hud has just been published, like any of my paid scripts, I plan to update it and add new things, very possibly add stress and vehicle damage

thank you very much, congratulations again for the work

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pls add a Ammocounter :pray:

amazing work by the way :smiley:

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thank you, i will try to add it in the next update :hugs:

:computer: UPDATE 1.0.1

[/] Improved export - exports['vms_hud']:Display(boolean)
[/] Improved some status range bars
[+] Added Config.EnableDamageEffect - when a player takes damage a red gradient appears around the screen
[+] Added Config.EnablePlayerId
[+] Added Config.EnableStressStatus, you can enable it if you have stress status on your server
[+] Added Config.EnableBlackMoneyBalance, you can now set for players to see their dirty money
[+] Added Config.EnableCompanyBalance, for ESX_SOCIETY, you can set to have the bosses of companies can see the balance of company money in the info hud
• In order for esx_society to correctly send information to hud requires editing esx_society, a prepared version compatible with vms_hud has been added to the documentation.
[+] Added to the translation.js - player_id_icon, cash_icon, bank_icon, black_money_icon, company_money_icon for easely in case you want to change the icon

:computer: UPDATE 1.0.2

[/] Improved loading of saved minimap from player game cache
[+] Added Config.EnablePlayerJob & Config.EnablePlayerJobGrade - now you can add the players job to info hud
[+] Added Config.EnablePlayerGang & Config.EnablePlayerGangGrade - now you can add the players gang to info hud

amazing work as always from vames.

if you could add a ammo counter to the hud, it would be perfect :smiley:

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Thank you very much :smiling_face:
Yes, I know, I plan to make an ammo counter in the next update

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:computer: UPDATE 1.0.3

[/] Fixed the update of the info hud of the money when the new one is equal to 0
[+] Added compatibility with SaltyChat - (Config.SaltyChatRanges)
[+] Changed for PMA Voice from Config.VoiceRanges to Config.PMAVoiceRanges
[+] Added Config.SeatBeltVehiclesClasses - Classes of vehicles in which seat belts can be fastened
[+] Added Config.SeatBeltAntiRagdollVehicles - Vehicle classes that are not taken into account in case of a hard hit (the player will not fall out of them)
[/] A bug occurring with Company Balance has been fixed
[+] Added ammo counter to info hud: Config.EnableAmmoCounter & Config.EnableShowMaxAmmo
[+] Added to cutomization hud menu option No-Stack Status - so you can set icons anywhere on the screen and they won’t scale to a particular direction
[+] Added Config.EnableStressGenerator - Stress incraser if player ride without seat belts and above a certain speed in Config.StressGeneratorMinSpeed, how much stress will be added depends on the speed
Note: If you want to reduce the player’s stress and you don’t have a stress reducer on the server, you can use the server trigger TriggerClientEvent(‘vms_hud:removeStress’, source, COUNT) - COUNT you have to change to a number how much stress you want to come off the player, you can add this for example when the player sits on the bench or any other stress reducing activities

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:computer: UPDATE 1.0.4

[+] Added compatibility voice range with mumble-voip (Config.MumbleVoipRanges)
[+] Added Config.EnableStressReducer - in the config.client.lua file, there is a function that causes stress to be reduced when performing certain activities such as a leisurely walk
[+] Added Config.EnableStressShooting - in the config.client.lua file, there is a function that increases stress when a player fires a weapon without a silencer
[+] Added Config.UseCustomMinimap - use if you don’t want the option to change the minimap type in the customization menu and use the default minimap from gta 5
[+] Added Config.CustomStreetNames to ability to set custom street name
[+] Added Config.DebugStreetNames to the ability to debug a street string to be able to set a custom street name more easily
[+] Added Config.FirstSpeedometer to the ability to set the initial speedometer type for new players
[/] Fixed Config.FirstMinimap

:computer: UPDATE 1.0.5

[+] Added to the config.client.lua file the PlaySeatbeltSound function which starts playing the sound of buckling and unbuckling the seatbelt, if you want to use yours from InteractSound or another resource, you can change it there
[+] Added Config.EnableDrunkStatus - For ESX users, you can add for esx_status drunk status but for QB-Core users, the default is no drunk status in the player metadata
[+] Added Config.EnableToggleHud - allows you to add a key and command to display and hide the hud
[+] Added Config.UseVMSGym - For users of vms_gym and driving skill, when a car crash, the skill will drop with the value set in the config.lua on Config.RemoveDrivingSkill
[/] Improved reading of vehicle speed to stress status
[+] Added automatic loading of information to the info hud after restarting the script when you are on the server.

One of the greatest HUDs I’ve seen in a long time.
Please provide support for custom frameworks or opt an open-source version please :blush:

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Is it possible to add SaltyChat instead of pma-voice. I would love to use that script but i have saltychat instead of pma-voice

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Is there a Stress Hud and will it work with mf stress?

Hi, thank you very much, support currently is for esx and qb-core, there is an open source version available marked [OS] on our store :hugs:

Hi, yes we support Salty Chat

Unfortunately, I don’t know how MF-Stress works and I have never had the pleasure of using it but if there is an event sent during the stress status update, you can implement it into the hud