This scripts allows players to sit to the nearest seat of the vehicle player is trying to enter and some more features…
Its a pretty basic script that i created when i was working on my own Framework…

This Post was removed earlier because the code was too simple and small so I’ve added some more features + easier config

Preview (Youtube)

  • Simple Config
  • Allows Players to enter the nearest seat of the vehicle player is trying to enter
  • Does not turn of the engine after player has left the vehicle…
  • RESMON 0.00 - 0.0.1 MS

Link of the resource

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You should be using fxmanifest.lua instead of __resource.lua as the latter is deprecated.
Nice simple release though :slight_smile:

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is this working with chairs i intend mlo chairs

nice little release

I’ve updated it to fxmanifest…Thanks!

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No, this is not meant for chairs only for vehicles…

and also use PlayerPedId() instead of GetPlayerPed(-1).

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Updated… Thanks!

For even better performance, you can get the ped after the button has been pressed.

very cool!

doesnt seem to work for me though :frowning:

Thanks… I’ve updated the file

and btw its not works like seatshuffle, because if there is no driver, it will forcing us to be driver

This resource is not meant to stop shuffling…


  • Updated fxmanifest.lua
  • Minor Optimizations…

how long do we have to wait until it comes out for ESX? i’m really excited

wrong post?

Why i am waiting for esx version

When is inventory coming for ESX
We’ve been waiting a long time

Inventory will be soon available

Hello put the script, but the character still sits in the same way as before, if sit on another seat is transplanted, There are no errors, everything runs smoothly.