[ESX/QB] VMS_HUD | Highly Customizable Hud

How can I change the text under the logo on top right corner that says “vms* store”?

Yes you can change it in translation.js

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Thank you

Also how do I get black money to display it reads $0 even tho I have black money. I’m on qbcore

:computer: UPDATE 1.0.6

[/] Fixed sliding the status hud icons in vehicle to the right side of the map on the first connection
[/] Fixed bug with PlayerData.money when joining a server in QB-Core
[/] Probably got rid of a completely random bug with the map such as remaining large
[+] Two types of cruise control have been added - you have to hold down to drive at the set maximum speed, or just press and it automatically drives forward. (Config.CruiseControlPressAndRide)
[+] For cruise control, you can set the minimum and maximum speed at which to run it (Config.CruiseControlSpeed)
[+] For cruise control, you can set the classes of vehicles in which it can be used (Config.CruiseControlVehiclesClasses)
[+] Added a cruise control icon to the speedometer if you are using it
[+] Added to the customization menu option Icons:

  • Scale: 1.5 1.25 1.0 and 0.75,
  • Icons Range Direction: you can change the position of the status bar to the right,
  • Hide Informations: a useful option for streamers who want to hide information about their character such as job, money or gang.

[+] Added to the new ./config/config.js file options such as

  • Config.LogoOpacity: if you want to reduce the transparency of the logo along with the name, you can easily do it by changing the value there,
  • Config.InfoItemsAlign: id, job, money can be moved to the right side from the logo,
  • Config.InfoItemsTextAlign: you can change the alignment of the text from info hud,
  • Config.InfoItemsIconAlign: with this you can change the position of the icons from info hud to the right side

Will this work on a non qb or esx server?

no, not all features will work, in case of a framework other than ESX or QB-Core I recommend buying the open source version and make compatibility

:computer: UPDATE 1.0.7

  • Replaced minimap.gfx file with updated one, blips are loading correctly
  • Improved the display of stress after it has been reduced with the vms_hud:removeStress event in config.server.lua for qb-core

:computer: UPDATE 1.0.8

[/] Fixed an scaling issue with the map display range for cayo perico
[/] Fixed disappearance of default health bars from gta after closing ESC map

:computer: UPDATE 1.0.9

[+] Added Config.SeatBeltAlarm & Config.SeatBeltAlarmMinimumSpeed: This enables the use of the seatbelt warning sound and the setting of a minimum speed for detection.
[+] Added Config.UseStressEffects & Config.StressEffects: This makes it possible to add and configure stress effects at a certain range of values.
[+] Added Config.EnableGear: This allows the addition of a gear display on the speedometer
[+] Added Config.DisableSpeedometer: This allows the speedometer to be completely disabled along with its options for Cutomization Menu
[+] Added engine damage indicator on the speedometer (Config.GetVehicleDamage)
[/] Occasionally some users have experienced a problem with the minimap not loading, a patch has been introduced which should eliminate this problem completely
[/] Improved map hiding for Cinematic Mode
[/] Fixed falling out of the vehicle caused by unbuckling the seat belts at high speed
[/] Automatic cancellation of cruise control on the vehicle after leaving the vehicle or shuffing to another seat

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:computer: UPDATE 1.1.0

[+] Added world directions to the street label with the ability to use depending on whether you want it displayed from the direction of the vehicle or the player’s camera, and it is possible to disable it using the Config.DisableCompass option
[/] Fixed loading of minimap for Config.MinimapOnlyInVehicle = false
[/] Fixed Gear in Circle Speedometer for 4k resolution

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:computer: UPDATE 1.1.1

[+] Added export hasSeatbelt: exports["vms_hud"]:hasSeatbelt() - it returns true or false
[/] Fixed a bug that occurred when joining a server using the stress effect
[/] Reduced sensitivity to falling out by lack of seat belts caused by hard braking at high speed

I buy the script but my food and drink is not working on qb core can someone please help

I recommend contacting through dedicated communicators for support, you can find information on our website.

Someone know how to add nos/nitro display ?

:computer: UPDATE 1.1.2

[+] Added to Customization Hud Menu the ability to select display minimap - ALWAYS/NEVER/ONLY IN VEHICLE
[+] Added Config.EnableManageMinimapDisplay - if you want players to be able to manage the minimap display in the Customization Hud Menu you should set true otherwise false
[+] Added Config.SeatBeltMinimumImpactVal option to config.lua
[/] Changed Config.MinimapOnlyInVehicle option in config.lua to Config.MinimapDisplayType with option - “1” = always, “2” = never, “3” = only in vehicle
[/] Corrected W and E directions because they were in the wrong positions

:computer: UPDATE 1.1.3

[+] Added Config.EnableAbilityToggleBigMap: using a key (Config.ToggleBigMapKey) or a command (Config.ToggleBigMapCommand), you can toggle the minimap to “Big” size
[+] Added Config.BigMapOnlyInVehicle: You can set that the big minimap mode can be activated only in the vehicle
[/] Fixed a bug at minimap display 1 that caused icons not to move to the right from the minimap when joining the server
[/] Fixed a bug with the minimap displaying when you get into a vehicle during a hidden hud
[/] Fixed a bug related to Config.FirstSpeedometer not loading

:computer: UPDATE 1.1.4

[/] Fixed bug with no hud after closing pause menu ESC

when I open my map and close it the hud goes away can

my mini map is just flickering any way i can fix it?