Developing new casino job for ESX (bbdCasino)

We wanted to make a more interesting way to wash black money, so we made our own job called casino.

Functions now:

  • Able to wash black money into clean, advantage as a casino employee to ensure better RP.
  • Boss menu for the casino boss.
  • Private bank for the casino, where everyone can deposit, but only boss can withdraw.
  • Private garage for the casino.
  • Buy & sell casino chips.



  • Add Slot Thieves.
  • Add Black Jack.
  • Fees for clients buying casino chips.


Like what I am doing? See also:

Best regards,

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Due to FiveM keeps making my posts invisible I will stop posting my showcases, materials and news on FiveM forums, sorry. I will not say where I am to find other places on the internet because I simply don’t know what you can post and what not.

I am being targeted by FiveM as I want to only show my things and then let you guys hang, but now I have been so demotivated that I will just stop. I do not want to spend multiple hours on argumenting about what I want to post and justify why I post it.

Here is the link to our discussion which is also hidden from the public.

Best regards,

I am out and hereby inactive.

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