Wildlife Hunting & Dynamic Market

Wildlife Hunting & Dynamic Market


The Wildlife Hunting & Dynamic Market Fivem Resource immerses players in the wilds of Los Santos, where they can hunt the diverse wildlife for their valuable meat and pelts.

These animal products can then be sold using the dynamic in-game market, or players can hold on to them until the market is in their favor for even more profit, providing additional roleplay opportunities for those who wish to immerse themselves in the virtual economy.

Preview Video

If this resource sounds interesting, or you’d like to see an example of how it works :arrow_forward: feel free to watch the preview video.

The preview video shows the flow the resource, as well as the dynamic market.

Purchase Options

This resource is available for purchase as both a cheap, encrypted version using CFX Escrow, or a higher priced open source version

:shopping_cart: Wildlife Hunting & Dynamic Market (CFX ASSET ESCROW)

:shopping_cart: Wildlife Hunting & Dynamic Market (OPEN SOURCE)


  • Immersive Island-Wide Hunting: Players can experience immersive hunting anywhere on the island, collecting meats and pelts from a large diverse list of the locally spawning wildlife.

  • Skill Progression: Developers can implement their servers leveling system to allow players to level up their hunting skills to increase the chances of obtaining high-quality pelts from their kills.

  • Safety Feature: Developers can enable a ‘safety’ mode for a specified hunting weapon, which will disable its ability to shoot and deal damage unless it’s aimed at an animal, allowing players to get access to a weapon without having to worry about them using them against players.

  • Dynamic In-Game Economy: A responsive market system ensures that as animal products are sold, their value decreases to prevent repetitive grinding, encouraging player to diverse their hunting plans.

  • Performance Optimization: This resource operates efficiently, running only when needed, and isn’t excessively performance intensive.

Note: This resource does not spawn any peds, players hunt the local animal peds that are spawned naturally by the game, if none are spawning you may have a resource or custom map blocking them from spawning.


The resource has been built from the ground up to be easily customizable, both the escrow and non-escrow versions. This customizability includes all framework-dependent features, notifications, locations, negative/positive market effects, and more.
This resource also utilizes a built-in version of DCLS, a dynamic client localization system that allows for better player accessibility.

Click on the images to view their full size


This resource is completely standalone and is not hardcoded for a specific framework.

  • The resource is standalone, but has been preconfigured for both ESX and QBCore.
    • ESX servers will need ox_target & ox_lib installed.
    • QBCore servers will need qb-menu & progressbar installed.
    • The functions these resources are used in are accessible in the config, should you wish to change them to different resources.
  • An inventory resource will also be required to handle giving the items to the player once collected.
  • It’s recommended to use the latest recommended server artifact to ensure FiveM runs correctly.

If you have any questions I’d be happy to answer them below.

My Other Work

Code is accessible Yes - No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1,000+
Requirements ESX (default): ox_target, ox_lib - QBCore (default): qb-menu, progressbar - As well as any inventory resource
Support Yes

the players can use the wepaons against other players ?

There is an optional config option that you can enable to make a weapon unable to be used against anything other then huntable animals.

looks good. does the resource create the animals itself or does it use the ones that the server spawned? if the latter, then they are generated very quickly. If a player knocks down animals with transport, will he be able to get items from them?

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looks good. does the resource create the animals itself or does it use the ones that the server spawned?

The resource doesn’t spawn any peds, players hunt the naturally spawning peds that are created by the game automatically.

If a player knocks down animals with transport, will he be able to get items from them?

The resource has a specific check to make sure the animal hasn’t been killed by getting rammed or run over by a vehicle, if it has it won’t reward the player with any items and will inform them that “The animal is far too damaged to get any sellable products”.

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hello its compatibel for de quasar (qs-inventory) please ?

It doesn’t include out of the box support for qs-inventory, but the server config is setup to allow you to easily add compatibility. I’ve included a snippet of the functions that are defined in the server config so you can see how it’s setup by default.

Server config snippet
-- Function to get the count of an item in a player's inventory (server side)
Config.GetItemCount = function(source, item)
    -- For ESX
    if ESX then
        local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
        if not xPlayer then return 0 end

        local item = xPlayer.getInventoryItem(item)
        return item and item.count or 0

    -- For QBCore
    elseif QBCore then
        local Player = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(source)
        if not Player then return 0 end

        local item = Player.Functions.GetItemByName(item)
        return item and item.amount or 0

    -- For custom framework
        return 0

-- Function to remove an item from a player's inventory
Config.RemoveItem = function(source, item, amount)
    if not amount or amount <= 0 then return end

    -- For ESX
    if ESX then
        local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
        if not xPlayer then return false end

        xPlayer.removeInventoryItem(item, amount)
        return true

    -- For QBCore
    elseif QBCore then
        local Player = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(source)
        if not Player then return false end
        Player.Functions.RemoveItem(item, amount)
        return true

    -- For custom framework
        return true

-- Function to check if the player can carry an item
Config.CanCarryItem = function(source, item, amount)
    if not amount or amount <= 0 then return false end

    -- For ESX
    if ESX then
        local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
        if not xPlayer then return false end

        return xPlayer.canCarryItem(item, amount)

    -- For QBCore
    elseif QBCore then
        return true -- QBCore auto checks this in the add item function

    -- For custom framework
        return true

-- Function to give an item to a player
Config.AddItem = function(source, item, amount)
    if not amount or amount <= 0 then return end

    -- For ESX
    if ESX then
        local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
        if not xPlayer then return false end

        xPlayer.addInventoryItem(item, amount)
        return true

    -- For QBCore
    elseif QBCore then
        local Player = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(source)
        if not Player then return false end

        Player.Functions.AddItem(item, amount)
        return true

    -- For custom framework
        return true

my resource spawn the animals if you want contact me

which items should be added to inventory ? i cant find something in the readme

In the _INVENTORY_ITEMS_ folder there are files for ox_inventory, QB, and SQL statements for the inventory items.