Developing new drugsystem for ESX (bbdDrugs)

We have been going for long and wanted to make a more realistic, smooth or sleek way to craft drugs. Now we do finally have a version 1.0 of a new way to craft drugs.

Functions now:

  • Able to harvest poppy resin, cannabis, coca leaf, hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide & sulfuric acid.
  • Able to craft several drugs such as heroin, marijuana, coke, meth & LSD.
  • Able to sell the drugs.
  • Able to produce a self-chosen amount.
  • Checks if you have the capacity for the amount you are trying to produce.



  • Make selling more realistic.


Like what I am doing? See also:

Best regards,


when are you releasing this?

niceā€¦ add animation also

Right now there are some messy bugs and it needs improvements like the ability to cancel the crafting midways.

Yeah, I am planning on adding animations, firstly I will fix some of the bugs and then add animations.

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I use mythic progbar ā€¦ bellow code ā€¦ its allow to cancel events ā€¦ see if it help


name = ā€œunique_action_nameā€,
duration = 1000,
label = ā€˜Doing Somethingā€™,
useWhileDead = true,
canCancel = true,
controlDisables = {
disableMovement = true,
disableCarMovement = true,
disableMouse = false,
disableCombat = true,
animation = {
animDict = ā€œmissheistdockssetup1clipboard@baseā€,
anim = ā€œbaseā€,
flags = 49,
prop = {
model = ā€œp_amb_clipboard_01ā€,
bone = 18905,
coords = { x = 0.10, y = 0.02, z = 0.08 },
rotation = { x = -80.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0 },
propTwo = {
model = ā€œprop_pencil_01ā€,
bone = 58866,
coords = { x = 0.12, y = 0.0, z = 0.001 },
rotation = { x = -150.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0 },
}, function(cancelled)
if not cancelled then
ā€“ Do Something If Action Wasnā€™t Cancelled
ā€“ Do Something If Action Was Cancelled

Hey @SuryaRajgor,

I am trying to remake all of the fundamental script to ESX, such as optimizing police, ems, lawyer, casino, mafia, biker, garages (airport, vehicles & boats), all in one menu and everything.

I do this because many scripts are very badly coded, lots of loops and things you can do differently and obtain better performance.

So I am doing all this from the bottom. Making all scripts and merging them so it works way more smooth.

Kinda like trewhud have done. He made a new HUD which is very good. It has a HUD, blinking, speed, speaking/voice and everything in one. Very good work.

I am trying to do that with all the basic things in ESX. It will take a while but it is getting there.

  • Thanks for the support man! :smiley:
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Due to FiveM keeps making my posts invisible I will stop posting my showcases, materials and news on FiveM forums, sorry. I will not say where I am to find other places on the internet because I simply donā€™t know what you can post and what not.

I am being targeted by FiveM as I want to only show my things and then let you guys hang, but now I have been so demotivated that I will just stop. I do not want to spend multiple hours on argumenting about what I want to post and justify why I post it.

Here is the link to our discussion which is also hidden from the public.

Best regards,

I am out and hereby inactive from now on.

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Where we can download your scripts. i can not find download link on your posts?

bummpp :frowning: there is still no script download!~

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