[ESX, QB, ANY F.W]DRINK FROM LAKE - Get vomit from salt water, pour and pour out water from bottles


DRINK FROM LAKE - Get vomit from salt water, pour and pour out water from bottles.

I’m glad to present this realistic script to allow players drink from every water source is exist. Player can get vomit by drinking salt water from sea or ocean, pour water into empty botel, pour water out from bottle with realistic sounds and particles.


  • Drink water from your hands from any water source

  • Get vomit with realistic sfx and particles, lose your thirst and hunger if you drink salt water from sea or ocean

  • Filter salt water by filter, depending on filter durability. Lower durability - lower chance to filter salt. Configurable filter inventory name and filter chance

  • Pour water in bottle and drink from it, water type in bottle depends on where your poured it

  • Empty the bottle by pouring out water from it on ground with realistic sfx and water puddle

  • Add an custom drinking fountain props and allow players to drink from fountains.

  • Integrated with ESX and QBCore, you can integrate your own framework because of server side is open.

  • Integrate your notification system, salt, fresh water bonus, bottle object, inventory names easily with configuration file

os esc docss


:books: My other releases:

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 600
Requirements ESX or QBCore, PolyZone
Support Yes

Evening Sir,

I like the concept, but it feels ike it isn’t finished yet.
Why don’t you implement that people can filter there water from the river, pound or sea with diff. grades/ items or more time.

Why would i fill my bottle with sea water if i can get it from a store?
You can vommit, but that would be nicer if it came out from wrong filtering.

Not here to offend you, just my idea when watching your video.

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I think I’ll do it later. I was just thinking that people would still be looking for fresh water anyway to not pay for filter, since there is quite a lot of it on the map(frash sources).

So far, it’s just for newbies or some kind of felonys, like poisoning. Thanks for the idea, I thought about it but didn’t think about the bad filtering. I think I’ll make it so that if the filter has less durability, the chance of salt water is higher.



same opinion but still great idea

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I’ll make it today

Poisining people is a great idea, they then get sick or weak something like that.
Keeping an eye on this one, i like out of the box ideas.

Can implent it in my organ stealing script if it would be open source :slight_smile:

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Organ stealing script wow, it available open source.


Added filters to filter salt water, chance to filter depends on filter durability. Lower durability - lower chance.

FIlter inventory name and filter chance can be configured in config


Seems cool

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