GTA Online Pacific Standard Job

GTA Online Pacific Standard Job


The GTA Online Pacific Standard Job is a multi-stage heist job that allows players to work together to bring down the flagship branch of one of the biggest banks in the country.


The heist job follows the same flow as the GTA Online version, including:

  • Three Setup Missions:
    • Frequency Transponder
      Find and steal a frequency transponder, then reprogram it to the correct frequency.
    • Hacking Equipment
      Steal a rival heist crew’s hacking equipment.
    • Thermal Charges
      Hijack a truck from a Merryweather convoy and steal Thermal Charges from the containers in the back.
  • The Pacific Standard Heist
    • Four players take up the roles of Hacker, Demolitions, Crowd Control, and Negotiator as they storm and overwhelm bank security and go for the vault.

Preview Video

If this resource sounds interesting, or you’d like to see snippets of it in-game :arrow_forward: feel free to watch the preview video.

The preview video shows snippets of the setup missions and the flow of the Pacific Standard heist.

Purchase Options

This resource is available for purchase as both a cheaper, encrypted version using CFX Escrow or a higher priced open source version

:shopping_cart: GTA Online Pacific Standard Job (CFX ASSET ESCROW)

:shopping_cart: GTA Online Pacific Standard Job (OPEN SOURCE)


The resource has been built from the ground up to be easily customizable, both the escrow and non-escrow versions. This customizability includes the entirety of the setup missions and heist, as well as other visual effects, player notifications, and framework-dependent features.
This resource also utilizes a built-in version of DCLS, a dynamic client localization system that allows for better player accessibility.

Click on the images to view their full size


The resource is very performance friendly. The internal mission loops only run as frequently as is required for a responsive system or as needed by specific per-frame features.

Action Performance Impact
During normal gameplay 0.00ms
During a mission (UI disabled) 0.00ms
During a mission (UI enabled) <= 0.07ms

Options are available in the config file to disable UI elements if performance is a concern.


This resource is completely standalone and does not require any specific framework.

  • Although not a requirement, it is highly recommended to have a database resource to save user progress (The resource was designed and tested with oxmysql), allowing player’s progress to save over restarts.
    The system will still work as normal if one is not available, but progress won’t be saved if the player disconnects.
  • It’s recommended to use the latest recommended server artifact to ensure FiveM runs correctly.

If you have any questions, I’m happy to answer them below.

My Other Work

Code is accessible Yes - No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 4,300+
Requirements None (A database resource - such as oxmysql - is highly recommended)
Support Yes

This is awesome! i would love to see a GTA Online Missions script.

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I’ll be bringing out some more new GTA Online style scripts soon :grinning:

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i can’t wait!

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Does the police will get a notification with a marker on the map that they are doing this mission?

By default no, because it’s standalone it calls a function that the server maintainers can edit to do whatever they would like to alert the police.