[ESX] MSK Storage

Tebex [9.99€ incl. VAT] - 100% is encrypted
Tebex [19.99€ incl. VAT] - about 5% is encrypted

MSK Storage - Image Preview


  • Create as many Storages as you want
  • Create as many Locations as you want
  • Set label, price, weight, slots and image for every storage
  • Set a Pedmodel or a Marker
  • Set your own TextUI instead of the default HelpText
  • Set the time between payments (default: 7 days)
  • Set the minimum amount that remains on the Bankaccount of the Player if he can’t pay anymore
  • The Storage will be deactivated if the Player can’t pay until he can pay again (Items are still inside the storage)
  • Support for Chezza Inventory and ox_inventory
  • You can implement your own inventory if you want and know how to do that. (integrations folder)


Open Config
Config = {}
Config.Locale = 'en'
Config.Debug = false
Config.VersionChecker = true
-- !!! This function is clientside AND serverside !!!
Config.Notification = function(source, message, typ)
    if IsDuplicityVersion() then -- serverside
        MSK.Notification(source, 'MSK Storage', message, typ, 5000)
    else -- clientside
        MSK.Notification('MSK Storage', message, typ, 5000)
Config.Hotkey = 38 -- default: 38 = E // Change the Key in translation.lua too

Config.npcVoice = {
    enable = true, -- The NPC will say something to you
    inRange = 5.0,
    outRange = 5.0

Config.PayCron = 7 -- in days // After X days the amount will be removed from player
Config.MinBudget = 10000 -- Money that remains on the Bankaccount if Player can't pay

-- Configured Societies will get a percentage of the storage price
Config.Society = {
    enable = false, -- Set true to activate this Feature // esx_addonaccount will be needed

    societies = {
        -- Example: ['society_jobname'] = percent // 0.01 is 1% // 0.1 is 10% // 1.0 is 100%
        ['society_police'] = 0.2,
-- Set to 'chezza_v3', 'chezza_v4', 'ox_inventory' or 'custom'
-- If set to 'custom' then go to integration folder and add your inventory
Config.Inventory = 'chezza_v3'
Config.defaultTextUI = true -- Set false if you want to use a custom textui

Config.openTextUI = function(coloredText, uncoloredText)
    exports['okokTextUI']:Open(uncoloredText, 'darkblue', 'left')

Config.closeTextUI = function()
Config.Storages = {
    -- [id] must be a number, otherwise you'll break the script!

    [1] = {
        label = {'Warehouse', 'Tier 1'},
        price = 5000,
        weight = 1000,
        slots = 10, 
        image = 'storage_1.png'
    [2] = {
        label = {'Warehouse', 'Tier 2'},
        price = 15000,
        weight = 5000,
        slots = 15, 
        image = 'storage_2.png'
    [3] = {
        label = {'Warehouse', 'Tier 3'},
        price = 45000,
        weight = 10000,
        slots = 20, 
        image = 'storage_3.png'

Config.Locations = {
    -- Marker is only available if pedmodel.enable = false

    ['l1'] = {
        title = 'Warehouse',
        subtitle = 'Hafen',
        storages = {1, 2, 3},
        blip = {enable = true, label = 'Warehouse', id = 473, color = 2, scale = 0.8},
        pedmodel = {enable = true, model = 'csb_trafficwarden', distance = 20.0},
        marker = {enable = true, distance = 5.0, type = 27, size = {a = 1.0, b = 1.0, c = 1.0}, color = {a = 255, b = 255, c = 255}},
        locations = {
            vector4(141.82, -3097.87, 5.9, 4.26),
    ['l2'] = {
        title = 'Warehouse',
        subtitle = 'Harmony',
        storages = {1, 2},
        blip = {enable = true, label = 'Warehouse', id = 473, color = 2, scale = 0.8},
        pedmodel = {enable = true, model = 'csb_trafficwarden', distance = 20.0},
        marker = {enable = true, distance = 5.0, type = 27, size = {a = 1.0, b = 1.0, c = 1.0}, color = {a = 255, b = 255, c = 255}},
        locations = {
            vector4(585.81, 2782.25, 43.47, 0.0),


Open Integrations Serverside
registerStashes = function()
    if Config.Inventory == 'chezza_v3' or Config.Inventory == 'chezza_v4' then return end
    while not database do Wait(100) end

    if Config.Inventory == 'ox_inventory' then
        for identifier, storage in pairs(database) do
            local inventory = exports.ox_inventory:GetInventory(storage.uniqueId .. identifier, false)

            if not inventory then
                registerStash(identifier, storage)
    elseif Config.Inventory == 'custom' then
        -- Add your own inventory here

registerStash = function(identifier, storage)
    if Config.Inventory == 'ox_inventory' then
            storage.uniqueId .. identifier, 
            storage.storageData.label[1] .. ' ' .. storage.storageData.label[2], 
    elseif Config.Inventory == 'custom' then
        -- Add your own inventory here

upgradeStash = function(identifier, storage)
    if Config.Inventory == 'ox_inventory' then
        local id = storage.uniqueId .. identifier

        exports.ox_inventory:SetMaxWeight(id, storage.storageData.weight)
        exports.ox_inventory:SetSlotCount(id, storage.storageData.slots)
    elseif Config.Inventory == 'custom' then
        -- Add your own inventory here
Open Integrations Clientside
openInventoryIntegration = function(storage)
    if Config.Inventory == 'chezza_v3' then
        TriggerEvent('inventory:open', {
            type = "msk_storage",
            id = storage.uniqueId .. ESX.PlayerData.identifier,
            title = storage.storageData.label[1] .. ' ' .. storage.storageData.label[2], 
            weight = storage.storageData.weight,
            delay = 100,
            save = true
    elseif Config.Inventory == 'chezza_v4' then
        TriggerEvent('inventory:openInventory', {
            type = "msk_storage",
            id = storage.uniqueId .. ESX.PlayerData.identifier,
            title = storage.storageData.label[1] .. ' ' .. storage.storageData.label[2], 
            weight = storage.storageData.weight,
            delay = 100,
            save = true
    elseif Config.Inventory == 'ox_inventory' then
        exports.ox_inventory:openInventory('stash', storage.uniqueId .. ESX.PlayerData.identifier)
    elseif Config.Inventory == 'custom' then
        -- Add your own inventory here

closeInventoryIntegration = function()
    if Config.Inventory == 'chezza_v3' then
        -- The is no export for that
    elseif Config.Inventory == 'chezza_v4' then
    elseif Config.Inventory == 'ox_inventory' then
    elseif Config.Inventory == 'custom' then
        -- Add your own inventory here


Nice to know

You can implement your own inventory, see Integrations above.
But unfortunately we can’t give you support for other inventories.

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~550
Requirements See Requirements above
Support Yes

My other Scripts




Here is a similar FREE version.… you can easily add a UI to this script or change it to personal.

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this is three years old blud

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3 years old, no support, no UI, old code. I would prefer to pay €10 for support and a completely new script with a UI.

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good sales

Update v1.2.0

  • Bugfix for TextUIs
  • Added Configured Societies will get a percentage of the storage price