GTA Online Assassination Missions

GTA Online Assassination Missions


This GTA Online Assassination Missions resource is an easy-to-use modular system, allowing you to easily add GTA Online-style payphone hit missions to your server for players to enjoy.

The system allows players to walk up to payphones around the map and answer them, giving them assassination missions to complete. These missions task players with assassinating targets all around the map. Seven missions are available, but it is also setup in a modular way, making adding your own incredibly easy.

Preview Video

If this resource sounds interesting, or you’d like to see an example of how it works :arrow_forward: feel free to watch the preview video.

The preview video shows the entire flow of one of the included missions.

Purchase Options

This resource is available for purchase as both a cheap, encrypted version using CFX Escrow, or a higher priced open source version

:shopping_cart: GTA Online Style Assassination Missions (CFX ASSET ESCROW)

:shopping_cart: GTA Online Style Assassination Missions (OPEN SOURCE)


The resource has been built from the ground up to be easily customizable, both the escrow and non-escrow version.
Everything from maximum mission length, cooldowns, payphone locations, available missions, and all the alerts, notifications, and scaleforms shown to the player can be fully customized.
This resource also utilizes a built-in version of DCLS, a dynamic client localization system that allows for better player accessibility.
Click on the images to view their full size


This resource is completely standalone and does not require any specific framework.

If you have any questions I’d be happy to answer them below.

My Other Work

Code is accessible Yes - No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1,500+
Requirements Game Build >= 2545 (The Contract)
Support Yes

Looks cool, gj! :blush:

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Really good job,
I have been looking for the networked scene for a long time for the phone, would you be able to share the animation with us?

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Sure thing :smile:
The animation directory is ANIM@SCRIPTED@PAYPHONE_HITS@MALE@
And the animation names are:

    • The pickup phone animation for players, ignore the _MALE bit, it works for any human ped model.
    • The camera animation, use PlaySynchronizedCamAnim to play it on a DEFAULT_ANIMATED_CAMERA.
    • The animation for the phone box, only works for the sf_prop_sf_phonebox_01b_s model, use PlayEntityAnim to play the animation.

PAV can be replaced by, PUF, PTD, PGG, PMV, PCN, PHL, PTJ, or PCA.

These all need to be done in synchronized scene to have them play together.
Hope that helps :grinning:


Thank you so much Asaayu

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Top tier work!

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